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Your run results will be published online under your Run Registration Number (FirstName_LastName_MMDDYY_ModelType_RunNumber) e.g. John_Smith_032511_SH_1.
Interplanetary scintillation (IPS) data from STElab (Nagoya University, Japan) used as an input to the Heliospheric Tomography Model are generally available from year 1997 (CR 1918) through the present time. DATA OUTAGES: - Years 1997-2009 had regular outages of data from December to May. From late 2010 the scintillation-level (density proxy) data coverage has been year-round (no Dec-May outages). - There are no data for almost all of the year 2010 (through November). - There are some short duration data outages due to typhoons.
(e.g., Jackson et al., 2012, Solar Phys., DOI 10.1007/s11207-012-0102-x)When selecting the time interval above please take into account additional specific in-situ data availability restrictions below. Please note that there are additional short in-situ input data gaps (such as during shock events) not mentioned for each data set.
ONLY if you require a customized simulation setup not provided by the standard submission options. Unlike the standard runs that are automatically processed, special requests are reviewed and manually modified by the CCMC staff. Please note that special requests are reviewed and manually modified by the CCMC staff and are executed only if resources are available.