Space Weather Research, Education and Development Initiative
Space Weather Research, Education and Development Initiative

SW REDI Bootcamp 2016 Tutorials

(June 7-17, 2016)

Bootcamp webpage | Bootcamp agenda | TRACK A Tutorials for Week 2 | TRACK B Tutorials for Week 2

Week One

Tuesday 6/7/2016
     •   Welcome and Introduction (Masha Kuznetsova) PDF | PPT
     •   Introduction to Space Weather I and II (Antti Pulkkinen) PDF | PPT
     ▻  Space weather tag-up: example iSWA forecaster layouts
     •   Sun and its Activity (Aleksandre Taktakishvilli) PDF | PPT
     •   Flares, CMEs and their impacts (Aleksandre Taktakishvilli) PDF | PPT
     •   Solar Energetic Particles (SEPs) and their impacts (Barbara Thompson) PDF | PPT
     •   Quick start of iSWA (Yari Collado-Vega) PDF | PPT
          ▻  iSWA
Wednesday 6/8
     •   Coronal Signatures of Flares and CMEs (Karin Muglach)
          ▻  Movie1 (mpg)
          ▻  Movie2 (mpg)
          ▻  Movie3 (mpg)
          ▻  Some examples of lower coronal signature events (Video)
     •   Coronal holes and High Speed Streams (Karin Muglach)
     •   Space Weather in Earth's Magnetosphere I-III (Yari Collado-Vega) PDF | PPT
     •   Examples of iSWA layouts for different applications (Yihua Zheng) PDF | PPT
Thursday 6/9
     •   Space Weather in the Ionosphere-Thermosphere (Overview & Sat. drag) (Chigo Ngwira) PDF | PPT
     •   Realtime modeling of CMEs using the WSA+Enlil+Cone model (Aleksandre Taktakishvili) PDF | PPT
     •   Space Weather impacts on satellites I-II (Yihua Zheng) PDF | PPT
     •   Space Weather Scoreboards (Karin Muglach, Chiu Wiegand) [PDF]
          ▻  CME Arrival Time Scoreboard, list of CME models
          ▻  Flare Scoreboard
          ▻  SEP Scoreboard planning page
Friday 6/10
     •   Introduction to the DONKI space weather database (Yari Collado-Vega) [PDF]
     •   Space Weather Decision Dashboard
(Antti Pulkkinen)
Link to SWRC Dashboard
     •  Space Weather Models running in real-time or forecasting mode (Yihua Zheng) PDF | PPT
     •  Part 1: CME Analysis with StereoCAT for Space Weather (Barbara Thompson) [PDF | PPT]
          ▻   Also see Part 2: Limitations
          ▻   Link to StereoCAT
          ▻   Handout for CME analysis with StereoCAT; Summary of homework assignments
          ▻   Example Coronal Mass Ejection Analysis Process (video, Antti Pulkkinen)
          ▻   StereoCAT for CME parameter derivation (video, Antti Pulkkinen)
          ▻   Explanation of StereoCAT triangulation (video, Antti Pulkkinen)
     •   CME measurement hands on workshop (Barbara Thompson)

Week Two

Track A: Intensive Space Weather Forecaster Training

Building 21, Room 183

(Click here to see the materials for Track B: (Research Topic Discussions/How To Use CCMC Tools for Research))

Monday 6/13
     •  FastTrack Interface for Running WSA-ENLIL+Cone Simulations (Anna Chulaki) PDF | PPT
          ▻   FastTrack run submission handout
     •  Part 2: CME Analysis with StereoCAT for Space Weather: Limitations (Leila Mays) PDF | PPT
     •  CME measurement hands on workshop (Leila Mays)
Tuesday 6/14
     •   CME measurement with SWPC_CAT workshop I (Leila Mays and Sandro Taktakishvili)
          ▻   SWPC CAT Analysis Procedure handout
          ▻   SWPC_CAT manual
          ▻   Solarsoft installation guide (for those who have access to IDL)
          ▻   Reference to cone projection method
     •   CME measurement with SWPC_CAT workshop II (Leila Mays and Yihua Zheng)
     •   Ensemble CME measurement workshop (Leila Mays and Karin Muglach)
     •   CMEs and SEPs (Nat Gopalswamy) PDF | PPT
           Nat's lecture is based on the following papers:
          ▻   History and development of CMEs as a key player in solar terrestrial relationship
          ▻   Coronal Mass Ejections: a Summary of Recent Results
Wednesday 6/15
     •   CME measurement workshop (Leila Mays and Yihua Zheng)
Thursday 6/16
     •   Space Weather forecasting with DONKI (M. Leila Mays, Chiu Wiegand)
          ▻   Link to DONKI
     •   Forecasting Checklist and Logs (DONKI) (M. Leila Mays, Chiu Wiegand)
          ▻  Link to SWRC Dashboard
     •   Notification assignments (see below)
Friday 6/17
     •   Notification assignments (see below)

SW REDI Daily Assisgnments for 2016

Useful links

Movie instructions and help:
Start with and pick a movie pair, e.g.
with url

To get other image pairs go to
To generate a working url, take everything after the question mark and replace it with everything after the question mark of the cdaw link above.

Or you can directly edit the cdaw link using the following instument codes in img1 and img2

another source for browse movies is
All instrument codes possible can be found in the filenames on this page: