Change Log
Found 298 entriesMar 19, 2025
The GEMSOR (Global Empirical Model of Sporadic-E Occurrence Rates) version 1 model is now available to the community through the CCMC instant-Run (IR) service.
The GEMSOR provides occurrence rates (ORs) of blanketing sporadic-E with intensities of fbEs >= 3 MHz. ORs are estimated from a combination of ionosonde & GNSS radio occultation observations, with a Karhunen–Loéve Expansion (KLE) used to improve temporal resolution.
Feb 25, 2025
The EPREM model version 0.11 is now available to the community through the CCMC Runs-on-Request (ROR) service via this submission URL.
Feb 10, 2025
The NAIRAS 3.82 was deployed at the CCMC under the Continuous Run (CR) system (or real-time runs). The real-time run version of the model includes:
- The ability to re-start the cutoff and GCR/SEP computations.
- An option to subtract the GEOS background – this will improve the calculation.
- A new JSON file having the maximum dose values for the hour.
The new JSON output is available at the following ISWA-data-tree location.
Jan 22, 2025
The IBP (Ionospheric Bubble Probability) v.1.3 model is now available to the community through the CCMC instant-Run (IR) service.
The IBP model is an empirical model to predict the occurrence probability of post‐sunset equatorial plasma depletions (EPDs) derived from 9 years of CHAMP and 9 years of Swarm magnetic field measurements. The model predicts the occurrence probability of EPDs for a given longitude, day of the year, local time and solar activity, for the altitude range of about 350–510 km, and low geographic latitudes of ±45°.
Jan 21, 2025
Real-time runs of UMASEP v.3.5d was deployed on January 21, 2025.
There are only bug fixes to the Post Event Prediction (PEP) Tool with this update. The real-time model itself has no bug fix nor change to functionality.
Dec 18, 2024
The NRLMSIS 2.1 is now available to the community through the CCMC instance-Run (IR) and the Runs-on-Request (ROR) service.
Dec 06, 2024
The Whole Atmosphere Model-Ionosphere Plasmasphere Electrodynamics Model (WAM-IPE) is upgraded to version 1.2.5 on the CCMC ROR simulation service. Previous version 1.2.4 is retired.
Dec 02, 2024
SAMI3 coupled with WACCM-X is available for SAMI3 Runs-On-Request simulation service.
The codes are one-way coupled in that WACCM-X provides the neutral composition, temperature, and winds as inputs to SAMI3. WACCM-X can self-consistently resolve mesoscale and large-scale gravity waves, tides, and planetary waves. With the inputs from WACCM-X, SAMI3 can self-consistently generate equatorial plasma bubbles.
Nov 25, 2024
The Zeeman-Stokes model version 1 is now available through the CCMC Instant Run (IR) service via this submission interface.
Nov 20, 2024
As of November 20, 2024 the GAMERA-Helio model version 1 is available to the community through the CCMC Runs-On-Request (ROR) service via this submission URL.
The current implementation of Gamera_Helio at the CCMC supporst time-dependent modeling of the ambient solar wind, driven at its inner radial boundary by output from the WSA model of the inner corona.
Oct 23, 2024
A fix was added to UMASEP Version 3.5 to address periods of "inconsistent data" in the UMASEP-30 and UMASEP-500 results. The fix was deployed at the CCMC on October 23, 2024.
Oct 17, 2024
As of October 17, 2024, the Swipe (Swarm Ionospheric Polar Electrodynamics) version 0.95 model is available to the community through the CCMC instant-Run (IR) service via this submission URL.
Oct 02, 2024
A new run submission interface for advanced customization of the Space Weather Modeling Framework (SWMF) 2023 model is now available in the Runs-on-Request (ROR) system. Using this interface, users can fine-tune the model for a more tailored result and take a fuller advantage of SWMF’s capabilities and advanced features.
While the interface is currently in the experimental phase and is intended for more advanced users, the CCMC team is making continuous improvements with the goal of making the model more accessible and lowering the barriers to community-driven science.
Users are encouraged to share results, issues, and observations with CCMC scientists and the modeling community. We envision this collaboration will advance the state of the art by informing future improvements to SWMF as well as to our understanding of the processes in the global magnetosphere.
Sep 30, 2024
The NAIRAS model is upgraded to version 3.82 on the ROR System.
Sep 20, 2024
A new API for the WSA Dashboard is released for public use. This API was originally developed to provide WSA-based coronal holes and solar wind footpoint predictions to be used by Helioviewer, and it is now available to the public for general usage.
The new API provides the boundaries of the model-identified coronal holes and regions probabilistically identified to contain the solar wind source location for the selected satellite location. Times are supported between the next four days and 90 days ago. The boundaries are returned as contours of longitude and latitude points in Heliocentric Carrington coordinates.
Sep 06, 2024
The Whole Atmosphere Model-Ionosphere Plasmasphere Electrodynamics Model (WAM-IPE) version 1.2.4 is available to the research community through the CCMC Runs-on-Request service vis this submission URL.
Caveat: In the CCMC Runs-on-Request setting, WAM-IPE is free-running without data assimilation. There is nothing constraining the lower atmosphere as in the operational WAM-IPE Forecast System (WFS).
Aug 21, 2024
The Heliospheric Tomography IPS version 24 model is available to the community through the CCMC ROR service via this submission interface. The previous version 18 is retired.
Near real-time output executed at the UCSD is also available on the CCMC ISWA system. These include imagery for density, velocity, and magnetic field BZ updated every 6-hour (see ISWA layout).
Aug 16, 2024
Real-time runs of UMASEP v.3.5 was deployed on August 16, 2024.
- Version 3.5 includes significant updates to UMASEP-30 and UMASEP-50. The WCP-30 and WCP-50 submodels have been recalibrated to reduce the False Alarm Ratio (FAR) observed in real-time operations over recent years.
- On the other hand, the fluence spectrum of UMASEP v3.5 has been updated. The previous UMASEP fluence model was based on a proton/fluence correlation formula derived from SEPEM data. However, the energies for GOES 8—15 P6 and P7 were underestimated. As a result, fluence models using these data were also underestimated, according to a recent study (Hu & Semones, 2022). To correct this issue, the aforementioned formula was recalculated by Shaowen Hu (NASA/JSC) using new data from the same study, which was based on GLE modeling calibrated energies for GOES 6—15.
- It's important to note that the performance metrics for the other tools (i.e., UMASEP-10, UMASEP-100, and HESPERIA UMASEP-500) remain unchanged compared to v3.4. Additionally, the code of the new PEP tool v3.5 is the same as PEP 3.3c; the only difference is that the new PEP tool is integrated with the corresponding UMASEP tools (i.e., v3.5).
Aug 08, 2024
The 'Connectivity' output has been upgraded to use output from the WSA 6.1 model. The naming of output files are unchanged. There is no impact on the ISWA connectivity related cygnets.
WSA 6 + Foot Point DAT files output are available in this ISWA DATA Tree location. Previous WSA 5X Foot Point data will be retired shortly.
Jul 22, 2024
As of July, 22, 2024, the WideBand ionospheric scintillation MODel (WBMOD) v17 is available to the community through the CCMC instant-Run (IR) service via this submission interface.
Jun 24, 2024
A new version of the ISWA web app was deployed on June 24, 2024 at the CCMC. New version includes the following:
- Global time sync feature
- Search capability
- Save layouts (in JSON)
- Snap-2-Grid
Jun 03, 2024
The Open Solar Physics Rapid Ensemble Information (OSPREI) model version 1 is available to the research community through the CCMC Runs-on-Request service vis this submission URL.
Jun 03, 2024
Beta release of the 1-D WebViz Tool is now available for plotting of SWMF2023 ROR runs via their corresponding 'viewrun' page.
The following 1-D SWMF2023 output can be plotted with the new WebViz Tool with option to compare with actual observation data if available:
- Observed solar Wind input used in the run
- Predicted Kp, DST, Auroral Indices (AL, AU, AE, AO)
- Predicted Polar Cap Potential
- Predicted output of various 'SuperMAG data'
May 28, 2024
The WSA version 6.1 is available to the community through the CCMC ROR service via this submission interface. The WSA 5.4 version is only available for ROR service via a special request.
May 06, 2024
Real-time runs of SEPSTER 2.6 were deployed on May 6, 2024 at the CCMC. SEPSTER 2.6 includes the following updates:
- Only use the Leading Edge (LE) CME measurements from DONKI as input for SEPSTER predictions.
- Updated request URL to the ISWA HAPI calls from “dscovr_plasma_1m” to “swpc_rtsw_plasma_P1M”. ISWA updated the catalog ID in Feb 2024.
- Observatory name in Parker Spiral JSON files now changed from “DSCOVR” to “SWPC-RTSW”, inline with ISWA changes
Apr 18, 2024
The MAGE version 0.75 model is available to the community through the CCMC Runs-On-Request (ROR) service via this submission interface.
Apr 08, 2024
Real-time runs output of NAIRAS 3.61 were deployed on April 8, 2024 at the CCMC. NAIRAS 3.61 includes the generation of a JSON file showing the Effective dose at 20km, and a new PNG file showing the spectral fit of the GOES proton measurements.
Apr 05, 2024
Added API/webservice calls in the CME Scoreboard application for users to obtain a list of predictions for all 'closed out' CMEs. See the API calls info for more details.
Mar 21, 2024
The HWM14 model is available to the community through the CCMC Runs-On-Request (ROR) service via this submission interface. The ROR option of requesting a HWM14 model run allows users to request a longer time period compared to the Instant-Run (IR) option of the same model. Users, who are interested in running the model for a longer duration, should use the ROR option instead. The HWM14 ROR allows users to specify run conditions by uploading a user-defined indices file.
Mar 07, 2024
AS of March 2024, the IMPC TEC files have changed per the Ionosphere Monitoring and Prediction Center. The file names moving forward would be updated to DLR_GNSS_GCG_L4_VTEC-NTCM-SCM_NC_GLOBAL _(YYYY-MM-DD’T’HH-mm-ss_YYYY-MM-dd’T’HH-mm-ss_DOY)_ I.png. Please note the change of filenames on the iswa-data-tree starting March 2024.
Feb 10, 2024
As of Feb 6, 2024, the following ISWA HAPI catalog IDs have been renamed:
- dscovr_mag_1m -> swpc_rtsw_mag_P1M
- dscovr_plasma_1m -> swpc_rtsw_plasma_P1M
Here is the catalog info:
If you normally use the ‘data’ call on dscovr_mag_1m or dscovr_plasma_1m, just switch the id to the new ‘swpc_rtsw_..’ and the it should work the same way:
We decided to update the ID to accurately reflect the data on ISWA, since we are getting the real-time solar wind data from SWPC:
And SWPC does switch between DSCOVR and ACE real-time data with DSCOVR as their primary data source.
Feb 09, 2024
The CORHEL-CME version 1.0 is available to the community through the CCMC Runs-On-Request (ROR) service. User can submit a run via this ROR submission interface for the model.
Feb 07, 2024
Soft Release: The MAGE 0.75 model is available on the CCMC Runs-On-Request (ROR) service as a soft release. After the initial testing period, the model will be made available to everyone soon.
Feb 07, 2024
The DTM 2020 is available on the CCMC Runs-On-Request (ROR) service. Users can select to run either DTM 2013 or DTM 2020 using the same ROR submission interface.
Jan 01, 2024
The GITM model was upgraded to version 23.01 in the CCMC Runs-on-Request (ROR) service.
Previous version, 21.11, of the GITM model has been retired.
Dec 06, 2023
The BSPM 2021 model is available to the community through the CCMC Runs-On-Request (ROR) service.
Dec 04, 2023
Real-time runs output of SHELLS-hires v.1 model is available at the CCMC ISWA system now. Users can see the files via the iswa-data-tree location. Plots output of electron flux along the trajectory of a GPS satellite from the model is available via this ISWA cygnet.
Nov 03, 2023
The WEIMER 2000 and 2005 models have been transitioned to the current Instant-Run system. The old submission form has been retired and users should use this new submission form on the IR system instead.
Nov 03, 2023
Additional optional input parameters are added for IRI 2007, 2012, 2016, and 2020 model version available on the CCMC Instant-Run (IR) service. Users can choose to adjust those optional input parameters by checking the 'Use Optional' check box under 'Optional Parameters' heading on the submission form.
Nov 02, 2023
The continuous/real-time runs of the NAIRAS 3.0 model have been updated to include outputs for altitude at 20 km.
New outputs are available on ISWA via the NAIRAS 3.0 gallery cygnets. Users can select '20 km' under the 'Altitude' drop down menu to see them.
Oct 26, 2023
MAVEN particles and fields plots for 1-day, 3-day, and 7-day are now available on ISWA. Users can view the 'MAVEN Particles and Fields Plot cygent' on the ISWA web app under the 'Mars' tab. Additional information about the plots can be found by clicking on the 'info' button on the cygnet. The 'Duration' drop down box would allow users to pick the 1-day, 3-day, or 7-day plots.
All ingested files are also available on this ISWA data-tree location.
**Note: These are quick look data and should not be used for analysis or publication. Please use the official MAVEN SEP, SWIA, SWEA, and MAG data products located at the Planetary Data System (PDS):**
Oct 24, 2023
The WSA 5.2 model is retired from the CCMC ROR service. Users can request WSA 5.4 model runs instead via this ROR submission URL.
Oct 16, 2023
New changes were made to the NRLMSIS-00 and NRLMSIS 2.0 model on the Instant Run System.
Previously, if using observed F10.7 and Ap as inputs to run the model, the date range is limited to roughly 45-day in the past from the current date since it needs 30+ days of F10.7 values to calculate the 3-month average.
New changes would allow users to select date up to 5+ day from the past from the current date if using real observed data to drive the model. If there is not enough data to calculate the 3-month average of the daily F10.7 values, the model would use the same observed daily F10.7 as the 3-month average.
If using artificial inputs, users can select any date ranges in the past or future as long as they provide all the optional inputs (e.g. daily F10.7, 3-month average of the daily F10.7, and the daily Ap value) in the run submission form.
Oct 05, 2023
Additional optional input parameters are added for IRI 2007, 2012, 2016, and 2020 model version available on the CCMC Runs-On-Request (ROR) service. Users can choose to adjust those optional input parameters by clicking the 'Configure advanced model options' under 'Step 4: Model Options' on the ROR run submission form of the IRI model.
Sep 29, 2023
A new feature for users to browse run output files is added for some Runs-On-Request (ROR) runs. On the 'viewrun' page of a ROR run, users should see an option to 'Browse output' under 'Run Services'. Click on the 'Browse output' link to view the list of output files generated by the run with option to download specific files if desired.
Sep 15, 2023
Real-time runs output of the iPATH v.2 model is available at the CCMC ISWA system now. Users can see the files via the iswa-data-tree location and/or view the image output via the ISWA cygnets for the model.
Sep 05, 2023
Real-time runs of UMASEP v.3.4 was deployed on September 5, 2023.
UMASEP version 3.4 includes the following updates:
- UMASEP-10 v3.4 was calibrated to improve its performance for the events that took place in 2023, a period during which UMASEP-10 v3.3 missed several events. As a result of this calibration, UMASEP-10 v3.4 yields a better POD and better FAR compared with version v3.3 for the period from June 1996 to July 2023
- UMASEP-100 v3.4 now processes SXR, proton and electron data. During real-time, UMASEP-100 v3.4 identifies the magnetic connection to a solar particle source by correlating GOES Soft X-Ray fluxes with GOES protons and ACE EPAM electrons fluxes with energies of 0.175–0.375 MeV. As a result of this addition, UMASEP-100 v3.4 improves ~11% the Average Warning Time (AWT) compared with UMASEP-100 v3.3 with a sacrifice of 3 false alarms in three solar cycles.
- UMASEP-30 v3.4 and UMASEP-50 v3.4 were also tuned for obtaining a better forecasting performance of SC25. As a result of this tuning, for the period SC24 and SC25, the CSI/AWT of these tools is 85.5%/24 min and 83%/23 min for UMASEP-30 and UMASEP-50 v3.4 respectively.
Aug 16, 2023
The NRLMSIS 2.0 is available to the community through the CCMC Runs-On-Request service.
Aug 08, 2023
The RAM-SCB v.2.2 model is available to the community through the CCMC Runs-On-Request service.
Jul 28, 2023
The CCMC ISWA system has ingested the provisional DST index from the World Data System Kyoto for the year 2022 that was released recently. Users can now get the provisional DST index via ISWA HAPI from Jan 01, 2017 to Dec 31, 2022.
Jul 24, 2023
The IRI 2007, 2012, and 2020 are available to the community through the CCMC Runs-On-Request service. Users who want to request a longer time period should use the ROR option instead of the Instant-Run (IR) option of the model.
Jul 17, 2023
The NRLMSIS-00 model is available to the community through the CCMC Runs-On-Request service. Users who want to request a longer time period can use the ROR option instead of the Instant-Run (IR) option of the model.
Jul 12, 2023
The SWMF 2023 version with "preset" options is available to the community through the CCMC Runs-On-Request service.
Jul 07, 2023
Real-time runs output of the MagPy v2 model is available at the CCMC ISWA system now. Users can see the files via the iswa-data-tree location.
Jul 03, 2023
Real-time runs of the SEPSTER2D model were upgraded to version 1.2 on July 3, 2023, at the CCMC.
SEPSTER2D version 1.2 includes the following updates:
- Solar wind speed is now calculated individually for each CME, paying attention to data gaps.
- For historical events, the OMNI dataset via CDAWEB HAPI API is now being used.
- For real-time runs, the ISWA HAPI API is now being used to fetch real-time solar wind data.
- A correction factor has been implemented to fix the model prediction overestimate for relatively slow CMEs.
- Added calculation of SEP event end times.
Jun 28, 2023
Real-time runs of the SEPSTER model was upgraded to version 2.4 on June 28, 2023, at the CCMC.
SEPSTER version 2.4 includes the following updates:
- The use of the CCMC ISWA HAPI API to fetch solar wind data to run the model.
- Improved logic for determining when to switch from DSCOVR to ACE solar wind data (obtained from ISWA).
Jun 26, 2023
MAVEN/EUVM Flare data is now available on ISWA. Users can view the MAVEN Flare time-series plots cygnets on the ISWA web app under the 'Mars' tab. Additional information about the plots can be found by clicking on the 'info' button on the cygnets. All ingested files are also available on the ISWA data tree.
Jun 01, 2023
Deploy a new version of the Instant-Run system replacing the existing one. The new version includes significant backend and frontend improvements.
Apr 20, 2023
The PBMOD 6.3 model is now available to the community through the CCMC Runs-On-Request service.
Feb 02, 2023
The near real-time QuickReduced Synoptic Map from GONG-Z is available on ISWA. The files can be found on this iswa-data-tree location.
Also, the new files are now being used by the CCMC EEGGL Tool. Users of EEGGL tool have the option to select the Integral Carrington Rotation Synoptic Map, the QuickReduce Synoptic Map from GONG-B, and the newly added QuickReduced Synoptic Map from GONG-Z .
Jan 31, 2023
Real-time runs of UMASEP Version 3.3 were deployed on January 31, 2023.
UMASEP version 3.3 includes the following updates:
- The SOD-30 and SOD-50 submodels of the UMASEP-30 and UMASEP-50 tools for making earlier predictions of >30 MeV and >50 MeV SEP events, respectively, using solar data only.
- All the SOD submodels (i.e. SOD-10, SOD-30 and SOD-50) have been trained using machine learning techniques on historical solar data from two sources: the SWPC edited event files and the Lockheed-Martin SolarSoft reports. Due to its relatively fast flare detection approach, during real-time operations, the aforementioned submodels use SolarSoft as the main source of flare data. These submodels have been calibrated to improve the average warning time without sacrificing the Critical Success Index.
- The Well-Connected (WC) prediction submodels of UMASEP-10 and UMASEP-100 (i.e. WC-10 and WC-100) have been slightly adjusted to obtain a better Critical Success Index for the period 1986-2022.
Jan 23, 2023
The NAIRAS version 3 model is now available to the community through the CCMC Runs-On-Request service.
Jan 12, 2023
The 3-hour Kp and Ap indices from the Geomagnetic Observatory Niemegk, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences is now available on ISWA. Users can obtain the data via ISWA HAPI API calls. Info on the HAPI call to get the Kp and Ap. Example call:
Dec 28, 2022
A new version of SEPMOD is now available on the CCMC ROR service and RT runs. The new version, v2.20221228, includes a few bug fixes:
- Added in relativistic correction for particle speeds.
- Corrected problem with ESP on/off option not being picked up by script.
- Corrected graphics legend to include tens place for energies.
- Corrected spectra graphics x and y axes label which were swapped.
The old SEPMOD version, v2.20181114, has been retired.
Dec 22, 2022
A new version of TIE-GCM v2.5 or TIE-GCM-X is available to the research community through the CCMC Runs-On-Request Service. The new version allows users to choose three upper boundary options, approximately 500 km, 700 km and 1000 km during solar maximum. Horizontal resolution has two new options, 2.5 degrees and 1.25 degrees. Helium is added to the model.
Dec 21, 2022
The Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model with thermosphere and ionosphere extension (WACCM-X) version 2.2 is available to the research community through the CCMC Runs-On-Request service. The WACCM-X is a comprehensive general circulation model, spanning the range of altitude from the Earth’s surface to the upper thermosphere. The scientific goals of the model include studying solar impacts on the Earth atmosphere, couplings between atmosphere layers through chemical, physical and dynamical processes, and the implications of the coupling for the climate and for the near space environment.
Note: The maximum requested model days through the CCMC Runs-On-Request service is 5 days per request.
Dec 09, 2022
The CCMC has started running WSA 5.4 in near real-time on Friday, December 19, 2022. Output of the runs are available on the following ISWA data tree location.
List of changes include:
- For R21.5 setting, only Earth images are available.
- For R5.0 setting, all locations (Earth, STEREO-A, PSP, SolO, and MARS) images are available. No VEL fits output would be produced under R5.0.
- For both settings, only GONG-Z and GONG-ADAPT files would be used as input. No GONG-B files would be used.
Previous ISWA data tree location would not be updated with new files. Please switch and use the new location for the most up to date WSA real-time runs output.
Dec 05, 2022
HYPERS version 2021 (kinetic ion/fluid electron) is available to the research community through the CCMC Runs-On-Request service. The model allows users to choose the interplanetary magnetic field, solar wind speed, temperature, and density.
Dec 02, 2022
Real-time runs of the UMASEP Version 3.2.2 were deployed on December 2, 2022.
UMASEP 3.2.2 includes an update to the poorly-connected prediction model of the UMASEP-100 tool, which yields a better forecasting performance in terms of the "False Alarm Ratio" using data of SC23-SC25.
This version also includes minor updates to UMASEP-10, UMASEP-30 and UMASEP-50.
Nov 17, 2022
ISWA has added a new "Dst cygnet" with hourly final, provisional, and real-time Dst index from the World Data Center for Geomagnetism, Kyoto.
Nov 15, 2022
The online visualization for SAMI3 ROR runs has been updated to offer the largest possible list of output parameters. For SAMI3 version 3.x the additional quantities supported include :
- Neutral densities (N_H, N_O, N_NO, N_O2, N_He, N_N2, N_N),
- Ion drift velocities along magnetic field lines (VS_H+, VS_O+, VS_NO+, VS_O2+, VS_He+, VS_N2+, VS_N+),
- ExB drift (V_ExB_Lon, V_ExB_perp), and
- Neutral wind (V_Lon, V_Lat, V_H).
Nov 09, 2022
The IRI 2007 and IRI 2012 models have been transition to the new Instant-Run system. Users can request runs from IRI 2007, IRI 2012, IRI 2016, and IRI 2020 using the same submission interface.
Nov 07, 2022
There are three options of neutral atmosphere models for SAMI3 model available on the ROR simulation services: HWM14/MSIS2.1, TIEGCM2.0/WEIMER, and ICON-TIEGCM.
The newly added ‘ICON-TIEGCM’ option allow the SAMI3 model to use TIEGCM runs including the HME boundary specifications derived from NASA ICON MIGHTI winds and temperatures as input. Note: the allowed interval of ICON-TIEGCM is based on the availability of ICON level-4 data i.e. 2019/12/22-2021/12/30.
Oct 03, 2022
The IRI 2020 model has been added to the new Instant-Run system. Users can request runs from IRI 2016 or IRI 2020 using the same submission interface.
Sep 30, 2022
Real-time runs of WSA 5.X ingested into ISWA contains a mix of results using either the R5.0 or the R21.5 setting since September, 2021. The issue has been addressed and corrected now. There is a separate iswa-data-tree location for the R21.5 and R5.0 real-time runs output from WSA 5.X on ISWA. Sorry for the confusion
Sep 21, 2022
An archive of the PFSS spherical harmonic coefficients for MWO synoptic maps are available on ISWA data tree now. These are generated from the WSA v2.2 runs, and the available Carrington Rotation number range is: 1516 - 2108.
Sep 20, 2022
New gallery cygnet for NAIRAS real-time runs of 'flight track from Seoul to New York' is available on ISWA now. The new cygnet has a drop down option for 'Dose'.
Sep 19, 2022
Real-time runs of the UMASEP Version 3.2.1 was deployed on September 19, 2022.
UMASEP 3.2.1 includes the following updates:
- Adds the fluences chunk to the JSON output files of UMASEP-10, UMASEP-30, UMASEP-50 and UMASEP-100.
- Includes knowledge files with better forecasting performance in terms of the 'Mean Absolute Error' of the integral proton intensity and fluence spectrum predictions.
- Includes an improved version of the fluence spectrum prediction module.
Sep 16, 2022
New flare predictions from ESA A-EFFort have been added on the Flare Scoreboard cygnet on ISWA.
Sep 16, 2022
The SAMI3 model available on the Runs-On-Request System now offer two options of neutral atmosphere models: HWM14/MSIS2.1 and TIEGCM2.0/WEIMER.
The original SAMI3 uses the neutral compositions and winds from the HWM14/MSISI2.1 models.
Now SAMI3 can also use the neutral compositions and winds from the TIEGCM model.
Sep 01, 2022
The IRI 2016 model has been transition to the new Instant-Run system. The legacy submission interface will be phased out in the near future.
Jul 21, 2022
The Potential Field Source Surface (PFSS) real-time model runs stopped producing new output due to input issues starting March 3, 2021. The issues were resolved as of July 21, 2022. Updated output is available on ISWA again.
Jul 18, 2022
Petrie-PFSS real-time runs have stopped producing output since June 04, 2020. The model developer confirmed that it can be retired. The model runs and all associated ISWA data-feeds and cygnets were officially retired on July 18, 2022. Users interested in Petrie-PFSS real-time runs can check out the NSO/NISP PFSS model output produced by NISP.
Jun 24, 2022
"Ensemble" plotting feature added to CCMCVis_3D.cgi: Up to 4 runs can now be compared using the same plot parameters in a single plot request.
Runs to compare must be similar enough and overlap in space, time and use the same variable names for this feature to succeed and be useful.
Corresponding times are within a maximum tolerance of 1 minute (GM), 5 minutes (IT) and 1 hour (SH runs). This is an experimental feature and feedback is encouraged to Lutz Rastaetter.
Jun 16, 2022
Perceptually uniform colortables have been added to the online visualization at the CCMC and we will change the default table to one of them as we update the visualization pages (CCMCVis_2D.cgi, CCMCVis_3D.cgi, run_timeseries.cgi, …).
The new tables include cividis (blue-brown-yellow), viridis (blue-green-yellow), magma (black-purple-red-yellow), plasma (purple-pink-red-orange-yellow) and inferno (black-darkpurple-red-orange-yellow).
Also, two rainbow-like colortables with white instead of green in the center are now documented: Black-Blue-White-Yellow-Red and DTU-Purple-Blue-White-Yellow-Red (both used at the Danish Technical University).
May 19, 2022
The Change Log has a new feel in the new CCMC web site! Entries are tagged by date and also by categories that can be used to filter past entries. Tagging of past entries may evolve with the list of categories including 'Maintenance', Interactive Web Visualization', 'Run on Request' and more.
May 13, 2022
The CCMC is now running the CTIPe 4 model in near real-time under our 'Continuous Run' system. Output of such runs are available on the CCMC ISWA system. ISWA data tree location: ISWA layout for the model plots:
Jan 25, 2022
The change of the web server to a different virtual server host rendered IGRF and NRLMSISe00 executables binary-incompatible with the new host system. The binaries were recompiled to support a wider range of architectures of x64 CPUs.
Search functionality was unavailable starting on Jan. 24. The MySQL database powering the CCMC web site required reconfiguration to support large volumes of data added to each request run. The maintenance work has been completed in the afternoon of Jan. 25 and the site is again fully operational.
Jan 13, 2022
We are updating visualization links to point to CCMCVis_3D.cgi (before: run_idl3d.cgi) throughout the run-on-request results. The updated form should support all the models. If options are missing from the new interface, plase email us at
PIC_DIST runs among post-processing (PP) requests: Visualization links to particle distributions derived from particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations were updated to include the square brackets ("[", "]") enclosing the region of interest (ROI) parameter. The brackets became required by CCMCVis_3D.cgi after the links were originally developed.
Dec 15, 2021
Visualization of MAS solar corona and heliosphere model outputs was updated to access components of the electric current density J (listed as Jr, Jlat, Jlon). We apologize for errors the incomplete support may have caused.
Dec 08, 2021
The Kamodo Plotting Demo now supports SWMF/BATSRUS magnetosphere (SWMF-GM) simulation runs using grids of all sizes. Kamodo employs the same interpolator (C code taking advantage of the grid structure) that is used in our standard IDL-based online visualization.
Oct 13, 2021
Magnetic perturbations on a grid of positions generated by the SWMF geospace model were not including the last longitude layer if the last longitude is 360 degrees greater than the first. This had compressed the longitude spacing and left the output one grid position short of the intended range. The online visualization has been updated to add a layer where it is expected. Input parameters to the SWMF model in new requests will be set to preserve the intended grid spacing in this case. Inputs and output handling remain unchanged for longitude intervals that do not span 360 degrees (when SWMF includes the maximum longitude in the position grid).
Oct 05, 2021
Satellite trajectories unavailable: Since Sept. 30, 2021, satellite trjectoriy retrieval was failing for runs on request submissions and time series visualizations (from existing simulations). The problem was resolved after updated root certificates were installed on CCMC systems. We are going to review request runs of the magnetosphere that have been submitted between Sept. 30 and Oct 5 (1 PM EDT or 17:00 UT). This may result in a few days' delay in completion and publication of request runs. F10.7 values incorrect in NRLMSISe: It has come to our attention that F10.7 values may be incorrect in the instant-run NRLMSISe model. Values during solar maximum apper smaller than during solar minimum. It looks as if values of 100 and above are truncated to numbers below 100. The input files have been corrected.
Sep 10, 2021
Visualizations of MAS corona and heliosphere steady state solutions had been failing to return ASCII output files of numerical values. The visualization has been patched to generate the expected file names.
Visualizations of HelTomo heliosphere outputs seem to return only NaN for density and velocity values. The CCMCVis_3D.cgi interface erroneously enables an exclusion zone of 3 AU (instead of 0.0698 AU, the model's inner bounadary). This causes the visualization to return NaN for the entire model simulation domain. The CCMCVis_3D.cgi interface has been updated to correct the problem.
Jun 03, 2021
Field or flow lines in 2D slices have been using colors that varied with the color table selected. This has been corrected by using fixed colors (blue,gree,red) that have been reserved at the bottom and top of the color table (outside of the color index range used in color contours).
Apr 06, 2021
Over the last two months online visualizations ran into infinite loops causing the resulting log files to fill the space reserved for temporary image and data files. This has disabled online visualizations and instant run models such as IRI and MSISe. The affected subroutine has been corrected to exit when encountering an incomplete magnetosphere model output file.
Mar 03, 2021
The run-on-request postprocessing tool CalcDeltaB now supports GUMICS magnetosphere simulation runs.
GUMICS ionosphere visualizations were corrected to feature the correct unit for horizontal currents (µA/m). Also, horizontal current vector components values are now multiplied with 106 from their original units (A/m).
In the visualization of GUMICS magnetosphere outputs, electric currents (Jx, Jy, Jz) have been added. Current densities are computed in each cell from magnetic fields available on the corners. Current densities are constant in each cell and discontinuous across cell surfaces.
Dec 03, 2020
We are experiencing increased demand for visualizations (single images, instant model runs and movie requests). The demand has exceeded the capacity of the file system holding temporary files including images, ASCII output files and archive files for viewing and download. The file system server has been rebooted and space has become available. Instant run models, online visualizations and movie request are functioning normally again.
Nov 04, 2020
For magnetosphere run-on-request runs timeseries outputs for model-data comparison in the Virtural Model Repository (VMR) tools were not automatically provided since March 2020 due to a script error. The automatic data generation has resumed and several issues were addressed. Default (missing) values provided by SWMF/BATSRUS when a satellite is outside of the magnetosphere simulation box are now filtered out.
Oct 09, 2020
It came to our attention that some dates in 2019 were not possible in magnetosphere run-on-request submissions. An incomplete data file containing Kp, Ap and F10.7 data for 2019 was the cause. The file has been replaced with a complete version and dates after Sept. 15, 2019 can now be requested. This problem may have affected requests for models of the inner magnetosphere as well.
Sep 10, 2020
Version 3.1 of the OpenGGCM model in the magnetosphere is being retired. We will only accept requests using versions 4.0 and 5.0 of the model. Existing requests as of Sept. 10, 2020 using version 3.1 will be completed as requested. Visualizations of MAS polytropic corona outputs in CORHEL solar-heliosphere requests failed with the plot image generated not being recognized after a plot request. The issue has been corrected and images are being displayed as expected.
Aug 31, 2020
Visualizations of simulation runs published in 2016 and later have become unavailable over the weekend. Data access has been restored.
Aug 28, 2020
A bug in the online visualization was corrected that prevented some visualiations and data printouts for CTIPe outputs at constant longitude. Plots failed when using a height range on the vertical axis (instead of IP) and selecting a limited latitude range (other than the full range from -90 to 90 degrees). The bug may have affected similar plots and output requests for TIE-GCM outputs as well.
Aug 27, 2020
The version 3.2 of the CTIPe model in runs-on-request has been retired. We are only supporting the most recent model version 4, based on the Github repository of the model cloned in February of 2020.
Aug 18, 2020
Links to the run_iono2d.cgi plot interface to display 2D data in the ionosphere will be replaced with CCMCVis_2D.cgi in the future. CCMCVis_2D.cgi is utilizing an interactive design similar to CCMCVis_3D.cgi to present only options relevent to a selected plot mode. We encourage users to test the new interface (presented in addition to links to the old interface) and send comments or bug reports before the new interface will become operational.
Aug 13, 2020
Options displayed for the Vector Plot Mode in CCMCVis_3D.cgi were incorrect and resulted in the wrong Quantity being selected. This has been discovered and corrected when work started on the CCMCVis_2D.cgi interface.
Jun 24, 2020
The mapping of magnetometer stations into the magnetosphere (offered by CCMCVis_3D.cgi) was found to be incorrect. The corrected determination of magnetic field line foot points in the magnetosphere has been validated for a time period where magnetometer chains in Canada were moving from the morning side to the day side over several hours.
Jun 01, 2020
A user of the TIE-GCM model reported that CCMCVis_3D.cgi was not offering Neutral Velocity ('Vn') for vector arrow plots. This has been corrected and 'Vn' is now available for vector arrow layers in several Plot Modes.
A bug was fixed that may have presented the wrong vector name upon reloading the form after making a visualization.
May 27, 2020
The CCMCVis_3D.cgi interface was updated to allow users to turn off the Vector layer in Color+Vector+Contour or Color+Vector+Flowlines Plot Modes. Simply select the new NoVector option at the end of the list of vector names.
May 18, 2020
The user-supplied optional NmF2 value for the instant-run IRI-2016 model was not fully read, limiting values to below 1010 instaed of 1014. The read statement in the model's Fortran source code has been corrected to accept wider numbers.
May 15, 2020
Run on Request visualization for 3D outputs of most models has been switched to the CCMCVis_3D.cgi script. The script has been updated to handle ring current and radiation belt models. In addition, the display of standard plot options is now specific to each Plot Mode.
Solar and heliosphere models still using the old run_idl3d.cgi will be transitioned soon.
May 11, 2020
The instant-run IRL-2016 request form had incorrect index values for two of the Te Topside models. TBT2012SA (item=2) and Bil-1985 (item=0) had been switched in the form (to item=0 and item=2, respectively), resulting in the default having been Bil-1985 instead of TBT2012+SA. Item=1 (TBT2012) had been correct. The drop down list in the 2012 model version (item=0: TBT-2012 and item=1: IRI-95 or Bil-1985) are correct.
May 06, 2020
The updated Instant-run IRI-2016 model deployed on May 5 was using an incorrect format when writing outputs to a text file. The output format was corrected to match the formats assumed by an extraction tool to select the data for listing and plotting.
May 05, 2020
Instant-run IRI-2016 sometimes issues warnings, for example, when the selected latitude and longitude are too close to the magnetic equator to yield valid CGM coordinate values. This prevented plots from being rendered as the warnings were added to the output file. We redirected warnings and errors to a separate file that may be inspected and acted upon by vitmo_model.cgi in the future.
May 04, 2020
The option to have real corotation and an updating dipole tilt in the OpenGGCM magnetosphere model is not functioning and was removed from Runs-on-Request. Requests submitted for model version 5.0 with that option are run without the option like earlier versions.
Apr 22, 2020
Timeseries visualization scripts (run_timeseries.cgi and run_timeseries_iono.cgi) have been modified to wait up to 5 minutes for SSCWeb satellite trajectories to be generated before attempting to perform the timeseries calculations. We are still investigating what causes the delays to happen.
Apr 09, 2020
We have been experiencing response delays when requesting satellite trajectories during visualizations. This has caused timeseries visualizations to fail. We have contacted the administrators of the web site that we use to obtain those trajectories.
Feb 29, 2020
Run-on-Request runs of the OpenGGCM and LFM models of the global magnetosphere have been updated: OpenGGCM model version 5.0 is now available with the option to run the RCM ring current component. Runs of the CMIT-LFM model can also include the RCM ring current model in the inner magnetosphere. However, with RCM it is not possible to include the TIEGCM ionosphere in the same simulation.
Feb 26, 2020
Run excution procedures for the CTIPe ionosphere thermosphere model have been revised and a backlog of runs built up since the beginning of 2020 has been worked through.
Run result pages for CTIPe runs now have again functioning "View Input" links to the solar irradiaton index values (f107.dat) and to the solar wind and hemispheric power index values (input.dat).
A few CTIPe simulations were executed using the old 2.0 model version instead of the more recent 3.2 version. Affected users will be informed and we may rerun the runs with the correct model version. Request runs are possible through 2017/12/31 for CTIPe version 3.2 and 2018/04/30 for version 4.1.
Feb 04, 2020
The stand-alone Rice Convection Model (RCM) (among the inner magnetosphere models) has been temporarily removed from the Run-on-Request submission system. The model version at the CCMC has become inoperable for most run requests over the last year. We will add the model back when an updated version has been received and tested successfully. We are working on an updated version of the CIMI inner magnetosphere model to resolve stability issues found recently with the previous model version. Plots of available GUMICS grids (in grid_GUMICS.php) have been updated to include closeups near the Earth and a typical adapt=6 grid with finest resolution of 1/8 RE near the Earth.The pages describing CMIT-LFM grids (grid_CMIT-LFM.php) has an updated narrative and broken links were replaced in the page with UCLA-GGCM and OpenGGCM grids (grid_UCLA-GGCM.php).
Jan 31, 2020
The modernized online visualization interface (CCMCVis_3D.cgi) has been updated to offer magnetic connections from magnetometers on the ground to the cut plane in the magnetosphere for event runs. Visualizations use station locations in geomagnetic coordinates for IGRF epochs between 1980 and 2010 provided by Supermag. Dates earlier than 1980 use the 1980 epoch and dates later than 2009 use the 2010 epoch.
Jan 28, 2020
Plots of available SWMF/BATSRUS grids have been updated for Earth magnetosphere simulations (in grid_BATSRUS.php) and exoplanet magnetosphere (EXO) simulations (in grid_BATSRUS-GM-EXO.php).
Jan 06, 2020
The list of available satellites in run-on-request visualizations failed to update after a recent OS upgrade on the server retrieving the data from SSCWeb. After today's update, Parker Solar Probe is now available for solar corona and heliosphere simulations for time periods after the launch of the spacecraft in 2018.
Jan 02, 2020
The IGRF and IRI-2016 instant run models and the IRI-2916 run-on-request model have been upgraded to IGRF-13 coefficients, issued in Dec. 2019. Geopack-2008 routines used in coordinate transformations in CCMC visualizations also now utilize IGRF-13 coefficients for epochs between 2010 and 2025. As a result, coordinate transformations may vary slightly for dates after 2010, compared to IGRF-12 coefficients. The AACGM coordinate transformation service is currently broken and will be updated.
Dec 10, 2019
A bug in the IGRF instant run execution script preventing the model to run has been corrected after a user reported the error on Dec. 8. We apologize for the outage that may have impacted users since August 15, 2019.
Dec 04, 2019
A number of SWMF magnetosphere run-on-request runs submitted and run between May 2012 and Sept. 2014 had an invalid (non-numerical) value listed for the near-Earth boundary location which disabled visualization of ionosphere electrodynamics outputs. The correct values have been posted for the runs and the visualization now works again.
Nov 08, 2019
The new CCMCVis_3D.cgi visualization interface for 3D outputs from run-on-request runs has been updated to keep displaying the permitted range of coordinate values to guide the user when selecting the constant value for a cut slice.
Oct 02, 2019
Runs on requests of the Tsyganenko magnetic field model had problems that were corrected: The viewrun.php interface was reporting runs as "running" due to a ill-defined path to the results. The mapping application vis_IM_mapping.php also used incorrect paths to run results.
Sep 30, 2019
Run on Request result pages for the VERB radiation belt model have been improved to show all information defining each run: Parameters shown include the grid and user selections of inputs for Kp (planetary K magnetic activity index) and BF (boundary flux scaling at L=7) as well as all available timeseries overview plots of those inputs.
Sep 19, 2019
The Run on Request systems for runs for the global magnetosphere (GM), inner magnetosphere (IM), ionosphere statistical models (IT_stat), post-processing (PP) and local physics (LP) categories have been modified to not permit overwriting existing requests when starting a new request from the respective user registration page. Corrections can still be made to a recently submitted request by going back up to the second stage (options page) from the last page (run submission confirmation) in the browser.
Sep 09, 2019
The online visualization using oblique cut slices in global magnetosphere model outputs did not properly apply the Distance from Origin parameter to the interpolation. The visualization used a cut plane passing through the origin of the coordinate system instead. The problem has been corrrected after a user alerted us.
Sep 06, 2019
Runs of the Plasmasphere (PS) model have been moved from the Global Magnetosphere (GM) into the Inner Magnetosphere (IM) model category. Some PS runs performed in 2018 and 2019 for event dates with a single-digit month number in the Start Time column needed to be rerun as Kp data had been picked incorrectly. Users are being notified of the update to their runs.
The search page for inner magnetosphere runs (IM_db.php) has been updated to support VERB and PS as model options in the View Runs for the following Model and Advanced Search. Check Status and Search Inner Magnetosphere requests database for string(s) forms were using a non-existent action target that has been corrected.
Aug 23, 2019
Online visualization of 3D data: A new visualization interface (CCMCVis_3D.cgi) has been released for user feedback for 3D magnetosphere and ionosphere/thermosphere model outputs.
The new JavaScript-driven interactive form displays only options and inputs that are relevent for the selected Plot Mode but otherwise provides the same functionality as the old form. The new interface was developed by 2019 summer intern Angel Robles Cordero of the University of Puerto Rico and CCMC staff member Lutz Rastaetter.
We still have to make modifications to handle ring current and radiation belt models and have not tested it on solar and heliosphere models.
We are working next one the similarly cluttered run_iono2d.cgi interface for 2D electodynamics or climatology models of the ionosphere.
Jul 24, 2019
Run-on-request submissions for the CTIPe ionosphere/thermosphere model can now include dates through 2018/12/23 as data have been added to the ACE-L2 input files used by the model.
Jul 22, 2019
Run-on-request submissions for the TIEGCM ionosphere/thermosphere model can now include dates through 2019/141 (April 21, 2019) as data have been added to the 1-minute OMNI and the daily KP/F10.7 input files used by the model for the year of 2018 and part of 2019.
Jul 09, 2019
The instant-run NRLMSISe00 model was reported to return NaN at the exact altitude of 32.5 km (interface altitude between lower statosphere and troposphere and the upper stratosphere). The Fortran source code nrlmsise00_sub.for has been modified at line 213 to include the exact altitude of 32.5 km to the lower stratosphere to close the coverage gap. C sources of the model have been updated by developer Dominik Brodowski (the files at CCMC are current as of July 10, 2019).
Jun 27, 2019
Runs-on-Request for the stand-alone CIMI ring current and radiation model (inner magnetosphere domain) now include the option to run without a plasmasphere.
Runs performed with CIMI before always included a plasmasphere after 5 hours of simulation (3 hours after a run's requested start time).
New run requests will feature a 7-hour warmup phase (increased from 2 hours) with the (optional) plasmasphere being added after 5 hours to run for 2 hours before reaching the start date and time of a run request. Plasmashere density outputs are now available as N_ps in online visualizations. For updated information on quantities written by the Fok models (Fok-RC, RBE, CRCM, CIMI) please refer to the RC_quantities.php page.
Jun 25, 2019
The runs on request submission for the inner magnetosphere domain has been updated for two models:
CIMI: The 2019/05/03 version of CIMI has been added to the request system. VERB: Users can now define their own Kp time series instead of using observations and they can specify outer boundary (at L*=7) flux scaling values instead of using GOES observations.
May 28, 2019
The ap.dat file used by NRLMSISe00 instant runs was missing data from May 1, 2018 through September 30, 2018 causing requests for dates after April 30, 2018 to be invalid and the model to fail for dates after Oct. 15, 2018.
The data file was corrected and the valid end date for the request interface was set to March 17, 2019. The date reflects data available through April 30, 2019 and allowing for the calculation of the 90-day average of F10.7 by the model (subtracting 44 days from the last date).
May 21, 2019
Polar plots of CTIPe, USU-GAIM and IRI outputs may have become cut off at the dawn-dusk line in each hemisphere starting with the second frame of a movie request. The readers for these models have been corrected to avoid this problem in the future.
In addition, polar plots with continents are now available for these models.
May 20, 2019
In online visualizations of IRI request runs, the He+ number density (N_He+) was erroneously named the same as the electron density (N_e). Thus, values of N_He+ showed up in plots instead of N_e.
May 13, 2019
Two parameters for the instant-run IRI-2016 model were changed to match defaults used by the 2012 model version: The "auroral boundary" option is now set to "ON" and "E-peak auroral storm model" is set to "OFF". 3-hour Kp values are only calculated (from AP values) when the "auroral boundary" parameter is ON.
May 10, 2019
Kp, Ap, and F10.7 input data for MSIS-90, NRLMSISe-00 and IRI are now obtained using KP-AP files from GFZ Potsdam and the F10.7 fluxtable from Canada. MSIS-90 and NRLMSISe-00 inputs (ap.dat) now cover dates through 2019/04/30 and IRI inputs (apf107.dat with 81-day and 365-day F10.7 averages) cover dates through 2018/10/30.
May 09, 2019
It was discovered that CMIT-TIEGCM ionosphere-thermosphere outputs were not accessible via online visualization for LFM magnetosphere simulation runs that use TIEGCM as the ionosphere model. A bug in the magnetosphere run publication script has been corrected and all (about 30) affected runs were re-processed to provide the visualization links.
May 08, 2019
MSISe instant runs were unavailable after an attempt to update KP and AP data corrupted the ap.dat file on May 6. MSISe instant runs have been restored on May 8 after a user alerted us.
May 06, 2019
It was noted that Kp and Ap index data used for IRI and (NRL-)MSISe instant runs have not been updated since April of 2018. NOAA SWPC has stopped updating yearly files containing KP, AP, Sunspot Number and F10.7 data. They have referred us to GFZ Potsdam who provide similar files but without the columns with Sunsplot Number and F10.7 data. We are working on assembling index files suitable for IRI and MSIS models from GFZ KP-AP files and F10.7 from other sources.
Apr 17, 2019
Run-on-Request outputs of stand-alone CIMI simulations using the run_timeseries.cgi interface always returned electron fluxes for a given simulation run request. The interface has been updated to properly support CIMI results and render proton and oxygen ion outputs when the respective visualization link was followed for the ion species. The support in the timeseries visualization of CIMI outputs in SWMF simulations with CIMI inner magnetosphere is still being developed (there are to timeseries visualizaion links yet for any of the SWMF-CIMI magnetosphere runs).
A glitch in publication caused results from runs submitted between Oct. 18, 2018 through Nov. 24, 2018 to become masked by newer runs. The problem was introduced on Feb. 5, 2019 and has been corrected.
Model name and run name listed at the top of visualization forms should match your run name and requested model. If the model or run name are wrong, contact us so we can correct the CCMC visualization links provided with your run's web page.
Apr 02, 2019
The run submission procedure for the Weimer, Cosgrove-PF, and Ovation-Prime ionosphere models caused the last solar wind density value of the input time series to be listed as the first density value in run result pages. The same bug was also found in run requests of inner magnetosphere models (RCM, CIMI, Tsyganenko). The issue has been corrected and all affected runs have been reprocessed to list the correct parameter in the database. The model themselves used the correct solar wind values and results were not affected.
Feb 26, 2019
Run-on-Request simulations using the SWMF magnetosphere model have been using a numerical parameter UseFullCurrent=True in the ionosphere electrodynamics module. This choice may cause unphysical oscillations in the ionospheric current system and in ground magnetic disturbance outputs.
The SWMF developers recommend setting the parameter to False. The change has been applied to runs requested on Feb. 25 and Feb. 26, 2019 and will apply to all future SWMF magnetosphere run requests.
Feb 25, 2019
SWMF magnetosphere requests can either use the Rice Convection Model (RCM) (with or without the Radiation Belt Electron (RBE) model) or the Comprehensive Inner-Magnetosphere Ionosphere (CIMI) model (covering ring current electron and ion and radiation belt electron energies).
The older Comprehensive Ring Current Model (CRCM) has been removed from the options.
ACE realtime solar wind data have been missing since Dec. 19, 2018 due to an operation system configuration change. The data stream has been restored and data are again available (subject to daily gaps).
Feb 22, 2019
Ground magnetic perturbation results from the post-processing tool CalcDeltaB were accidentally multiplied by a factor of 50 during visualization. The error has been corrected and existing CalcDeltaB runs do not need to be redone.
Feb 20, 2019
SWMF Magnetometer grid data results generated by the 2018/05/25 version of SWMF exhibit irregularities at the magnetic poles. The north and east components may change sign from one output time to the next due to a flaw in the numerical computation of the rotation matrices used. Results away from the poles are correct and visualizations should avoid the poles (by moving away at least a grid space in latitude). CalcDeltaB results at the magnetic poles do not show these sign flips and thus are not affected by this problem.
Feb 06, 2019
The time series visualization (via run_timeseries.cgi) now accepts user-uploaded satellite trajectory files in addition to the trajectories available via SSCWeb. Text files with 10 data columns headed by "Year Month Day Hour Minute Second ms" followed by the names of the three spatial coordinates (such as " X Y Z" or " lon lat height") are being accepted. Trajectory data are assumed to be in the model coordinate system.
The SSCWEB satellite inventory used for time series extractions and run on request submissions has not been updated since Aug. 19, 2018. The update was performed by hand at 4:25 PM Eastersn (9:25 PM UT) on Feb. 6, 2019.
Nov 29, 2018
The global magnetosphere run request system may have incorrectly selected CRCM instead of RCM as the inner magnetosphere model in SWMF run requests. The submission system has been patched to select the correct ring current model.
Nov 26, 2018
DSCOVR L2 data (H0/mag, H1/fc (Faraday Cup)) are now available as input for magnetosphere request runs., either through the input file generation page or the magnetosphere run request system (run requests of inner magnetosphere models and empirial models of the ionosphere also offer DSCOVR L2 inputs as of Nov. 29).
Nov 08, 2018
Solar wind data from the WIND spacecraft that can be used for various run-on-request run submissions have been updated through October 27, 2018. Data from earlier years have been updated to the latest version available at CDAWEB.
Nov 06, 2018
The start page of the magnetosphere model run submission was modified to explain that the inner magnetosphere model selections (RCM and RBE or CRCM) apply to any of the SWMF/BATSRUS model versions listed before: Oct. 31, 2018, Oct. 15, 2018, Aug. 15, 2018, July 17, 2018, July 16, 2018, July 13, 2018, June 27, 2018, June 1, 2018, May. 18, 2018, May. 10, 2018, May. 1, 2018, Apr. 20, 2018, Apr. 11, 2018, Apr. 7, 2018, Mar. 30, 2018, Mar. 29, 2018, Mar. 27, 2018, Mar. 13, 2018, Mar. 12, 2018, Mar. 9, 2018, Mar 7, 2018, Feb. 21, 2018, Feb. 20, 2018, Jan. 30, 2018, Jan. 29, 2018, Jan. 11, 2018, Jan. 10, 2018, Nov. 3, 2017, Nov. 2, 2017, Nov. 1, 2017, Oct. 31, 2017, Oct. 27, 2017, Oct. 18, 2017, Sept. 19, 2017, Sept. 14, 2017, Aug. 25, 2017, July 25, 2017, July 14, 2017, July 5, 2017, June 16, 2017, May 16, 2017, May 8, 2017, May 1, 2017
Apr 25, 2017
Run-on-request submission and instant run model problems: The run on request submission system is back up and the AE8/AP8 instant run is again operational.
The problems were caused by a recent file server change that affected the structure of the temporary file system that is used by both. All necessary directories and input files were restored.
Apr 24, 2017
The run on request submission for solar-heliospheric runs (and all the other model categories such as global magnetosphere) has become inoperable after a new file server was attached to the web server. In addition, a user reported problems with the AE8/AP8 instant-run model.
Mar 23, 2017
User-supplied solar wind inputs in Global Magnetosphere Run-on-request submissions may overflow the selected model's capacity to hold such data. Requests with large input files (exceeding 50000 lines or about 14 hours of 1-second data) are now flagged as a special request to ensure greater attention by CCMC staff. Automatically generated ACE, DSCOVR, WIND or OMNI data (1-minute or 16-second cadence) within the 1-week simulation interval limit were not affected by this problem.
Mar 20, 2017
The Ionosphere-thermosphere model DTM is now fully supported in the Runs-on-Request system. The model features three-dimensional mass densities of N2, O2, O, N, H, He, mean molecular mass and temperature from 120 km to 1000 km altitude on a 20-km-altitude and 5x5-degree geographic grid.
Jan 31, 2017
From Particle-in-Cell (PIC) model simulations we now offer calculated parallel and perpendicular pressure and temperature fields for both electrons (Pe_par,Pe_perp, Te_par, Te_perp) and ions (Pi_par, Pi_perp, Ti_par, Ti_perp). Check out the PIC model runs among the Local Physics (LP) run results.
Jan 25, 2017
TEC from the SAMI3 model in the online visualization (available since Nov. 4, 2016) was shifted relative to the electron density (Ne) outputs of the model. The interpolation algoritm in the SAMI3 reader has been corrected to properly account for the grid points being centered around the magnetic equator at each longitude in the model.
Dec 22, 2016
The VPIC_DIST tool to calculate particle distributions based on VPIC simulation runs is now listed in the Request a Model Run page. The tool and its results are available in the "Post-Processing Tools" category.
Dec 06, 2016
Run-on-Request visualization: Several color tables have been added such as "STD GAMMA II" (used in visualizations of PIC simulations), "Green/White Linear", "Green/White exponential", "Blue/Red" and "16 Level". All tables are used in modified form to maintain a set of dedicated colors such as black for axis annotations and white for the background or to indicate missing data.
Dec 05, 2016
The Runs-on-Request submission for Magnetosphere "Event"simulations has been updated to allow manual entry of the solar F10.7 index value. This permits submissions for very recent time periods where real-time solar wind data are available but provisional F10.7 data are not yet available. Yearly Kp, Ap and F10.7 data files from NOAA that are being used by the run submission system are only being updated once a month with the past month's data (data may be outdated by up to two months). The F10.7 form field appears when the requested run interval starts after the last available F10,7 data (the default value presented).
Nov 04, 2016
Total Electron Content (TEC) from runs of the SAMI3 model is now available in the Run-on-Request visualizaion system. The two-dimensional map is best rendered at a low altitude above about 170 km (the highest points of the bottom flux tubes in the model grid).
The resolution of the plot grid used in all visualizations of Runs-on-Request results has been improved. The number of positions used is now proportional to the selected image magnification. As a result, the plot grid resoluton is two times finer than before for a default-sized image and up to four times finer for twice-enlarged images. Note: ASCII outputs are returned at a different (coarser resolution).
Oct 27, 2016
The Run-on-Request submission systems for global magnetosphere and inner magnetosphere now support solar wind inputs from the DSCOVR satellite (as applicable). Daily DSCOVR real time data have been accumulated from NOAA SWPC's solar wind data stream since 2016/07/27 when the satellite was started to be used in operations at SWPC. We added a warning that ACE realtime data after 2016/07/27 have daily gaps.
Oct 26, 2016
Runs-on-Requests of the magnetosphere now use a minimum temperature of 10000 K in solar wind inputs. Before, zero (missing) temperature data were replaced with a value too low to allow the models to run successfully. Although the solar wind temperature is not very important as a solar wind driver of geomagnetic activity, it does affect model stability in global magnetosphere simulations.
Sep 19, 2016
Runs-on-Requests for the CMIT model submitted in the future will use 2.5 by 2.5 degree resolution TIEGCM ionosphere (if requested). Before, all runs used a 5 by 5 degree TIEGCM grid. The MIX ionosphere electrodynamics grid will be set to 1 by 1 degree resolution for runs using the quad-resolution LFM grid (106x96x128 cells). All coarser LFM grids run with 2 by 2 degree MIX resolution (as did all runs before).
Sep 07, 2016
Runs-on-Requests: The option to track satellites in Global Magnetosphere (GM) requests became unavailable on or after Sept. 2, 2016 due to a loss of a file listing satellite orbit parameters. The file has been restored and request runs of selected GM models can again include satellite traces. Satellite positions can be visualized with the magnetosphere MHD and ionosphere electrodynamics simulation outputs.
May 18, 2016
The run-on-request sytems for Global Magnetosphere (GM), Inner Magnetosphere (IM), Ionosphere-Thermosphere (IT) and Local Physics (LP) now tells the user how far into the submision process they are. "Submit" was replaced by "Next: 2 of 4: Options", "Next (3 of 4: Process solar wind inputs)" or "Next (4 of 4: Finalize request)", as applicable. Only the last form has a "Submit" button.
Apr 06, 2016
The instant-run NRLMSISe00 model failed with an un-initialized (zero) year number when attempting to obtain AP and F10.7 index numbers. This error was introduced on March 18 when attempting to fix the warm-up problem with this and the MSIS-90 model.
Apr 01, 2016
MMS satellite tracks in magnetosphere: Satellite tracing performed as a post-processing step resulted in a single file named MMS.sat (actually containing MMS-1 data) instead of separate MMS1.sat through MMS4.sat files for each of the satellites. The problem was corrected and affected magnetosphere runs are being reprocessed.
Mar 18, 2016
Instant-run models MSIS-90 and NRLMSISE-00 have incorrectly reported values for the first position in a series. This problem came to our attention in October of 2015 and may have occurred long before that date. The model driver routines have been modified to correct this problem.
In addition there are differences between results when a set of daily F10.7, 90-day F10.7 and daily Ap values is obtained automatically by the model and when those same parameters are entered into the request interface in a separate request. The cause of these differences is still being investigated.
Feb 16, 2016
During run requests for magnetosphere models in 2016, users were not offered a full list of available satellites to track. The affected request interface scripts (GM_process.php and GM_finalize.php) have been updated to use the new file location that is updated regularly.
Feb 03, 2016
Database access for request run searches was unavailable since the 28th of January. The problem has been corrected.
Nov 20, 2015
The file system holding Runs-on-Request model output data experienced serious problems leading to disconnection from the web server. This occurred from about 5 PM on Nov. 19, 2015 through 1 PM on Nov. 20 Eastern United States Standard Time (UT -5 hours).
Nov 18, 2015
Overview movies of simulation runs of the Magnetosphere (at X=0, Y=0, Z=0) and the ionosphere electrodynamics (ΣP, ΣH, Φ+V and JR+J in both hemispheres) are now limited to 250 frames so that they display more reliably. Movies showing long simulations may only represent a subset (say, one of every 10) of available output time steps.
Nov 06, 2015
Run-on-Request runs of the magnetosphere and inner magnetosphere using ACE real time data are incorrect due to missing solar wind propagation between the ACE spacecraft position and the upstream boundary position of the model. The step (usually resulting in a 30-60 minute delay) was not performed during run submission since a major redesign of the submission system back in 2012. Users who requested affected runs will be notified and runs will be marked with a validation level of (-1) indicating problems until reruns are performed. Requests submitted on or after Nov. 6, 2015 should be correct.
Oct 06, 2015
Images of real time WINDMI model results may have shown incorrect Dst values for the last hour that data were available. This has been occurring during the first 9 calendar days of each month. The problem has been corrected by preserving the exact format of the real-time Dst data instead of eliminating the leading blank character in front the single-digit day number.
Sep 10, 2015
TEC values in TIE-GCM model outputs may have been rendered in units of cm-2 or without units at all. The visualization has been updated to render values in TEC-units (TECU) after multiplying numerical values with 10-12. QJOULE_INTEG values in TIE-GCM model outputs were rendered with an incorrect conversion factor (1/100) applied. The unit provided by the model (erg/cm2/s) is identical to the displayed unit (mW/m2) and no conversion of values is needed.
Aug 24, 2015
ACE L2 and WIND solar wind data have been updated and are available through 2015/04/13 and 2015/08/09, respectively.
Aug 19, 2015
Real-time Dst index data in WINDMI real time plots ceased on July 30 due to a reorganization of archive directories at the CCMC. The missing data also affected instant runs of WINDMI and run requests of other models that may use Dst as inputs or for comparisons (for run end dates after 2015/07/30). The data feed has been restored and the whole Dst data archive has been updated with currently available final data (through the end of 2011) and provisional data (for the years of 2012 and 2013 and the month of March 2015).
Aug 17, 2015
The Quantity O/N2 (ratio of Atomic Oxygen over Molecular Nitrogen number densities) was erroneously listed in online visualizations of CTIPe outputs as "N/O2". All the runs have been reprocessed to show the correct variable.
The magnetic field polarity in ENLIL heliosphere model runs (represented as "polB") was not properly recognized in runs starting in 2015 due to a modification in the model's output files. This prevented the magnetic field from being reversed in regions of negative polarity and caused visualizations to fail when the magnetic polarity variable was requested. The issue has been corrected.
Jun 16, 2015
The Movie-on-Request (Create Gif movie) feature in the 3D model data visualization interface (run_idl3d.cgi) became inoperable after a revision that was applied today. The problem has been corrected by rolling back to the June 5 version. The working version had accidentally been replaced with a version of unknown origin which was incompatible with the current environment.
Jun 05, 2015
Field outputs of particle-in-cell (PIC) models P3D and VPIC are now supported by the online visualization interface program run_idl3d.cgi. In an effort to support magnetic reconnection research for the MMS mission, sample runs of these models were added to the repository of model runs.
May 01, 2015
The search tools for Solar, Heliosphere, Magnetosphere and Ionosphere/Thermosphere model runs under "View Results" now include a more advanced search where users can enter separate search terms for each of the data table columns that were included in the simple search. Search terms can be combined with "AND" to narrow the search (default) or with "OR" to widen the search. Multiple model names can be selected and the results will contain all the selected models. The search tool for Inner Magnetosphere model runs will be upgraded soon.
Apr 16, 2015
Runs-on-Requests for the magnetosphere are now limited to five per user and day. Users are encouraged to use limited resources wisely and use the new advanced search in magnetosphere runs to identify runs with parameters that you plan to use.
Apr 02, 2015
WIND data for magnetosphere runs were updated from April 2014 through March 25, 2015. Please note that data between Oct. 26 through Nov 7, 2014 were lost due to spacecraft problems. Data during Nov. 7-21, 2014 are of questionable scientific qualtiy due to attitude processing problems and data from Nov. 21 through Jan. 30, 2015 suffer from random bit errors. See data updates at the CDAWeb's Public Data from Current Space Physics Missions page.
Mar 26, 2015
IRI-2007 instant-run outputs in ModelWeb have been corrected. Values were returned incorrectly due to errors in the format information used by a postprocessor that prepares model outputs for user view and plotting. This affected variables following hmF2 in the iri_vitmo.php interface.
Mar 18, 2015
Movie-on-Request submissions from visualizations of 2D and 3D model outputs fail to execute automatically since a server reboot on March 13. Affected users have been notified of the problem. New requests can be submitted and will be run by hand until the problem is corrected. Response times may be longer for requests submitted during the evening and night in Eastern Daylight Time (UT minus 4 hours) or during the weekend.
Mar 17, 2015
Magnetosphere Run-on-Request timeseries outputs referred to as SWMF diagnostic log file with CPCPN (CPCP North), CPCPS (CPCP South), Dst (SymH) were found to often contain duplicate outputs (time periods that repeat). A filter is now being applied to eliminate those duplicate time stamps and outputs dating back to 2009 have been reprocessed. Older runs (2009 and earlier) have been processed for the first time.
Mar 11, 2015
A flaw in user input screening algorithms has appeared during the week of March 9 that prevents tracking of THEMIS and CLUSTER satellites in magnetospheric time series plots. The satellite name submitted by the run_timeseries.cgi form is either rejected outright or is quietly replaced by an empty string. We are working to resolve this issue. Update: The issue has been addressed by submitting the satellite names also accepted by SSCweb's Locator Tabular interface (e.g., "themisa" instead of "Themis-A (P5)") while still displaying the latter, more descriptive names.
Mar 06, 2015
Magnetic topolgy visualization in Run-on-Request outputs failed to display properly in EPS images available online with visualizations. An experimental feature accidentally made it into the production system and has been removed, thuis restoring the capability.
Mar 04, 2015
Particle-in-Cell (PIC) simulation model runs are now supported in the run results displayed by viewrun.php. The Michael_Hesse_021915_2 run is featured in the list of simulations performed for MMS mission support.
Run pages feature parameters of the initial configuration and provide links to visualization of the field outputs and of particle distribution functions that have been computed in different regions-of-interest in the simulation domain.
Feb 11, 2015
Spherical components of vectors (such as V_r,V_t,V_p) can now be computed and visualized for models that output in cartesian coordinates. This includes 3D models of the magnetosphere and the cartesian SWMF model of the corona and heliosphere. Outputs of ionospheric electrodynamics written by global magnetosphere models now also feature spherical components in addition to the cartesian vector components (of V, E, and J).
Jan 29, 2015
The 2011/01/31 version of the SWMF magnetosphere model has been retired from the Run-on-Request (RoR) system and was replaced with the 2014/06/11 model version. The 2014 model version has been running in real time since September 2014 following that the 2011 model version had been experiencing problems during the year of 2014.
Jan 28, 2015
The Modelweb instant-run models IGRF and IRI have been updated to use IGRF-12 coefficients that were published in December of 2014. The models can be run for years through 2020.
Jan 22, 2015
The LANLstar instant-run model was unavailable for a while. This has been corrected and daily 1-minute Qin-Denton input files through Jan. 5, 2014 (the latest file at LANL) are now being used.
Jan 16, 2015
Run-on-Request visualizations were updated to generate numbers that are unique well past the time that temporary files are available on the web and ftp servers. These longer numbers appear in names of image and archive files that are being returned for view and download.
Jan 08, 2015
Visualization of two-dimensional ionospheric statistical models (Weimer, Ovation-Prime, Cosgrove-PF) in geographic coordinates had a problem that was introduced with the mapping using magnetic dipole coordinates. The Earth's rotation had been applied twice.
The visualization of two-dimensional ionosphere models (and the ionosphere electrodynamics of magnetosphere models) via run_iono2d.cgi now includes by default the latitude-local-time grid (10° by 45°).
Jan 06, 2015
Web pages for ionosphere-thermosphere models displayed through viewrun.php now use model run times in the database that are measured in minutes. This supports the statistical models (Weimer, Ovation-Prime, Cosgrove-PF) that can run in increments of a minute as opposed to the physics-based models (CTIPe, GITM, TIE-GCM, USU-GAIM) that usually run for full days at a time.
Dec 30, 2014
The Metrics analysis and visualizations (mentioned Dec. 12) now calculates event-based skill scores (threshold crossings similar to the "dBdt" study) for the GEM2008 magnetopause crossing study results. The visualization also indicates when the geosynchronous satellite is in the nightside.
Dec 18, 2014
Issues with the new timeseries for ionosphere tool (available for 2D statistical models that were introduced on Dec. 5) have been corrected. The interface offers model outputs along satellite tracks and now plots and prints positions consistently in terms of Latitude (Lat), Magnetic Local Time (MLT) and radial distance from Earth's center (R). Plotting problems for the Weimer and Ovation-Prime model outputs have been addressed.
Dec 17, 2014
Several real time runs (including CTIPe, SWMF (2008) and SWMF-RCM (2014 model version) generating images and data products in the ISWA system were behind. All the problems have been corrected and post-processing steps are catching up slowly.
Run-on-Request visualization of "3D Flow Lines" contained an error that rendered labels with the colors for user-defined field lines only when no user defined field lines were requested and no labels when only user-defined start points were used. This has been corrected.
The list describing (magnetospheric) MHD variables (linked to from the run_idl3d.cgi plot interface) was corrected to explain the B1 magnetic field from the OpenGGCM model as being written out on its staggered grid, different from the plasma variables. This vector is distinct from B1 written by the SWMF model, which is the perturbation magnetic field (i.e., B minus Earth's dipole field).
A user inquiry exposed the missing explanation.
Dec 12, 2014
Metrics analysis and visualizations now include the option to generate stack plots of data and model traces and the ability to visualize whether a geosynchronous satellite is inside or outside of the magnetopause. Check the "GEM Challenge" page for available visualizations of Metric 2.
Dec 08, 2014
Many real time models (e.g., CTIPe, PBMOD) are experiencing problems due to data feeds that have been interrupted after NOAA SWPC changed access to data in their archive that were available through the HTTP protocol. Data downloads that use the FTP interface are unaffected. We are working on redirecting data input pipelines to reflect the changes.
Dec 05, 2014
Three statistical ionospheric models are available for Run-on-Request. These include Weimer (ionospheric electrodynamics; 2000 and 2005 versions), Ovation-Prime (precipitation energy flux into the ionosphere; 2010 version) and Cosgrove-PF (Poynting flux into the ionosphere, Jan. 2014 version). Check our "Models-at-CCMC" and "Request-A-Run" pages for information on these models and to request runs.
Nov 14, 2014
Visualizations of Run-on-Request and ModelWeb results and of input data during run submissions were unavailable in the late afternoon and evening of Nov. 13 due to unexpected changes in licensing of the Interactive Data Language (IDL) software on the web server. To restore visualizations, a patch has been applied to about a dozen different pages that display images created by IDL. Please contact CCMC staff if you still experience problems.
Nov 10, 2014
Estimates of processing times in single image and timeseries visualizations (run_idl3d.cgi, run_timeseries.cgi) have been updated to reflect the processing required for LFM runs that include substantial calculations after loading data. The estimates now correctly account for output file sizes and the CPU time needed per unit of data read. Timeseries visualizations involving many model output time steps used to time out with the previously insufficient estimates.
Nov 04, 2014
SOHO Costep real time energetic electron data and proton forecasts are again available.
Oct 30, 2014
SOHO Costep real time energetic electron flux data and proton flux forecast are unavailable due to a power outage and subsequent hardware failure on the server feeding the data to ISWA.
Oct 23, 2014
SOHO Costep real time energetic electron data and forecasts of Solar Energetic Particles (SEP, protons) are available again.
Oct 22, 2014
Plots of SWMF real time magnetosphere model outputs displayed invalid magnetic field lines and reported invalid magnetopause standoff distances during the day of Oct. 21, 2014. The field line tracing software was failing on the new server that was used for processing model results since an outage of the old server occurred last week. The issue was corrected by moving the processing to a different, compatible server.
Oct 21, 2014
The Create GIF movie (or "Movie-on-Request") functionality that has been unavailable since last week has been restored today.
Several real time data feeds to the ISWA system (plots of GOES Xray and particle measurements and geomagnetic indices) and real-time model runs (including SOHO/COSTEP SEP, SWMF magnetosphere, CTIPe ionosphere and Weimer electric potential) have stopped on or before Oct. 15, 2014 due to a server failure. The replacement server was able to restore some of the feeds, but issues remain with some of the model runs. We are working on the full restoration of services at this time.
Oct 20, 2014
The Create GIF movie (or "Movie-on-Request") functionality available from the run_idl3d.cgi and run_iono2d.cgi interfaces has been inoperable since a server reboot during the week of Oct. 13 - 17. We are looking into this issue.
GUMICS model runs with nonzero solar wind Bx have not been executed correctly (the model assumes zero Bx). After consultation with the model developer the correct inputs are now being applied. We started rerunning requests affected by this problem and will notifiy users of updates.
Oct 08, 2014
Create GIF movie (or Movie-on-Request) capability has been restored using an upgraded queueing system on the web server.
Oct 06, 2014
The "shellshock" web server vulnerability that was reported on September 24, 2014 triggered maintenance work on our web site to patch the vulnerability and to improve security.The Create GIF movie (or "movie-on-request") functionality available from the run_idl3d.cgi and run_iono2d.cgi interfaces has been inoperable since then, as reported by a user on Oct. 6. We are working to address this issue.
Oct 03, 2014
Users of Ionosphere-Thermosphere (IT) models will see a new web link in their emails notifying them of completed run requests. The new link to the viewrun.php script for each run is analogous to similar links to runs of inner magnetosphere (IM) and global magnetosphere (GM) models. For ionosphere-thermosphere runs, however, the interface is still in development. Eventually, it will replace the individual run pages that are currently being created.
Sep 12, 2014
The "Magnetopause" boundary available in plots of magnetosphere model results is now correctly labeled "Closed field line boundary". The boundary shown coincides with the magnetopause in the dayside, sunward of the cusps. We are working to reliably depict the magnetopause in the nightside as it encloses the tail lobes with field lines connected to only one hemisphere of the Earth.
Sep 11, 2014
A failing file server disrupted services on the CCMC web site during the last two weeks. On Sept. 10 we changed to a secondary (backup) server. Problems with CCMC web visualization and ModelWeb models have been resolved after malfunctions were reported to us. All ISWA cygnets fed by real time model runs should be up to date again.
Aug 26, 2014
Pressure can now be calculated from Fok Ring Current and Radiation Belt (FRC, FRB, CIMI) model fluxes. With the new quantity "P", the plot interface offers a selection of the lowest and highest energy bin to be included in the calculation. The new option applies to new Fok model run results published (and older runs on request).
Aug 05, 2014
ACE L2 and WIND data for runs-on-request have been updated to cover the years 2012 and 2013. Data for 2014 are available through March 4, 2014 (ACE L2) and April 13, 2014 (WIND).
Jun 25, 2014
Runs of IFM (Ionosphere Forecast Model running with USU-GAIM) starting on the 1st of January experienced post-processing and visualization errors. Dates during the startup phase of the IFM model (the day before) were not properly listed as December 31st of the previous year.
Jun 11, 2014
Planet positions in HelTomo visualization: The inner planets and heliospheric satellites are now correctly placed in plots of Heliospheric Tomography model results. The plot interface now states where the Earth is located and identifies the coordinate system (HEEQ) used.
Jun 04, 2014
Global magnetosphere simulation results: A link to a list of full names and locations of Magnetometer stations has been added to simulation result pages. The station list is available here as well.
Jun 02, 2014
SWMF heliosphere simulation results: Satellite output files are now supported in the 1D timeline plotter. The model calculates a stationary state and interpolated model values on the satellite track during a whole Carrington Rotation (˜27 days) are written for different iteration step values (for example, 0, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000). In addition to the time range, the user has to select a value of the iteration step to plot or write data matching that value.
May 07, 2014
Time line plots of satellite outputs (from the SWMF or OpenGGCM models) failed when handling variables that are computed from the primary model outputs (such as temperature T). This error prevented the rendering of the variable's name and unit and the display of variables to be plotted subsequently. Following the error, ASCII data did not get printed correctly.
May 06, 2014
The instant-run WINDMI model can now run for up to 27 days (up from 11 days). The execution of a 27-day run takes about 6 minutes and progress is indicated every 5 seconds to keep the web connection alive.
Printouts for 1D data for any model may have resulted in the columns for the X,Y, and Z positions to run together. The output format was changed to accommodate larger numbers.
Apr 04, 2014
Run-on-Request visualization - Data printout requests: Data printouts 1 MB in size or larger are now gzip-compressed. Movie-on-request submissions will combine these compressed files into tar-archives of outputs as before. This change provides smaller downloads and uses less scratch space.
Mar 21, 2014
Magnetosphere Run-on-requests: A bug was fixed in the definition of the 1.95-million cell grid offered for magnetospheric SWMF request runs. A discrepancy of about 100000 cells found between some recent runs (2011 model version) and runs using the 2008 model version was eliminated.
Mar 06, 2014
Run-on-Request visualization: A new Plot Mode, ColorContour+Vector on Sphere, was added. Components of a vector (selected as Q 2) on the sphere's surface are rendered as arrows. A bug was fixed in the Color Contour on Sphere plot mode that placed data values incorrectly onto the sphere and left areas around the north pole open.
Mar 04, 2014
CTIPe real time run on ISWA: The electron density at 400 km altitude is now plotted.
ENLIL 2.8: ENLIL outputs with multiple blocks are fully supported by the visualization: Block 0 is the full run with all CMEs entered into the model, each following block has one CME fewer until the last block without andy CMEs (background steady-state run). The list of variables is automatically adjusted for the number of blocks found.
Feb 24, 2014
SWMF coronal outputs: SWMF outputs for the solar corona in spherical coordinates are now supported. Values and positions written out in cartesian coordinates (X,Y,Z) are transferred back to spherical (R, Lon, Lat) coordinates and rendered like outputs of the MAS and ENLIL models.
Feb 12, 2014
Run-on-Request visualization: A new Plot Mode, Color Contour on Sphere, has been introduced for 3D magnetosphere model outputs. The plot mode can assist users in tracking changes near the inner boundary of a magnetosphere simulation and correlate values with corresponding patterns in the ionosphere.
Feb 05, 2014
Run-on-Request visualization: visualization of 3D data from heliosphere, magnetosphere and ionosphere/thermosphere models may now include the option to show positons of inner planets (Mercury-Mars) and satellites available at SSCWeb. The option will be implemented for new runs first and then retroactively for older runs.
Feb 05, 2014
IRI and MSIS models in Modelweb: The input file with AP and F10.7 data was missing year 1959 causing the models to pick data from a year later than intended. Request attempts on Feb. 4 and Feb.5 failed for dates within a year of 2013/9/17 (the last valid date).
Feb 04, 2014
The IRI-2007 model in ModelWeb was fixed and returns valid data. MSIS-90 and NRLMSISe-00 have been modified to use the same AP input file as IRI-2007 (starting from 1958). First valid date: Feb. 14, 1958.
Meta data (input parameters and variables returned) have been added to the downloadable text file.
Jan 24, 2014
IRI, MSISE-90 and NRLMSISE-00 instant runs: The automatic update of AP and F10.7 inputs was corrected and now reports back the latest date that can be entered into the models taking into account the 45-day margin needed to calculate the 90-day average of the F10.7 index (F10.7a). The first valid date is Feb. 14, 1960 and the last valid date is currently 2013/09/17 and should be updated at the beginning of each month.
Jan 23, 2014
Two versions of the MSIS atmospheric model (MSISE-90 and NRLMSISE-00) are now available for instant run using separate input forms, form handlers and configuration files matched to the respective model versions. The issue was raised on Jan. 21 (below) and resolved by the installation of the newer model version.
Jan 22, 2014
The run on request interface for the Tsyganenko model failed to check whether a user selected any satellite or position to track. The absence of a valid position and of any selected satellite now triggers an error message and prevents the request from being submitted.
Jan 21, 2014
A user reported that the MSISE-90 model instant run reported incorrect daily and 90-day averaged F10.7 index values. We found that the model does not generate the data column for "Anomalous Oxygen" (AO) densities immediately preceding the F10.7 and F10.7a data columns. The interface was actually designed for the NRL-MSISE-00 model which generates the AO output. The option to request AO values was removed from the run interface for the MSISE-90 model.
Jan 18, 2014
The CIMI ring current and radiation belt model using the T96 magnetic field model is now running in real time. Latest images are posted on the CIMI-T96 real-time run test page.
Dec 16, 2013
A runaway process filled the web server's scratch space, temporarily disabling visualizations and model instant runs. The file was deleted and proper operations resumed.
Visualization of field line mapping by the Tsyganenko model was updated to render magnetic foot points in the ionosphere as solid circles instead of hollow squares that were difficult to see.
Nov 26, 2013
A test in the final step in the inner magnetosphere run-on-request system always failed. This has been corrected after a user's alert. The request system of the CIMI, Tsyganenko and RCM models is again fully functional.
Nov 21, 2013
Visualization of TIE-GCM ionosphere/thermosphere model outputs now includes the height-integrated variable "QJOULE_INTEG". The scaling of the "DEN" variable was corrected (values were too small by a factor of 10-5).
Nov 20, 2013
The stand-alone Rice Convection Model (RCM) is now available for Run-on-Request in the inner-magnetosphere model category. Input data range from the beginning of 1996 through the end of October 2013. The model's outputs include Birkeleand currents, conductances and fluxes and energies of precipitating particles in the ionosphere.
Nov 13, 2013
The instant-run model LANL* has been upgraded to use 1-minute Qin-Denton data starting from Jan. 1 1996 until July 31, 2013 (1-hour data are used for time periods starting before 1996). The upgraded model also includes magnetic field results from the RAM-SCB model (LANL ring current model with self-consistent magnetic field) within 6.5 RE of the Earth's center.
Nov 08, 2013
Post-processing for Tsyganenko runs-on-request is now completed with visualization options that show time line plots of magnetic field strength and positions. An overview movie shows a "Global View" plot with significant positons along the field lines projected onto the GSM X=0, Y=0 and Z=0 planes as well as foot points plotted on maps of the northern and southern hemisphere of the Earth.
Oct 28, 2013
Inputs to the NRL-MSISE00 and IRI models in the Modelweb section of the CCMC web site were incorrectly prepared for the fixed-format read statements used by the models. This resulted in incorrect longitude and latitude values used. A similar input handler for the IGRF model was inspected but was found to be adequate as the model had been changed to use free-form read statements.
Oct 25, 2013
1-minute OMNI data are now correctly plotted in inner magnetosphere requests. Epoch times were handled incorrectly resulting in invalid data returned from interpolations to bridge short data gaps. This may have lead to unsuccessful request submission attempts. 1-minute OMNI data are now a solar wind input option for magnetosphere runs. hourly Qin-Denton input data for LANL* and Tsygananko models are now available through July 31, 2013. This latest date will be updated automatically as new data appear on
We are working on obtaining higher time resolution data (5-minute or 1-minute dat) as they beconme available. . 1-minute OMNI data are now correctly plotted in inner magnetosphere requests. Epoch times were handled incorrectly resulting in invalid data returned from interpolations to bridge short data gaps. This may have lead to unsuccessful request submission attempts. 1-minute OMNI data are now a solar wind input option for magnetosphere runs. hourly Qin-Denton input data for LANL* and Tsygananko models are now available through July 31, 2013. This latest date will be updated automatically as new data appear on
We are working on obtaining higher time resolution data (5-minute or 1-minute dat) as they beconme available.
Oct 23, 2013
Visualization of the Exospheric Solar Wind Model was corrected: Radial distances on the X axis and units of F_e and F_p are now shown correctly on the left Y axis. Units of N_e and N_p (10^6/m^3) were corrected in the moments.dat files in all runs of the model.
Oct 18, 2013
The run-on-request system for magnetospheric runs reported incorrect solar wind source ("Input Source") information at the end of some requests. This has been corrected. The list of satellites offered in the second-to-last page is now purged of predicted trajectories (satellite entries with "pred" provided by SSCWeb).Applicable satellites for an event run are selected for high time cadence tracking by default (runs with SWMF or OpenGGCM model).
Sep 30, 2013
The Coupled Magnetosphere Ionosphere Thermosphere (CMIT) model version LTR-2_2_0 has been added to the run-on-request system (only version LTR-2_1_5 was available before).
Sep 19, 2013
Movie on Request visualization (run_idl3d.cgi): Start time and end time for movie requests are switched if the start time is later than the end time. A warning is posted as the request is submitted.
Sep 18, 2013
Online visualization:
Diagnostic variables omega.B and V.J have been added to variables that can be calculated from 3D MHD outputs. Diagnostic variables omega.B and V.J have been added to variables that can be calculated from 3D MHD outputs.
Sep 16, 2013
Runs on Request Four versions of the Tsyganenko magnetic field model (T89, T96, T01storm, TS04/TS05) are now available for Run-on-Request. Unlike the Tsyganenko instant run for a single time and single position, users can select a time interval and output cadence and specify multiple fixed positions and satellites in a single request. The model is then used to trace magnetic field lines to obtain magnetic connections to the ionosphere, the Z=0 plane in GSM and SM coordinates, and to obtain the minimum-B and apex locations on the field lines.
Sep 10, 2013
Online visualization: Diagnostic variables omega.B and V.J have been added to variables that can be calculated from 3D MHD outputs.
Sep 09, 2013
Online visualization: Bug fixes: The computation of curl or divergence in spherical coordinates may have failed due to a bug assiging the wrong size to one index array. Magnetic field topology failed to display in magnetosphere. This was caused by a wrongly named variable in the main plot driver. The bug had been introduced with a software update on Sept. 4, 2013. New features: Vorticity (omega) with components in the three spatial directions (measured in [1/s]), has been added to variables derived from 3D MHD outputs of solar-corona, heliosphere and magnatosphere models. The vorticity replaces curl(V) in the list of derived variables.
Sep 06, 2013
The Coupled Magnetosphere Ionosphere Thermosphere (CMIT) model version LTR-2_1_1 was found to have problems with the auroral conductance model. Hall conductance levels calculated from precipitation and field aligned currents were found to be too weak. The conductance model has been improved in the newer model version LTR-2_1_5. LTR-2_1_1 has been retired from the Run-on-Request system. CMIT (LTR-2_1_5) runs that include TIEGCM can now be submitted for times until 2013/04/30 23:59 (Day of Year 120 of 2013).
Aug 21, 2013
Calculation of Joule dissipation in the ionosphere needs to take into account both Hall and Pedersen currents. The formula quoted in the entry of Jun. 22, 2012 represents the contribution of the Pedersen currents only. The total is represented by the formula that was originally used: Wdiss=J2/Sigma_P. This reverses the change made on Jun. 22, 2012.
Aug 09, 2013
Invalid data were displayed in stand-alone vector (arrow) plots (Plot Mode: "Vector") of magnetospheric model outputs. The vector plotting routine was modified to eliminate these data values and also to render the masked area if "Exclude region around the Earth" is checked.
Aug 08, 2013
Post-processing problems with SAMI-3 model runs were detected and corrected. The model release obtained in the beginning of June was patched to write all the variables that are expected and runs now successfully complete post processing for visualization.
Jul 31, 2013
GUMICS: Drift velocity (Vx, Vy, Vz) are now available in the visualization of the ionosphere electrodynamics outputs.
Jul 30, 2013
Magnetosphere request runs: Quick-look movies have been added to the post-processing of new runs. In the magnetosphere, cuts with plasma density, velocity and magnetic field lines are shown. In the ionosphere, electric potentials, drift velocity, field-aligned current and conductances are shown from the ionosphere electrodynamics outputs.
Jul 24, 2013
The CIMI (Fok Comprehensive Inner magnetosphere-Ionosphere) model specifying ring current electrons, protons and Oxygen ions and radiation belt electrons is now fully supported in the CCMC visualization.
Jul 24, 2013
NRLMSISe and IRI in ModelWeb: Web site security settings disabled plots with logarithmic X or Y-axes. The functionality was restored with a minor fix to the interface.
Jul 20, 2013
Tsyganenko models (T89, T96, T01, TS04/TS05) can now be run in batch mode through IDL. The model versions will be available soon for run-on-request to provide magnetic mapping information.
Jul 12, 2013
Auroral electrodynamics output of SWMF runs of the magnetosphere with artificial magnetic dipole tilts are now displayed correctly according to the tilt angles (colatitude, longitude) set in the input to the model. Runs performed for the 2013 Heliospheric Summer School (HSS) with 45-degree tilt in latitude and zero degrees in longitude now display the patterns centered at the magnetic pole in central Europe and with 90-degree tilt in Africa.
Jun 25, 2013
Magnetic topology can be rendered as individual symbols (good to indicate field lines traced at low resolution or as continuous surfaces reducing file sizes of Encapsulated PostScript files at high resolution.
Jun 03, 2013
SAMI-3 request runs were reporting invalid values for the electron temperature (T_e) due to duplication of the variable name in the list of quantities. All SAMI-3 runs have been reprocessed to correct the error.
May 13, 2013
Real-time Weimer electric potential patterns were showing 2010 as the year, although current solar wind data were used to derive the patterns. The coordinate transformation routine in the Weimer model has been upgraded to provide extrapolations through year 2015 and the problem has been corrected.
Apr 16, 2013
SWMF runs of the magnetosphere: CPCPN, CPCPS and Dst values are being extracted from SWMF magnetosphere log file outputs and a link is being added to vizualize the resulting file.
Apr 04, 2013
The COMS satellite icon and label were missing in the SWMF inner magnetosphere Z=0 cut plot (with magnetopause) on the ISWA system. The icon has been restored and the label "GOES-11" was replaced with "GOES-14".
Apr 03, 2013
Instant runs of the Tsyganenko model (T96) had occasionally returned invalid results for the single sample point in the magnetosphere after the field line tracing to the conjugate point in the ionosphere had been completed. The model executable has been recompiled with static variables to correct this problem.The sample point in the magnetosphere is now taken as a start point for field lines into the ionosphere. The applicable footpoints are now listed in the model output. The model interface has been upgraded to support model versions T89, T96 (default) and T01 that have been compiled together with Geopack-2008.
Mar 21, 2013
The display of the magnetic field line topology in the magnetosphere is now rendered as a continuous color map instead of showing distinct asterisk symbols. This greatly reduces the file size of Encapsulated Postscript images when using adapt=4 or larger.A new checkbox named "Render grid cell vertices" has been added for users to access the old way of displaying the topology.
Mar 21, 2013
A "race condition" was identified and corrected in the daily acquisition of trajectories of GOES satellites and the Moon for the SWMF real-time magnetosphere simulation. Occasionally, the Moon orbit was overwritten by the orbit of one of the GOES satellites for a single day at a time. This caused the Moon to "jump" from its correct orbit and temporarily "assume" a geo-synchronous orbit. This was seen in plots at Y=0 and Z=0 in the magnetosphere that are displayed in real-time web pages and on ISWA.
Mar 07, 2013
The GOES-13, GOES-14, the COMS spacecraft and the Moon are now properly identified in Y=0 and Z=0 plots of the real-time SWMF magnetosphere simulation. Plots affected are being displayed on real-time web pages and on ISWA.
Feb 26, 2013
All TIE-GCM ionosphere-thermosphere runs have been reprocessed to list components of the ion drift (ExB) velocities consistently as 'Vi_Lon', 'Vi_Lat', 'Vi_IP'. The velocity components written by the model are named 'U', 'V', 'W', followed by either 'i_VEL' or 'i_ExB'. Some of these original names (e.g., 'Ui_ExB') had been displayed in the online visualization and were not recognized as components of the ion drift velocity vector.
Jan 24, 2013
All magnetosphere runs have been reprocessed to compute accurate values of the Joule Dissipiation rate in the ionosphere as listed in the Joule_dissip.txt timeseries output files. Joule dissipation files from request runs originally processed before Jun. 22, 2012 have been modified.
Jan 12, 2013
Magnetosphere/OpenGGCM Several version 4.0 runs had to be re-executed: Modeled runs with constant and not tilted dipole orientation and 'auroral' conductances in the ionosphere did not exhibit the symmetric solar EUV conductance pattersn as expected. Runs requested and executed between June and December of 2012 were rerun with a corrected model.
Jan 10, 2013
Magnetosphere/ OpenGGCM Several runs between late May and early December 2012 with model version 4.0 exhibited an undesired time shift in the solar wind input data. An incorrect input to the model was eliminated and the following runs were re-executed: Andrey_Samsonov_103112_2 Andrey_Samsonov_120512_2 Andrey_Samsonov_120712_2 Andrey_Samsonov_121412_2 Bruce_Tepke_071312_1 Bruce_Tepke_071312_2 Ceren_Moral_062512_1 ceren_moral_062912_2 Claudia_Stolle_111112_1 Claudia_Stolle_112112_2 Claudia_Stolle_080712_1 David_Hercik_061412_1 David_Hercik_061412_2 Erin_Quigley_111112_1 Erin_Quigley_111112_2 GEM_CEDAR_100212_1 Martin_Connors_120612_1 Michelangelo_Romano_110812_1 Quanqi_Shi_071012_1 Quanqi_Shi_071812_1 Richard_Wolf_051812_1 Richard_Wolf_052812_1 Richard_Wolfr_060812_1 SWPC_OpenGGCM_031111_1 SWPC_OpenGGCM_031111_4 William_Longley_121312_1 Xiaoyan_Zhou_053012_1
Dec 28, 2012
Magnetosphere/LFM Interpolation for LFM visualization and data extraction in magnetospehre changed to tetrahedral interpolation. Previous interpolation scheme did not remain within the data range on the model grid at isolated locations. Averaged values of the nearest grid points around the X-axis are used to supplement the interpolated values near the X-axis.
Oct 01, 2012
Magnetosphere/all models: The calculation of magnetic perturbations at selected magnetometer sites from current systems in the magnetosphere and ionosphere has been finalized.
Aug 01, 2012
Use Kameleon-Plus library for field line tracing and interpolations using CCMC CDF files.
Jun 22, 2012
Calculation of Joule dissipation in the ionosphere is now using correct formula: Wdiss=Sigma_P*J2/(Sigma_P2+Sigma_H2)
Jun 21, 2012
Magnetosphere simulation runs: The formula to compute the Joule Dissipation (Wdiss in 2D ionosphere plots) was corrected. All runs submitted, run and processed have the correct Joule Dissipation formula in the Joule_Dissip.txt timeline files.
Mar 03, 2012
Ionosphere/M-GITM model Support for stand-alone GITM model added.
Jan 13, 2012
Solar Corona/Heliosphere/MAS model Check presence of output files for list of possible quantities. Not all may be present for a given simulatiaon
Aug 09, 2011
Tetrahedral interpolation used for RCM outputs.
Jul 07, 2011
Magnetic topology in magnetosphere: allow any rectangular base mesh.
Mar 21, 2011
Ionosphere-Thermosphere/SAMI3 Split single output file into one for each time step. Interpolation in horizontal and vertical slices now implemented by dividing grid into tetrahedra.
Jul 29, 2010
Introduced field line topology layer in magnetosphere plots. Determination of polar cap (open field lines) using adaptive grid implemented.
Apr 30, 2010
Reader for TIE-GCM added/updated.
Apr 15, 2010
Visualize distribution functions from Particle-in-Cell (PIC) simulations. Fields from PIC simulations were supported in 2009.
Apr 01, 2009
GUMICS magnetosphere model: parse *.args input file for meta data information. GUMICS support was added in Jan. 2008.