Space Weather REDI Bootcamp 2017 Tutorials

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Week Two Track A: Intensive Space Weather Forecaster Training

Building 21, CCMC Lab - Room 261

Monday 6/12
Tuesday 6/13
Wednesday 6/14
Thursday 6/15
Friday 6/16
CME assignment submission forms:
#0: CME 1, 2, 3, 4
#1: CME 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
#2: CME 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
#3: CME 1, 2, 3, 4
#4: CME 1, 2
Links to help with CME assignments:
CME assignment answers:
CME HW#0   

HW#0 CME movies:
in-class example: 0) 2013-08-27T01:25 EUV EUV LASCO COR2AB StereoCAT two-timepoint StereoCAT single sc StereoCAT frameseries
1) 2014-05-12T12:18Z EUV EUV LASCO COR2AB
2old) 2012-10-05T03:24Z EUV EUV LASCO COR2AB
2new) 2016-01-06T14:24Z EUV EUVIA COR2A LASCO
3) 2012-07-12T16:54Z EUV LASCO COR2AB
4) 2013-02-26T14:06Z EUV EUV LASCO COR2AB

Bootcamp evaluation survey - Week 2 Track A