GEM Modeling Challenge
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GEM Metrics and Validation focus group PROPOSAL for 2011-2015 extension

Presentations from GEM Challenge Workshops

Presentations from GEM 2013 Summer Workshop (Snowmass, CO)

Session 1: New Validation Results and Methods

Session 2: How Validation Studies Guide Model Improvements

Session 3: Validation of MHD models coupled with other modules such as the Ring Current and Polar Outflow

Presentations from GEM 2012 Summer Workshop (Snowmass, CO)

Operational geospace model validation I: Evaluating geospace models ability to forecast time-derivative of ground magnetic perturbations dB/dt.

Operational geospace model validation II: Geomagnetic activity index GGCM Metrics Challenges status

Presentations from GEM mini-workshop at the 2011 Fall AGU (San Francisco, CA) - PDF format:

Presentations from GEM-CEDAR Workshop 2011 - PDF format:

Presentations from GEM mini-workshop at the 2010 Fall AGU (San Francisco, CA) - PDF format:

Presentations from GEM 2010 Summer Workshop (Snowmass, CO) - PDF format:

Presentations from GEM mini-workshop at the 2009 Fall AGU (San Francisco, CA) - PDF format:

Presentations from 2009 Summer GEM workshop (Snowmass, CO) - PDF format:

Presentations from GEM mini-workshop at the 2008 Fall AGU:

National Aeronautics and Space Administration Air Force Materiel Command Air Force Office of Scientific Research Air Force Research Laboratory Air Force Weather Agency NOAA Space Environment Center National Science Foundation Office of Naval Research

Curator: Ms. Anna Chulaki | NASA Official: Dr. Maria Kuznetsova | Privacy, Security Notices