Last Updated: 06/24/2024


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The Space Weather Database Of Notifications, Knowledge, Information (DONKI) is a comprehensive on-line tool for space weather forecasters, scientists, and the general space science community.

DONKI provides:

  • Chronicles the daily interpretations of space weather observations, analysis, models output, and notifications provided primarily by the Moon-to-Mars (M2M) Space Weather Analysis Office.
  • Comprehensive knowledge-base search functionality to support anomaly resolution and space science research.
  • Intelligent linkages, relationships, cause-and-effects between space weather activities.
  • Comprehensive webservice API access to information stored in DONKI

DONKI Goals:

  • One-stop on-line tool for space weather researchers and forecasters.
  • Gathers and organizes space weather scientists interpretations and daily activities with correlations and direct links between relevant space weather observations.
  • Enables remote participation by students, world-wide partners, model and forecasting technique developers.

Using DONKI:

Catalogs in DONKI

M2M_CATALOG (previously known as the SWRC_CATALOG): This is the primary catalog in DONKI. All entries capture under this catalog starting June 2020 to present are events analyzed and captured by the Moon-to-Mars (M2M) Space Weather Analysis Office at GSFC. Prior to June 2020, they are analyzed and captured by the SWRC team as part of the CCMC Team.

Events under this catalog include Solar Flare (FLR), Solar Energetic Particle (SEP), Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) plus its analysis information, Interplanetary Shock (IPS), Magnetopause Crossing (MPC), Geomagnetic Storm (GST), Radiation Belt Enhancement (RBE), and Hight Speed Stream (HSS). It also includes all WSA-ENLIL+Cone Model results that the M2M team executes in near real-time as well as all notifications and reports generated by the M2M team.

WINSLOW_MESSENGER_ICME_CATALOG: The interplanetary coronal mass ejection (ICME) catalog lists all 61 ICMEs observed by the MESSENGER Magnetometer (MAG) starting on 23 March 2011 and extending through 17 September 2014 that met the strict identification criteria described in the paper, This catalog in DONKI consists of the arrival information or Interplanetary Shock (IPS) at MESSENGER for the list of ICMEs included in the paper.

SWPC_ANNEX_CME_CATALOG: This CME catalog contains 38 operationally measured CMEs by SWPC (2012-2014, 2017-2019) that were used in a CCMC-SWPC validation study of CME arrival time. All 38 events are available to view from CCMC's public DONKI database via an API in text or JSON format (if you are prompted for a password, please click the link again and it will bypass the login screen).

SEPVAL_CME_CATALOG: This Flare and CME catalog contains CME inputs use as part of the SEPVAL challenges. These CME parameters have been double checked by the M2M SWAO and updated if needed to ensure quality across.


The real-time space weather information and simulations stored in DONKI should be considered only as prototyping quality and in research context.

Publication Policy

For tracking purposes for our government sponsors, we ask that you notify the CCMC whenever you use any CCMC tools/software systems in any scientific publications and/or presentations. Follow the steps on the publication submission page

See our full publication policy for a sample 'acknowledgement statement' to be included in your publication.

DONKI webservice calls/API

Coronal Mass Ejection (CME)

startDate: default to 30 days prior to current UTC date

endDate: default to current UTC date

return JSON object:

activityID, startTime, sourceLocation, activeRegionNum, instruments, cmeAnalyses, linkedEvents[(list of) activityID], note, catalog


Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) Analysis

JSON example:

startDate: default 30 days prior to current UTC time

endDate: default to current UTC time

mostAccurateOnly: default is set to true

completeEntryOnly: default is set to true

speed (lower limit): default is set to 0

halfAngle (lower limit): default is set to 0

catalog: default is set to ALL (choices: ALL, M2M_CATALOG, SWPC_ANNEX_CME_CATALOG, SEPVAL_CME_CATALOG)

keyword: default is set to NONE (example choices: swpc_annex, sepval2023)

feature: default is set to ALL (choices: ALL, SH, LE, TE, RHB, LHB, BW, COR, DIS)

JSON object returned: [{"time21_5":"2016-09-06T14:18Z","latitude":-20.0,"longitude":120.0,"halfAngle":31.0,"speed":674.0,"type":"C","isMostAccurate":true,"associatedCMEID":"2016-09-06T08:54:00-CME-001","note":"","catalog":"M2M_CATALOG"},{"time21_5":"2016-09-15T04:24Z","latitude":-18.0,"longitude":-122.0,"halfAngle":43.0,"speed":722.0,"type":"C","isMostAccurate":true,"associatedCMEID":"2016-09-14T23:36:00-CME-001","note":"Measured with swpc_cat using C3 and STA Cor2 imagery.","catalog":"M2M_CATALOG"}]

TEXT example:

startDate: default 30 days prior to current UTC time

endDate: default to current UTC time

mostAccurateOnly: default is set to true

completeEntryOnly: default is set to true

speed (lower limit): default is set to 0

halfAngle (lower limit): default is set to 0

catalog: default is set to ALL (choices: ALL, M2M_CATALOG, SWPC_ANNEX_CME_CATALOG, SEPVAL_CME_CATALOG)

keyword: default is set to NONE (example choices: swpc_annex, sepval2023)

feature: default is set to ALL (choices: ALL, SH, LE, TE, RHB, LHB, BW, COR, DIS)

TEXT output:

2024-04-16T07:43 lat=-37 lon=-107 rad=13 vel=837 #2024-04-16T03:24:00-CME-001 M2M_CATALOG true LE
2024-04-16T12:33 lat=35 lon=-95 rad=35 vel=867 #2024-04-16T07:48:00-CME-001 M2M_CATALOG true LE
2024-04-16T19:04 lat=54 lon=NONE rad=12 vel=509 #2024-04-16T12:00:00-CME-001 M2M_CATALOG true LE

Geomagnetic Storm (GST)

startDate: default to 30 days prior to current UTC date

endDate: default to current UTC date

return JSON object: gstID, startTime, allKpIndex[(list of) observedTime, KpIndex, source], linkedEvents[(list of) activityID]


Interplanetary Shock (IPS)

startDate: default to 30 days prior to current UTC date

endDate: default to current UTC date

location: default to ALL (choices: Earth, Mars, MESSENGER, STEREO A, STEREO B)

catalog: default to ALL (choices: M2M_CATALOG, WINSLOW_MESSENGER_ICME_CATALOG)

return JSON object: catalog, activityID, location, eventTime, instruments[(list of) displayName]


Solar Flare (FLR)

startDate: default to 30 days prior to current UTC date

endDate: default to current UTC date

return JSON object: flrID, instruments[(list of) displayName], begineTime, peakTime, endTime, classType, sourceLocation, activeRegionNum, linkedEvents[(list of) activityID]


Solar Energetic Particle (SEP)

startDate: default to 30 days prior to current UTC date

endDate: default to current UTC date

return JSON object: sepID, eventTime, instruments[(list of) displayName], linkedEvents[(list of) activityID]


Magnetopause Crossing (MPC)
startDate: default to 30 days prior to current UTC date

endDate: default to current UTC date

return JSON object: mpcID, eventTime, instruments[(list of) displayName], linkedEvents[(list of) activityID]


Radiation Belt Enhancement (RBE)
startDate: default to 30 days prior to current UTC date

endDate: default to current UTC date

return JSON object: rbeID, eventTime, instruments[(list of) displayName], linkedEvents[(list of) activityID]


High Speed Stream (HSS)
startDate: default to 30 days prior to current UTC date

endDate: default to current UTC date

return JSON object: hssID, eventTime, instruments[(list of) displayName], linkedEvents[(list of) activityID]


WSA-ENLIL+Cone Simulation

startDate: default to 7 days prior to current UTC date

endDate: default to current UTC date

JSON Object returned:

cmeInputs (list of): cmeStartTime, latitude, longitude, speed, halfAngel, time21_5, cmeid
impactList (list of): isGlancingBlow, location, arrivalTime
ipsList (list of):activityID, location, eventTime, instruments



parameters: 'startDate' and 'endDate' are in format 'yyyy-MM-dd' UT 'type' could be: all, FLR, SEP, CME, IPS, MPC, GST, RBE, report

Note: 'startDate' if left out would default to 7 days prior to the current UT date 'endDate' if left out would default to current UT date 'type' if left out would default to 'all' The request date range is limit to 30 days. If the request range is greater than 30 days, it would limit your request range to (endDate-30) to endDate.