Last Updated: 03/19/2025


The CCMC organizes and supports educational activities, such as Heliophysics and space weather summer schools and bootcamps, student internships, contests, research visits and exchanges.

We create and maintain an array of web-based tools and systems for space weather simulations, analysis, monitoring and experimental research forecasting, interactive visualization software, and produce and co-produce educational modules, tutorials and other training materials.


CCMC Services and Tools

CCMC Simulation and Visualization Services

CCMC Tools and Systems in support of forecasting

Other Tools/Services from the community

Educational modules and tutorials

Illustrating space science using CCMC runs

(Educational materials created by G.Siscoe on the basis of CCMC runs)

Space Weather Educational Videos

Student Produced Videos

Dartmouth College - Plasma As Sketch Art Project (PASA)