Last Updated: 09/09/2022

GEM Modeling Challenge


The GEM community has recognized that due to the maturity and the increasing complexity of the state-of-the-art global space weather models, there is a great need for a systematic and quantitative evaluation of different GGCM modeling approaches. In summer 2008 the GGCM Metrics and Validation Focus Group initiated the GGCM modeling Challenge. The goals of the Challenge:

  • Evaluate the current state of the space science models and track model improvements over time
  • Facilitate interaction between research and operation communities
  • Facilitate collaboration among modelers and data providers and research communities.
  • Facilitate further model improvement.

The project focuses on various scientific and operational aspects of GGCM model performance and addresses challenges of model-data comparisons and metrics studies (e.g., model output and observational time series preparation for comparison, measurement uncertainty, metrics selection).

Status of the Challenge

Phys. Parameter/Metrics StudyWhen InitiatedObserv. data time series preparationDatabase of model resultsDeliverables
1. Magnetic field at geosyn. orbit.summer 2008completedcompletedRastaetter et al., 2011Pulkkinen et al., 2010
2. Magnetopause crossing by geosyn. satellitessummer 2008completed, provided by Michelle ThompsoncompletedRastaetter et al, presented at GEM 2013 Summer WorkshopPapers:Rastaetter et al. manuscript in preparation (2017)Collado-Vega et al. manuscript in preparation (2017)
3. Plasma parameters at geosyn. orbitsummer 2008SOPA corrections are required to proceed with the studypendingpending
4. Ground magnetic perturbationssummer 2008availablecompletedPulkkinen et al., 2009Pulkkinen et al., 2011Rastaetter et al., 2014a base for the operational geospace model validation
4a. Time derivative of ground magnetic perturbations (Operational geospace model validation)January 2011availablecompletedDiscussion at GEM 2012 Summer WorkshopPulkkinen et al., 2013Phase I Report on dB/dt Study, submitted to NOAA/SWPC at 2013 Space Weather Workshop
4b. Regional-K index (Operational geospace model validationSummer 2012completedcompleted (Wing Kp results became available in December 2013)Glocer et al, 2013, presented at 2013 GEM Summer WorkshopPaper: Glocer et al (2016), "Community-wide validation of geospace model localK-index predictions to support model transition tooperations",GEM Focus Group Report: Metrics and Validation (2008-2015) (GEMstone Vol. 27, No1 (2017).
5. Dst Indexsummer 2008availablecompletedRastaetter et al., presented at GEM 2011 mini-workshopRastaetter et al., poster at Fall AGU 2011Rastaetter et al., 2013
6. Heat flux into ionosphere (joint with CEDAR)summer 2010provided by Liam Kilcommons and Delores KnippcompletedRastaetter et al., GEM 2011 mini-workshopRastaetter et al., 2012 (at GEM 2012 Summer Workshop)Discussions were held during the CEDAR June 2012 workshop, the pre-AGU 2012 GEM mini-workshop and the 2013 GEM summer workshop.Presentations at 2015 GEM Summer Workshop: "Systems-Science Tools, Methodologies, and Results (Thursday June 18, 3:30-5:00)"L. Rastaetter, "Modeled Joule heat in the ionosphere compared with DMSP-F15 Poynting flux"D. Knipp: "Estimating Uncertainty in DMSP-F15 Poynting flux"Paper: L. Rastaetter et al. (2016)
7. Auroral oval (joint with CEDAR)fall 2010Data submissions acceptedReport by C.Lane et al., GEM-CEDAR 2011 mini-workshopDiscussions were held at CEDAR June 2012 workshop, 2016 Joint GEM-CEDAR workshop, and pre-AGU 2012 mini-workshop and 2013 GEM (and CEDAR-GEM) workshops.Paper expected: spring 2018

Information about the Study

Prior to submission of your simulation results please review:

Selected Events

  • Event 1: October 29th, 2003 06:00 UT - October 30th, 06:00 UT
  • Event 2: December 14, 2006 12:00 UT - December 16, 00:00 UT
  • Event 3: August 31, 2001 00:00 UT - September 1, 00:00 UT
  • Event 4: August 31, 2005 10:00 UT - September 1, 12:00 UT
  • Event 5: May 15, 2005 00:00 UT - May 16, 2005, 00:00 UT (for metric study 6)
  • Event 6: July 9, 2005 00:00 UT - July 12, 2005, 00:00 UT (for metric study 6)
  • Event 7: April 5, 2010 00:00 UT - April 6, 2010, 00:00 UT
  • Event 8: August 5, 2011 09:00 UT - August 6, 2011, 09:00 UT

Selected Studies

  • Metric Study 1: Magnetic field at geosynchronous orbit (GOES)
  • Metric Study 2: Magnetopause crossings by geosynchronous satellite (GOES and LANL)
  • Metric Study 3: Plasma density/temperature at geosynchronous orbit (LANL)
  • Metric Study 4: Ground magnetic perturbations (ground based magnetometers) delta B
  • Metric Study 4a: Ground magnetic perturbations (ground based magnetometers) dB/dt
  • Metric Study 5: Dst index (added at the GEM 2009 summer workshop)
  • Metric Study 6: Poynting Flux (added at the GEM 2010 summer workshop)
  • Metric Study 7: Auroral Oval (added at the mini-workshop at the Fall 2010 AGU)

Satellite Trajectories

List of satellite trajectories to be used for the Geosynchronous Orbit Metrics (Metrics 1-3)

Satellite trajectories downloaded from SSCweb, original format with 3-minute interval

Event 1: October 29th, 2003 06:00 UT - October 30th, 06:00 UT
GOES_10 [TXT], GOES_12 [TXT],
LANL-90 [TXT], LANL-91 [TXT], LANL-94 [TXT], LANL-97 [TXT], LANL-01 [TXT], LANL-02 [TXT]

Event 2: December 14, 2006 12 UT - December 16, 00 UT

GOES_11 [TXT], GOES_12 [TXT],
LANL-89 [TXT], LANL-94 [TXT], LANL-97 [TXT], LANL-01 [TXT], LANL-02 [TXT]

Event 3: August 31, 2001 00 UT - September 1, 00 UT

GOES_8 [TXT], GOES_10 [TXT],
LANL-90 [TXT], LANL-94 [TXT], LANL-97 [TXT], LANL-01 [TXT]

Event 4: August 31, 2005 10:00 UT - September 1, 12:00 UT

GOES_10 [TXT], GOES_12 [TXT],
LANL-90 [TXT], LANL-94 [TXT], LANL-97 [TXT], LANL-01 [TXT], LANL-02 [TXT]

Groundbased Stations

Groundbased Station (Station name GemagLat GeomagLon)
YKC 68.93 299.36
MEA 61.57 306.20
NEW 54.85 304.68
FRN 43.52 305.25

IQA 73.98 5.24
PBQ 65.46 351.81
OTT 55.63 355.31
FRD 48.4 353.38

HRN 73.88 125.99
ABK 66.06 114.66
WNG 54.12 95.0
FUR 48.38 94.61

*HRN is missing for the August 31, 2001 event.
*IQA is missing for the August 31, 2005 event.
*Small data gaps do exist for some of the stations for some of the events.

Model Output File Format

Model output files should be in ASCII text format. Each file size should not exceed 1Mb. Full path name to the input file at your local disk should not contain any blank spaces or quotation marks. On DOS/Windows systems the recommended extension for the input file name is "txt".

The following file formats for model outputs for different physical parameters studies are expected:

Magnetic field at geosynchronous orbit

Year Month Day Hour Min Sec XGSE[Re] YGSE[Re] ZGSE[Re] BXGSE[nT] BYGSE[nT] BZGSE[nT]

Here BXGSE[nT] BYGSE[nT] BZGSE[nT] are magnetic field components at GOES position (XGSE[Re] YGSE[Re] ZGSE[Re] ) in GSE coordinates.

Sample file [PDF]

Ground magnetic perturbations

Year Month Day Hour Min Sec GeomagLat [deg] GeomagLon[deg] B_NorthGeomag[nT], B_EastGeomag[nT], B_DownGeomag[nT]

Here B_NorthGeomag[nT], B_EastGeomag[nT], B_DownGeomag[nT] are components of magnetic field perturbation (north, east, down) at ground station location (Geomagnetic Latitude, Geomagnetic Longitude). Please note that Geomagnetic Dipole Coordinates (Hapgood, 1992) are used.

References M.A. Hapgood, Space physics coordinate transformations: A user guide // Planet. Space Sci. 1992. V. 40, P. 711-717.

Sample file [PDF]

DST index

Year Month Day Hour Min Sec Dst[nT]

Sample file [PDF]

Auroral oval position (high latitude boundary)

Year Month Day Hour Min Sec Colat01[deg] Colat02[deg] Colat03[deg] Colat04[deg] Colat05[deg] Colat06[deg] Colat07[deg] Colat08[deg] Colat09[deg] Colat10[deg] Colat11[deg] Colat12[deg] Colat13[deg] Colat14[deg] Colat15[deg] Colat16[deg] Colat17[deg] Colat18[deg] Colat19[deg] Colat20[deg] Colat21[deg] Colat22[deg] Colat23[deg]

Here Colat00 - magnetic colatitude for magnetic local time 0, ColatHH - magnetic colatitude for magnetic local time HH [hours]

Sample file [PDF]

Auroral oval position (low latitude boundary)

Year Month Day Hour Min Sec Colat01[deg] Colat02[deg] Colat03[deg] Colat04[deg] Colat05[deg] Colat06[deg] Colat07[deg] Colat08[deg] Colat09[deg] Colat10[deg] Colat11[deg] Colat12[deg] Colat13[deg] Colat14[deg] Colat15[deg] Colat16[deg] Colat17[deg] Colat18[deg] Colat19[deg] Colat20[deg] Colat21[deg] Colat22[deg] Colat23[deg]

Here Colat00 - magnetic colatitude for magnetic local time 0, ColatHH - magnetic colatitude for magnetic local time HH [hours]

Sample file [PDF]

Poynting flux (Joule heating) into ionosphere along DMSP tracks

Year Month Day Hour Min Sec Mlat[deg] MLT[decimal hours] Sz[mW/m2]

Here MLAT: Corrected Geomagnetic Latitude [degrees], MLT: Magnetic Local Time [decimal hours] Sz: Height Integrated Joule Heating [mW/m2]

Sample file [PDF]

Plasma Velocity (Vx - along track, Vy cross track, Vz - vertical)

Year Month Day Hour Min Sec Mlat[deg] MLT[decimal hours] Vx[m/s] Vy[m/s] Vz[m/s]

Here MLAT: Corrected Geomagnetic Latitude [degrees], MLT: Magnetic Local Time [decimal hours], V: plasma velocity

Sample file [PDF]

Cross polar cap potential (northern and southern hemisphere)

Year Month Day Hour Min Sec CPCP_North (eV) CPCP_South (eV)

Sample file [PDF]

Joule heating (or Poynting flux) integrated over each hemisphere in GW.

Year Month Day Hour Min Sec JH_N [GW] JH_S[GW]

Sample file [PDF]

Solar Wind Input

Comments on Solar Wind (SW) Data Availability

For Event 2, Event 3, Event 4 verified solar wind (SW) data (Level 2) are available at the ACE science center.

Click HERE to generate SW input data file with magnetic (ACE MAG) and plasma data (ACE SWEPAM) interpolated on 1 minute temporal grid using CCMC on-line tool. The CCMC SW input file generation tool allows to project data from the ACE position to the simulation box inflow boundary and/or to add a time shift. SW parameters in the generated input data file are provided in the following order:
Year Month Day Hour Min Sec Msec BXGSM[nT] BYGSM[nT] BZGSM[nT] VXGSM[km/s] VYGSM[km/s] VZGSM[km/s] N[cm^(-3)] T[Kelvin]

For Event 1 there were problems with ACE plasma instrument (SWEPAM). Click HERE [TXT] to download solar wind input file prepared by Aaron Ridley. SW parameters are provided in the following order:
Year Month Day Hour Min Sec Msec BXGSE[nT] BYGSE[nT] BZGSE[nT] VXGSE[km/s] VYGSE[km/s] VZGSE[km/s] N[cm^(-3)] T[Kelvin] .
Magnetic field components ( BXGSE, BYGSE, BZGSE) are from ACE MAG, velocity components (VXGSE, VZGSE, VZGSE) and temperature (T) are from ACE SWEPAM, and density (N) is from the Geotail plasma wave experiment. The data are projected to Xgse = 32 Re.

Simulation results analysis tools

View Results via the Time-series Plotting Tool

List of Runs for the study performed at the CCMC

Run NumberKey WordsModelModel VersionEvent DateStart TimeEnd TimeGridCoordinate System for InputCoordinate System for OutputDipole Tilt (in the X-Z Plane) at Start degDipole Tilt in Y-Z GSE plane) degUpdate Dipole Orientation with TimeInflow Boundary (IB) REF10.7Conductance ModelCorotation
SWPC_SWMF_070914_2Event 2SWMFv20110131December 14, 20062006/12/14 07:002006/12/16 00:00--GSMGSM-31.83-10.10yes3291.00000auroralreal
SWPC_SWMF_061214_2aEvent 2SWMFv20140611December 14, 20062006/12/14 07:002006/12/16 00:00--GSMGSM-31.83-10.10yes3291.00000auroralreal
SWPC_LFM-MIX_082813_2arerun of 2_LFM-MIXLFMLTR-2_1_5December 14, 20062006/12/14 12:002006/12/16 00:0053x48x64 cellsGSMSM-20.04-13.46yes--91.00000auroralreal
SWPC_LFM-MIX-TIEGCM_082813_2rerun of 2_CMITLFMLTR-2_1_1December 14, 20062006/12/14 12:002006/12/16 00:0053x48x64 cellsGSMSM-20.04-13.46yes3091.00000auroralreal
SWPC_LFM-MIX_082813_2rerun of 2_CMITLFMLTR-2_1_1December 14, 20062006/12/14 12:002006/12/16 00:0053x48x64 cellsGSMSM-20.04-13.46yes3091.00000auroralreal
SWPC_LFM-MIX_082813_2brerun of 2_LFM-MIXLFMLTR-2_1_1December 14, 20062006/12/14 12:002006/12/16 00:0053x48x64 cellsGSMSM-20.04-13.46yes--91.00000auroralreal
SWPC_LFM-MIX_010213_1SWPC 2011 ChallengeLFMLTR-2_1_5August 31, 20052005/08/31 10:002005/09/01 12:0053x48x64 cellsGSMSM7.41-31.97yes3086.00000auroralreal
SWPC_LFM-MIX-TIEGCM_030512_8dB/dt R2O Challenge 2011 August 5-6, 2011LFMLTR-2_1_5August 05, 20112011/08/05 06:002011/08/06 12:0053x48x64 cellsGSMSM-7.9719.08yes--113.00000TIEGCMreal
SWPC_LFM_030512_8dB/dt R2O Challenge 2011 August 5-6, 2011LFMLTR-2_1_1August 05, 20112011/08/05 06:002011/08/06 12:0053x48x64 cellsGSMSM-7.9719.08yes30113.00000auroralreal
SWPC_LFM_030512_7dB/dt R2O Challenge 2012 April 5, 2010LFMLTR-2_1_1April 04, 20102010/04/04 21:002010/04/06 00:0053x48x64 cellsGSMSM-16.11-28.17yes3079.00000auroralreal
SWPC_LFM-MIX-TIEGCM_030512_7April 5, 2010LFMLTR-2_1_4April 04, 20102010/04/04 21:002010/04/06 00:0053x48x64 cellsGSMSM12.2731.67yes3079.00000TIEGCMreal
SWPC_OpenGGCM_022712_8dB/dt R2O Challenge 2012OpenGGCM4.0August 05, 20112011/08/05 06:002011/08/06 12:003M cellsGSMGSE7.97-19.08yes30113.00000Sig-CTIMreal
SWPC_SWMF_022512_8dB/dt R2O Challenge 2011 August 05, 2011SWMFv20110131August 05, 20112011/08/05 04:002011/08/06 09:001M cellsGSMGSM-7.6813.92yes32113.00000auroralreal
SWPC_SWMF_022512_7dB/dt R2O Challenge 2011 April 05, 2010, SSW16SWMFv20110131April 05, 20102010/04/04 19.002010/04/06 00:001M cellsGSMGSM-16.11-28.17yes3279.00000auroralreal
SWPC_SWMF_060411_6SWPC Challenge 2011SWMFv20110131_May 14 20052005/05/14 19:002005/05/18 19:001M cellsGSMGSM29.5021.40yes32110.00000auroralyes
SWPC_SWMF_060411_5aSWPC Challenge 2011SWMFv20110131_May 14 20052005/05/14 19:002005/05/16 00:002M cellsGSMGSM29.5021.40yes32102.00000auroralyes
SWPC_SWMF_060411_5SWPC Challenge 2011SWMFv20110131May 14 20052005/05/14 19:002005/05/16 00:001M cellsGSMGSM29.5021.40yes32102.00000auroralyes
SWPC_SWMF_052811_2dB/dt R2O Challenge 2011SWMFv20110131December 14 20062006/12/14 07:002006/12/16 00:001M cellsGSMGSM-32.50-10.90yes3291.00000auroralyes
SWPC_SWMF_052811_4dB/dt R2O Challenge 2011SWMFv20110131August 31 20052005/08/31 05:002005/09/01 12:001M cellsGSMGSM-2.60-22.60yes3286.00000auroralyes
SWPC_SWMF_052811_3dB/dt R2O Challenge 2011SWMFv20110131August 30 20012001/08/30 19:002001/09/01 00:001M cellsGSMGSM18.50-15.40yes32203.00000auroralyes
SWPC_CMIT-LFM-MIX_031711_2dB/dt R2O Challenge 2011LFMLTR-2_1_1December 14 20062006/12/14 12:002006/12/16 00:0053x48x64GSMSM0.000.00yes3099.00000auroralyes
SWPC_CMIT-LFM-MIX-TIEGCM_031711_2dB/dt Challenge test runs 2011LFMLTR-2_1_1December 14 20062006/12/14 12:002006/12/16 00:0053x48x64GSMSM0.000.00yes3099.00000auroralreal
SWPC_CMIT-LFM-MIX_031711_1dB/dt R2O Challenge 2011LFMLTR-2_1_1October 29 20032003/10/29 01:002003/10/30 06:0053x48x64GSMSM0.000.00yes30275.00000auroralyes
SWPC_CMIT-LFM-MIX_031711_4dB/dt R2O Challenge 2011LFMLTR-2_1_1August 31 20052005/08/31 10:002005/09/01 12:0053x48x64GSMSM0.000.00yes3086.00000auroralyes
SWPC_CMIT-LFM-MIX-TIEGCM_031711_4dB/dt Challenge test runs 2011LFMLTR-2_1_1August 31 20052005/08/31 10:002005/09/01 12:0053x48x64GSMSM0.000.00yes3086.00000auroralyes
SWPC_CMIT-LFM-MIX_031711_3dB/dt R2O Challenge 2011LFMLTR-2_1_1August 31 20012001/08/31 00:002001/09/01 00:0053x48x64GSMSM0.000.00yes30192.00000auroralyes
SWPC_CMIT-LFM-MIX-TIEGCM_031711_3dB/dt Challenge test runs 2011LFMLTR-2_1_1August 31 20052001/08/31 00:002001/09/01 00:0053x48x64GSMSM0.000.00yes3086.00000auroralyes
SWPC_CMIT-LFM-MIX-TIEGCM_031711_1SWPC GEM ChallengeLFMLTR-2_1_4--2003/10/29 01:002003/10/30 06:0053x48x64-24GSMSM0.000.00no--275.00000TIEGCMreal
SWPC_OpenGGCM_031111_2dB/dt R2O Challenge 2011OpenGGCM4.0December 14 20062006/12/14 07:002006/12/16 00:003M cellsGSMGSE-20.20-10.20yes30275.00000Sig-CTIMno
SWPC_OpenGGCM_031111_3dB/dt R2O Challenge 2011OpenGGCM4.0August 30 20012001/08/30 19:002001/09/01 00:003M cellsGSMGSE18.50-15.40yes30203.00000Sig-CTIMno
SWPC_OpenGGCM_031111_4dB/dt R2O Challenge 2011OpenGGCM4.0August 31 20052005/08/30 19:002005/09/01 12:003M cellsGSMGSE-2.60-22.60yes3086.00000Sig-CTIMno
SWPC_OpenGGCM_031111_1dB/dt R2O Challenge 2011OpenGGCM4.0October 29 20032003/10/29 01:002003/10/30 06:003M cellsGSMGSE-20.20-10.20yes30275.00000Sig-CTIMno
SWPC_SWMF_030311_1tbdSWMFv20110131October 29 20032003/10/29 01:002003/10/30 06:001M cellsGSMGSM-20.20-10.20yes32275.00000auroralyes
SWPC_SWMF_030311_1adB/dt R2O Challenge 2011, SSW16SWMFv20110131October 29 20032003/10/29 01:002003/10/30 06:001M cellsGSMGSM-20.20-10.20yes32275.00000auroralyes
SWPC_SWMF_030311_1btbdSWMFv20110131October 29 20032003/10/29 01:002003/10/30 06:001M cellsGSMGSM-20.20-10.20yes32275.00000auroralyes
GEM_PFlux_121510_3GEM ChallengeOpenGGCM3.1July 09 20052005/07/09 00:002005/07/12 00:005M Low Mach numberGSEGSE18.704.00no24110.00000Sig-CTIMno
GEM_PFlux_091510_1GEM ChallengeBATSRUSv8.01July 9 20052005/07/09 00:002005/07/12 00:002M cellsGSMGSM18.704.00yes33110.00000auroralyes
GEM_PFlux_081910_3dGEM ChallengeOpenGGCM3.1May 15 20052005/05/15 00:002005/05/16 00:008M Low Mach number gridGSEGSE16.2025.00no60105.00000Sig-CTIMno
GEM_PFlux_081910_2aGEM Challenge; run in progressBATSRUS with RCMv20101108May 15 20052005/05/15 00:002005/05/16 00:002M cellsGSMGSM16.2025.00yes33105.00000auroralyes
GEM_PFlux_081910_1aGEM ChallengeBATSRUSv8.01May 15 20052005/05/15 18:002005/05/16 00:002M cellsGSMGSM16.2025.00yes57105.00000auroralyes
GEM_PFlux_081910_1GEM ChallengeBATSRUSv8.01May 15 20052005/05/15 00:002005/05/16 00:002M cellsGSMGSM16.2025.00yes33105.00000auroralyes
Ilja_Honkonen_100116_1GEM 2008 Metrics ChallengeBATSRUS with RCMv8.01--2003/10/29 06:002003/10/29 07:00high-resolution grid with_1,958,688_cellsGSMGSM-25.40-24.10yes--275.40000auroralreal
CCMC_CCMC_081309_2GEM 2008 Metrics ChallengeOpenGGCM3.1December 14 20062006/12/14 11:302006/12/16 00:00--GSMGSE-12.10-3.60no2490.00000Sig-CTIMno
CCMC_CCMC_081109_2GEM 2008 Metrics ChallengeOpenGGCM3.1December 14 20062006/12/14 11:302006/12/16 00:00--GSMGSE-21.00-14.80no2490.00000Sig-CTIMno
CCMC_CCMC_040209_2GEM 2008 Metrics ChallengeBATSRUS with RCMv8.01December 14 20062006/12/14 12:002006/12/16 00:00700K cellsGSMGSM-19.60-14.30yes3390.00000auroralyes
CCMC_CCMC_040209_4GEM 2008 Metrics ChallengeBATSRUS with RCMv8.01August 31 20052005/08/31 10:002005/09/01 12:00700K cellsGSMGSM7.40-32.80yes3385.00000auroralyes
CCMC_CCMC_040209_3GEM 2008 Metrics ChallengeBATSRUS with RCMv8.01August 31 20012001/08/31 00:002001/09/01 00:00700K cellsGSMGSM5.10-11.30yes33192.00000auroralyes
CCMC_CCMC_040209_2aGEM 2008 Metrics ChallengeBATSRUS with RCMv8.01December 14 20062006/12/14 12:002006/12/16 00:00700K cellsGSMGSM-19.60-14.30yes3390.00000auroralyes
CCMC_CCMC_040209_1GEM 2008 Metrics ChallengeBATSRUS with RCMv8.01October 29 20032003/10/29 06:002003/10/30 06:00700K cellsGSMGSM-25.40-24.10yes33275.00000auroralyes
CCMC_CCMC_123008_4GEM 2008 Metrics ChallengeOpenGGCM3.1August 31 20052005/08/31 10:002005/09/01 12:006.5M overviewGSMGSE-9.80-22.80no2485.00000Sig-CTIMno
CCMC_CCMC_123008_3aGEM 2008 Metrics ChallengeOpenGGCM3.1August 31 20012001/08/31 00:002001/09/01 00:006.5M overviewGSMGSE-10.509.10no24192.00000Sig-CTIMno
CCMC_CCMC_123008_2GEM 2008 Metrics ChallengeOpenGGCM3.1December 14 20062006/12/14 12:002006/12/16 00:006.5 M cellsGSMGSE-12.10-3.60no2490.00000Sig-CTIMno
CCMC_CCMC_123008_1GEM 2008 Metrics ChallengeOpenGGCM3.1October 29 20032003/10/29 06:002003/10/30 06:006.5 M cellsGSMGSE-2.50-19.30no24275.00000Sig-CTIMno
CCMC_CCMC_123008_3GEM 2008 Metrics ChallengeOpenGGCM3.1August 31 20012001/08/31 00:002001/09/01 00:006.5M overviewGSMGSE-10.509.10no24192.00000Sig-CTIMno
CCMC_CCMC_122408_1GEM 2008 Metrics ChallengeBATSRUSv8.01October 29 20032003/10/29 06:002003/10/30 06:003mln, max res 0.125GSMGSM-25.40-24.10yes33275.00000auroralyes
CCMC_CCMC_122408_2GEM 2008 Metrics ChallengeBATSRUSv8.01December 14 20062006/12/14 12:002006/12/16 00:003mln, max res 0.125GSMGSM-19.60-14.30yes3390.00000auroralyes
CCMC_CCMC_122408_3GEM 2008 Metrics ChallengeBATSRUSv8.01August 31 20012001/08/31 00:002001/09/01 00:003mln, max res 0.125GSMGSM5.10-11.30yes33192.00000auroralyes
CCMC_CCMC_122408_4GEM 2008 Metrics ChallengeBATSRUSv8.01August 31 20052005/08/31 10:002005/09/01 12:003mln, max res 0.125GSMGSM7.40-32.80yes3385.00000auroralyes
CCMC_CCMC_102708_1GEM 2008 Metrics ChallengeBATSRUS with RCMv8.01October 29 20032003/10/29 06:002003/10/30 06:002M cellsGSMGSM-25.40-24.10yes33275.00000auroralyes
CCMC_CCMC_090208_1bGEM 2008 Metrics ChallengeOpenGGCM3.1August 31 20012001/08/31 00:002001/09/01 00:003M cellsGSMGSE-10.509.10no24192.00000Sig-CTIMno
CCMC_CCMC_082908_2bGEM 2008 Metrics ChallengeOpenGGCM3.1August 31 20052005/08/31 09:302005/09/01 12:003M cellsGSMGSE-9.80-22.80no2485.00000Sig-CTIMno
CCMC_CCMC_102708_3GEM 2008 Metrics ChallengeBATSRUS with RCMv8.01August 31 20012001/08/31 00:002001/09/01 00:002M cellsGSMGSM5.10-11.30yes33192.00000auroralyes
CCMC_CCMC_082908_3aGEM 2008 Metrics ChallengeBATSRUSv7.73August 31 20012001/08/31 00:002001/09/01 00:00700K cellsGSMGSM5.10-11.30yes33192.00000auroralyes
CCMC_CCMC_082908_1bGEM 2008 Metrics ChallengeOpenGGCM3.1December 14 20062006/12/14 11:302006/12/16 00:003M cellsGSMGSE-12.10-3.60no2490.00000Sig-CTIMno
CCMC_CCMC_082908_3GEM 2008 Metrics ChallengeBATSRUSv7.73August 31 20012001/08/31 00:002001/09/01 00:002M cellsGSMGSM5.10-11.30yes33192.00000auroralyes
CCMC_CCMC_102708_4GEM 2008 Metrics ChallengeBATSRUS with RCMv8.01August 31 20052005/08/31 09:302005/09/01 12:002M cellsGSMGSM5.80-32.40yes3385.00000auroralyes
CCMC_CCMC_102708_2GEM 2008 Metrics ChallengeBATSRUS with RCMv8.01December 14 20062006/12/14 11:302006/12/16 00:002M cellsGSMGSM-21.00-14.80yes3390.00000auroralyes
CCMC_CCMC_082808_4aGEM 2008 Metrics ChallengeBATSRUSv7.73August 31 20052005/08/31 09:302005/09/01 12:00700K cellsGSMGSM5.80-32.40yes3385.00000auroralyes
CCMC_CCMC_082808_3GEM 2008 Metrics ChallengeBATSRUSv7.73December 14 20062006/12/14 11:302006/12/16 00:002M cellsGSMGSM-21.00-14.80yes3390.00000auroralyes
CCMC_CCMC_082808_3aGEM 2008 Metrics ChallengeBATSRUSv7.73December 14 20062006/12/14 11:302006/12/16 00:00700K cellsGSMGSM-21.00-14.80yes3390.00000auroralyes
CCMC_CCMC_082808_4GEM 2008 Metrics ChallengeBATSRUSv7.73August 31 20052005/08/31 09:302005/09/01 12:002M cellsGSMGSM5.80-32.40yes3385.00000auroralyes
CCMC_CCMC_082808_2bGEM 2008 Metrics ChallengeOpenGGCM3.1October 29 20032003/10/29 06:002003/10/30 06:003M cellsGSMGSE-2.50-19.30no33275.00000Sig-CTIMno
ccmc_ccmc_082208_1GEM 2008 Metrics ChallengeBATSRUSv7.73October 29 20032003/10/29 06:002003/10/30 06:00700K cellsGSMGSM-25.40-24.10yes33275.00000auroralyes
ccmc_ccmc_082208_1aGEM 2008 Metrics ChallengeBATSRUSv7.73October 29 20032003/10/29 06:002003/10/30 06:002M cellsGSMGSM-25.40-24.10yes33275.00000auroralyes
SWPC_OpenGGCM_022712_7dB/dt R2O Challenge 2012OpenGGCM4.0April 04, 20102010/04/04 21:002010/04/06 00:003M cellsGSMGSE16.1128.17yes3079.00000Sig-CTIMreal


GEM Metrics and Validation focus group PROPOSAL for 2011-2015 extension [PDF]

Presentations from GEM 2013 Summer Workshop (Snowmass, CO)

Session 1: New Validation Results and Methods

Session 2: How Validation Studies Guide Model Improvements

  • Session Intro and Comments on Ensemble Modeling, Howard Singer
  • Multi-Model Validation with the Space Weather Modeling Framework, Dan Welling
  • The effect of uncertain boundary conditions on ring current model validation, Margaret Chen
  • Large-scale flow vortices following a magnetospheric sudden impulse (Simulations were done with SWMF, OpenGGCM and LFM.), Andrey Samsonov
  • Lessons from MHD-AMPERE comparisons, Slava Merkin

Session 3: Validation of MHD models coupled with other modules such as the Ring Current and Polar Outflow

  • OpenGGCM - RCM validations, Joachim Raeder (co-authors Gilson & Toffoletto)
  • Coupling of SWMF magnetosphere and Heidi Ring Current, Raluca Ilie
  • Validation of MFLFM Outflow Simulations, Michael Wiltberger
  • All: Discussion on future Metrics and Validation Activities to Support GEM goals

Presentations from GEM 2012 Summer Workshop (Snowmass, CO)

Operational geospace model validation I: Evaluating geospace models ability to forecast time-derivative of ground magnetic perturbations dB/dt.

Operational geospace model validation II: Geomagnetic activity index

GGCM Metrics Challenges status

Presentations from GEM mini-workshop at the 2011 Fall AGU (San Francisco, CA)

Presentations from GEM-CEDAR Workshop 2011

Presentations from GEM mini-workshop at the 2010 Fall AGU (San Francisco, CA)

Presentations from GEM 2010 Summer Workshop (Snowmass, CO)

Presentations from GEM mini-workshop at the 2009 Fall AGU (San Francisco, CA)

Presentations from 2009 Summer GEM workshop (Snowmass, CO)

Presentations from GEM mini-workshop at the 2008 Fall AGU

  • Magnetic Fields and Plasma Properties in the Inner Magnetosphere, L.Rastaetter
  • Ground Magnetic Field Perturbations, A. Pulkkinen


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