Your run results will be published online under your Run Registration Number (FirstName_LastName_MMDDYY_ModelType_RunNumber) e.g. John_Smith_032511_IM_1.
Parameters for defining the background solar wind (which will be a Parker spiral) and an idealized shock for accelerating particles.
These parameters define the properties of the output SEP energy spectrum. The minimum and maximum will define the range of the spectrum, while the number of steps will define the number of energy bins in the spectrum.
Defining the position of point observers in the heliosphere. These observers will have measurements of particles and solar wind properties.
These parameters define our heliosphere for the model.
EPREM uses a lagrangian grid, so the nodes are moving with the solar wind. This is different from an Eulerian grid, in which the positions in the heliosphere are fixed. The nodes are on streams that originate as if on faces of a cube. So, for example, 3 rows and 3 columns will produce cube faces with 9 streams, and thus 54 total streams.
Parameters for defining various properties of the source particle and SEP particle distributions.
ONLY if you require a customized simulation setup not provided by the standard submission options. Unlike the standard runs that are automatically processed, special requests are reviewed and manually modified by the CCMC staff. Please note that special requests are reviewed and manually modified by the CCMC staff and are executed only if resources are available.