SEP Scoreboard Change Log
Intensity App
(2024.11.05) Improved logging statements.
(2024.11.04) Improved internal code documentation.
(2024.10.15) Added date/time stamp to hovers for S2, S3, etc. markers.
(2024.09.19) Updated filter for displaying SEPMOD data, as well as a different organization in the time series legend.
(2024.10.17) Increased the time series height, when the x-axis data range is more than seven days.
(2024.10.15) Added the date and time to the hover information for the S2, S3, etc. markers.
(2024.09.23) Addressed bug that kept 'See last event' button from working.
(2024.09.23) Added issue time to ASPECS legend entries
(2024.09.19) Added DONKI CME details to the side panel information for the SEPMOD model.
(2024.09.12) Added tracking of which CMEs were used in the SEPMOD legend.
(2024.09.10) Fixed capitalization in Alerts side-panel info.
Added a link to the new 'Time Series Guide' web page.
Added 'See Last Event' Button
Increased secure handling of the input data.
Added six more outline colors for profile-giving models.
Changed how Flare Class value is displayed (calculated from flare intensity).*Needs database work.*
Added model labels for the energy channels that only apply to a single model (in the energy channel drop-down list).
(2024.09.05) Added a new function to improve security and yet let all the innocent parts be honored when parsing the URL query string.
(2024.09.03) Updated selection criteria for iPATH CME profiles to be displayed.
(2024.08.27) Fixed spacing issue when displaying CME trigger information.
(2024.08.27) Added link to web page describing how submissions are deemed 'superseded' (or updated)
(2024.08.26) Tweaked display settings when using the new 'See Last Event' button.
(2024.08.22) Added a 'See Last Event' button. Requested by SRAG. (2024.08.20) Fixed the hover and side panel information given when mousing over an end-of-event marker.
(2024.08.20) Added a function to get the last day of any given month.
(2024.08.14) removed outdated additions to the system path as well as references to external_stylesheets, which are no longer used.
(2024.08.12) In the time series, GOES data is now the top layer of data, so that it is easier to get when you mouse over the time series (requested during 2024.08.07 ISEP meeting).
(2024.08.09) Completed new functionality that allows the user to control the heat map annotation font size.
(2024.08.01) Improved handling of user-given URL allowing the date[time] value to turn off the refresh=True value when appropriate.
(2024.07.31) Completely re-wrote guts of TimeSeriesDataiPathCmePutEachGroupInOrder because I found cases of iPATH CME submissions where the order within a group could not be determined. In the process of that, added a new function, OrderingXInGroup.
(2024.07.25) Slightly lowered the legend for the times series, trying to avoid the overlapping of the legend and the X-axis label.
(2024.06.27) Fixed mislabling of 'iPATH Flare (old)' legend items.
(2024.06.27) Fixed categorizing (latest, old, etc.) of iPATH flare traces in the time series. They were accidentally reversed.
(2024.06.24) In several models' time-series-data-pulling functions, addressed issue where the groups-in-legend value was not being properly sent via no-submissions return tuple. I was returning a 0 (zero integer) instead of the new dictionary.
(2024.06.07) Applied the assumption that we are in simulated-real-time mode when pulling the alerts from the database.
(2024.05.16) Updated side panel data-link label to say:
"Some predictions have links where you can get additional information.<br>Clicking on data in the time series makes these links appear."
(2024.04.30) Updated side panel data-link label to say "Only iPATH, SEPMOD, SEPSTER, and SEPSTER2D data has links."
(2024.04.30) Added iPATH one pager link.
(2024.04.30) Turned on UIRevision.
(2024.04.30) Removed legend column spacing.
(2024.04.30) Added iPATH CME and Flare. Now using the new 'superseded' fields from the submission table in the database.
(2024.04.30) Improved documentation.
(2024.03.21) Updated link to NASA Privacy Policy and added link to Accessibility.
(2024.03.04) Added calculation of the length of the longest possible valid query string.
(2024.03.04) In function that pulls the September 2017 data for SEPMOD:
- debugged issue relating to NaNs.
- Adjusted handling of lead-in point.
- Adjusted calculation of min/max time and intensity values.
- Changed the query for submissions from ORDER BY issue_time DESC to ASC.
(2024.03.04) Fleshed out any lacking documentation strings. Bolded 'Auto Refresh is turned off' warning.
(2024.03.01) Stripped 'if in real-time mode' code out. It is assumed that we are in real-time mode.
(2024.02.29) Added a 15-minute delay in the appearance of vertical shapes to mimic real-time event behavior.
(2024.02.29) Styled 'Auto Refresh' checkbox in header.
(2024.02.28) Moved 'Auto Refresh' checkbox to header.
(2024.02.28) Converting use to the new database table for the time series display information.
(2024.02.28) Updated CANCEL ALERT so that they appear on top of the original alert, if the information is available. If it isn't available, then it appears at the original alert's issue time.
(2024.02.28) Updated partial time handling in date-cleaning function.
(2024.02.28) Changed formatting of additional DONKI CME info in side panel text, per Leila's instructions.
(2024.02.26) Started sending custom data through with heat maps, so now you don't have to see the ugly URL in the all clear SEPMOD hovers.
(2024.02.23) Added opacity to SEPSTER data traces.
(2024.02.22) Increased SEPMOD's marker size from 5 to 6. Now assigning 'latest/old/etc.' labels to SEPMOD from the data in the database, not the data visible in the time series.
(2024.02.22) Added 'CL' in the ASPECS hover label, but not the legend label.
(2024.02.22) Added note to the ASPECS side panel that states that ASPECS predictions come in pairs, with 50% & 90% CL. 'CL' means 'confidence level'.
(2024.02.21) Added 'onset' to ASPECS group title.
(2024.02.21) Changed the units for ACE Electron data in the side panel.
(2024.02.21) Dropped 'prediction window' redundancy in UMASEP's side panel information.
(2024.02.21) Gave all hover labels the Arial font .
(2024.02.21) Removed '(older)' option from the model family drop-down.
(2024.02.21) Added user controls for the heat maps' annotation font size.
(2024.02.15) Added tracking as to the number of groups in the legend and how many lines in the legend per group for a more accurate time series height calculation.
(2024.02.15) Moved 'bars' dropdown from left side to right side.
(2024.02.07) Added 'now' as a valid value for the 'date' and 'time' params in the user-given URL query string.
(2024.02.06) Improved the code selecting the variable profiles from SAWS-ASPECS.
(2024.02.06) Added code to clean up the URL given by the user, if appropriate (i.e., if the user asks for an inefficient set of models, actually given them the most efficient set of models).
(2024.02.06) A new function to determine if the selected set of models is equivalent to 'all' the models.
(2024.02.06) Tweaked setting of environment var so that it is slightly faster for M2M.
(2024.02.02) Increased minimum time series height because we need more space now that the legend is longer (but organized).
(2024.02.02) Reestablished the functionality that if you click a SEPMOD block in the all clear heat map, you can get the link to the WSA-Enlil details.
(2024.02.02) Added the ability to see the hover data in the side panel for alerts and shapes (the lines and rectangles).
(2024.02.02) In CallbackMain and UserOptions, Added ASPECS forecast onset window dropdown.
(2024.02.02) For SWPC and K-Cor alerts, added customdata and the use of a hovertemplate to get the hover data into the side panel.
(2024.02.01) For UMASEP data in the time series, simplified the data structures to ensure that only one trace per energy channel of each type (peak intensity, peak intensity onset window, and threshold crossing) is created.
(2024.01.26) Reestablished the ability to click on a SEPMOD, SEPSTER, or SEPSTER2D data point and get a link to the WSA-Enlil details.
(2024.01.26) For the time series traces, moved the energy channel string formating and the legend label/title formatting to the individual model functions.
(2024.01.25) Added the creation of a hover_label. This is used with the <extra> tag in the custom data with a hovertemplate to make the label shown when you hover over a data point, different from the label you see in the legend for that same trace.
(2024.01.23) Added check to make sure that it is appropriate to include that threshold line, given the user-selected y range.
(2024.01.23) Added function to ensure time series data model functions were not being called more than once, based on the user's selections (e.g., if the user selected 'SEPMOD(latest)' and 'SEPMOD (all)', you would still want the SEPMOD function to only be called once).
(2024.01.23) Added 'all' as a valid user-selected energy channel value.
(2024.01.23) Made sure new UMASEP submodel names do not appear in the legend.
(2024.01.23) In Models listing, removed GOES and SWPC Alerts from the list.
(2024.01.18) Folded the functionality of the 'Show Older Predictions' dropdown into the 'Show Model Families' dropdown.
(2024.01.17) In all the time series data model functions, added filtering of energy channels queried for based on those selected by the user.
(2024.01.17) Additionally in all the time series data model functions, changed the defition of the minimum and maximum intensity values based on the user's selection via the new y-range slider.
(2024.01.12) Changed the inner structure of the data to allow it to be a single trace and yet with gaps.
(2023.12.08) In time series hovers, readded data to the hover text now that we have more space in the side panel.
(2023.12.07) Addressed issue found with how the UMASEP model IDs were being pulled from the database.
(2023.12.06) Created a function to determine what the start and end times are for the time series (based on the user's selections), and now pass those values through all the functions for consistency sake.
(2023.11.10) Created multiple functions to parse the user-given data in the URL and ensure the user input is safe.
(2023.11.09) Changed is so that the all clear heat map font sizes are the same as the intensity heat map font sizes (and controlled by a single set of widgets).
(2023.11.09) In Body, lengthened the space given to the time series side panel where the hover text data now appears.
(2023.11.08) Addressed situation where time series end time can now be None, which means 'do not clip'.
(2023.11.03) Added time series x range slider.
(2023.11.03) Added time series y range slider.
(2023.11.01) Created a function to convert the energy channel value into a human-readable text string.
(2023.10.18) Simplified options and variable names. Improved documentation.
(2023.10.05) In heat maps data function, modified output data structure format.
(2023.10.05) Created new heat map class.
(2023.10.05) In header, body, and footer, created a new layout, using responsive web design (RWD) and a new css file.
(2023.09.21) Made the SEPMOD markers in the time series smaller with thinner outlines.
(2023.08.21) Added a new blank heat map that is noticeable so that if prepped data from database for the heat maps runs out, the user will see it. (2023.08.11) The heat maps now show prepared data from database up to an hour old.
(2023.08.11) Addressing a mismatch in the UMASEP time series legend label. The legend label should _not_ include a submodel.
(2023.08.04) Changing SEPMOD's lead-in trace's time to be just 1 minute prior to the start time of the graph. Having data outside the bounds of what is being shown causes the data to be too small after a selected zoom-in and then a double-click zoom-out.
(2023.08.04) The recent changes list is now solely on a separate web page.
(2023.08.04) The logic that determines what is shown in the Proton Intensity Heat Map for each model was moved to a separate web page.
(2023.07.20) Updating text in the threshold crossing event definition caveat.
(2023.07.19) Upgraded Dash by Plotly to version 2.11.1.
(2023.07.13) Doing a comparison. Allowing button for switching tooltip mode. (2023.06.29) Hard-coded URLs used for links to new one-pagers. Will go back to code after database changes are completed. Improved model box size consistency.
(2023.06.29) Replaced SEPMOD yellow outline color (for both energies) with a mustard .
(2023.06.29) Fixed bug keeping x- & y- values out of the ASPECS profile hover text.
(2023.06.22) Fixed internal date handling. Allowing pull of prepared heat map data to go for 5 minutes into the past.
(2023.06.09) Fixed bug in the alerts subplot y range that was causing alerts to be cut off at the bottom.
(2023.06.05) Added DONKI CME, flare, and linked event data to the hover text also, if appropriate (i.e., for SEPSTER[2D]).
(2023.05.24) Fixed bug in the legend labeling of SEPSTER and SEPSTER2D traces, specifically how the '(latest)' and '(older)' labeling is determined.
(2023.05.10) <PLANNED> Trying to make the ASPECS swaths more transparent and to have them appear behind all the other models.
(2023.05.10) Reduced UMASEP, SEPMOD, and SWPC alerts traces outside the time series bounding box so that the double clicking behavior improves.
(2023.05.09) Reduced shapes outside the time series bounding box so that the double clicking behavior improves.
(2023.05.08) Updated link to change log web page.
(2023.05.08) Added human-readable descriptions as to how the heat map values are determined for all models.
(2023.05.08) The uncertainty bars were lost from SEPSTER2D when faster trace-creation code got implemented on 2022.11.03. Got them appearing again.
(2023.05.05) Fixed issue where 'No Data' was appearing in the all clear heat map where 'N/A' should appear.
(2023.05.04) Changed UMASEP to use the future forecasts clipping user-selection when appearing in the time series.
(2023.05.04) Added 5 minutes to the time series' x-range end time so that the most recent REleASE point is not always cut in half.
(2023.05.04) Changed SEPMOD's outlines for the first >100 MeV trace to the same dark green used by UMASEP >100 MeV threshold markers.
(2023.05.04) Changed SEPMOD's outlines for the first >10 MeV trace to the same dark red used by UMASEP >10 MeV threshold markers.
(2023.05.03) Rounded all intensity values shown in the ASPECS hovers, as appropriate.
(2023.05.01) Changed ASPECS symbols per Leila's instructions (in database).
(2023.05.01) Fixed hover data for the current time line label.
(2023.05.01) Split current time line label into two lines.
(2023.05.01) Added 'Alerts' legend item so you can turn the alerts on and off. I made one for all the alerts. Could split the alerts into SWPC and K-Cor.
(2023.05.01) Updated SEPMOD profile splitting, based on time gaps in the profiles.
(2023.05.01) Fixed issue where future UMASEP predictions were appearing.
(2023.04.28) Tweak the formatting of the SEPSTER and SEPSTER2D hovers, as needed (for both heat map and time series).
(2023.04.28) Fixed the rounding on the SEPMOD values in the heat map.
(2023.04.24) UMASEP v3.3 with submodel made a prediction. Added new colors/symbols for the submodels in the database.
(2023.04.20) Debugged issue where shape is appearing in the future (between curr_time and end_time), when it shouldn't.
(2023.04.14) Reduced hover text per Leila instructions on 2023.04.13.
(2023.04.14) Debugged issue inside function that collects the trigger information, relating to particle intensity ongoing event.
(2023.04.13) Added function that collects the trigger information from the probability web app to wse for ASPECS.
(2023.04.11) Updated user-given date cleaning function to handle double spaces in the middle of the date and time.
(2023.04.11) Added credit for MLSO data to page footer.
(2023.04.07) Stopped future times from being selected in the SEP SB.
(2023.04.07) Allow use of the previous minute's data for the heat maps, per Leila 2023.04.06.
(2023.04.04) Add label to the current time marker.
(2023.04.03) 'Apply font size' button now works.
(2023.03.31) Added +/- buttons for the font selections (requested by SRAG/Kerry Lee).
(2023.03.31) Added minimum intensity option of 10<sup>-1</sup>.''', dangerously_allow_html=True),
(2023.03.23) Actually applying the changes necessary for UMASEP v3.3 update.
(2023.03.20) MLSO K-Cor status message is now static until it comes back online.
(2023.03.16) added code in GetBody that selects the interval component and auto refresh times based on the environment (M2M wants their intervals to be longer).
(2023.03.10) combined yesterday's data4dsp_hms changes into prep_4_umasep_v3.3 version. Fixed L6183: needed the "details=True" parameter added.
(2023.03.09) Renamed PrepRecentChanges to ListRecentModifications
(2023.02.28) Now the model_display_order (list) that comes from GetHeatMapDataFromData4DspHMsTable is returned from PrepHeatMaps.
(2023.02.23) *NEW FEATURE* Speed improvements by calling a new pre-populated table for the heat map data. NOTE: control for what is displayed is now in a config file. If it does not return data, return from the function and call the regular functions. If the call returns data, use it.
(2023.02.23) Commented out '' context. This means it does NOT get run when the web app initially loads
(2023.02.22) Lengthened intervals to assist with loading on M2M server.
'interval-component' interval seconds: from (CCMC) 61 to (M2M) 81
'interval-autorefresh' interval seconds: from (CCMC) 47 to (M2M) 67
'interval-status-update' interval seconds: KEPT AT 713 for BOTH
(2022.12.08) Addressed issue where threshold values were pushing the time series start_date back.
(2022.12.08) Addressed issue where 'MeV' was always being displayed as the energy channel units. Now proper units are displayed.
(2022.12.08) Addressed issue where hover text lines for UMASEP were not getting reset between each forecast.
(2022.11.29) Removed alerts legend.
(2022.11.29) Made the length of all model boxes the same.
(2022.11.29) Removed GOES and SWPC Alerts model box.
(2022.11.16) SQL queries were reduced/simplified whereever possible.
(2022.11.16) All GetTimeSeriesDataX functions have been updated to use these new functions.
(2022.11.15) Cleaned up the code that creates the traces that appear in the time series. Performace should improve slightly.
(2022.11.10) Turned off all status messages except MLSO K-Cor.
(2022.11.10) *NEW FEATURE* Created function to split up the SEPMOD traces based on the minimum intensity value, similar to the code that breaks up the ACE and GOES data based on time gaps.
(2022.11.10) Changed ASPECS Forecast names in the time series legend to be "SAWS-ASPECS X-Y hrs onset"
(2022.11.03) *NEW FEATURE* Plot ASPECS triggered Nowcasts (flare, CME, and flare+CME varieties) with changing profiles as bands in the time series.
(2022.11.02) *NEW FEATURE* Plot ASPECS triggered Nowcasts (flare, CME, and flare+CME varieties) with straight profiles as individual markers in the time series.
(2022.11.02) ASPECS Untriggered Nowcasts are no longer displayed in the time series.
(2022.10.19) *NEW FEATURE* Display ASPECS Nowcast (all modes: untriggered, flare, CME, and flare+CME) in the intensity heat map and the all clear heat map in a single row, indicating the trigger mode in the hover text.
(2022.10.14) To distinguish SWPC alerts/warnings/summaries from those raised by MLSO K-Cor, the titles were changed to "SWPC Proton Warning", etc. Requested by Katie Whitman.
(2022.09.23) Programming MLSO/K-Cor's standard downtime into their status messages (if not overridden by current status messages). Created DuringKCorDowntime.
(2022.09.23) Combining first two lines of text in MLSO/K-Cor hover boxes to set it to 'MLSO K-Cor {ALERT|SUMMARY} [Not Clear, if alert]'.
(2022.09.21) Adding 'GOES' box to the list of Models Possible.
(2022.09.21) Adding 'SWPC Alerts' box to the list of Models Possible.
(2022.09.21) *NEW FEATURE* Adding trigger/coronagraph information to the MLSO/K-Cor Alert hover text.
(2022.09.20) Now wrapping MLSO/K-Cor Observer Alert comment text in hover.
(2022.09.20) Removed duplicate hover text boxes for SWPC Alerts (SUMMARY, WARNING, EXTENDED WARNING).
(2022.09.19) *NEW FEATURE* Adding Model Status updates (when page loads and then approximately every 10 minutes).
(2022.09.16) *NEW FEATURE* Adding MLSO/K-Cor alerts to the 'List of All Models' section. (GetModelStatus, GetModelStatusKCor)
(2022.09.16) *NEW FEATURE* Adding MLSO/K-Cor alerts (GetKcorAlerts) to the Alerts subplot. Changed Alerts subplot title from 'SWPC Alerts' to 'Alerts'.
(2022.09.13) Added horizontal shapes (threshold lines for Leila to evaluate) in DisplayShapes and (new) AddHorizontalShape.
(2022.09.07) adjusted where the 'No alerts' label appears in the subplot, based on the user-selected date range for the X-axis.
(2022.09.02) Noting that ASPECS Nowcasts with flare can have non-flat profile lines. Figure out how to incorporate that into this SB.
(2022.08.31) When GOES Intensity HM value says 'No Recent Data', the GOES AC HM value says 'N/A'. It should say 'No Recent Data' also.
(2022.08.29) Updated list of recent changes.
(2022.08.24) Added a change in the set of models to be included in the heat maps. If it is before May 10, 2022, do not include ASPECS.
(2022.07.12) Changed default profile clipping from 'none' to '_>12h_' after a request from Ricky Egeland was approved by Leila.
(2022.07.12) Changed SAWS-ASPECS trace in time series to not automatically show the last prediction's PW. It does show when the PW bars are selected by the user.
(2022.05.27-2022.06.01) Adding SAWS-ASPECS data to time series.
(2022.05.26) Adding SAWS-ASPECS data to heat maps.
(2022.05.10) Adding link to PDF for the CCMC Rules of the Road
(2022.05.04) Updated SEP SB Project Planning Page links (from to
(2022.04.21) Trying to improve error communication with:
(2022.04.20) Cleaned up DisplayShapes.
(2022.04.14) Bad logic in IsUserGivenDateBefore5MinutesAgo was causing AutoRefresh checkbox to get turned off within a minute of initial load. Fixed this.
(2022.04.13) Gave the user the ability to set the font size for the different axes labels and the hover text
(2022.04.11) Tweaked GetHeatMapDataUmasep to put 'In Event' if GOES data over threshold and 'Not Clear' if GOES data is at or under threshold
(2022.04.08) Fixed issue in GetTimeSeriesDataSepster that appeared when two submissions had the same issue_time.
(2022.04.05) GetSwpcAlerts and GetStartEndDates updated to call ConvertTsdrToHours
(2022.03.11) Updated doc strings to be (1) complete and (2) consistently formatted.
(2022.03.11) Added code to auto-detect env_ value
(2022.03.09) Moving alerts legend to be above the possible model list.
(2022.03.09) Increased time series x- and y-axis font size to 18.
(2022.03.09) tweaked hover text format in "SEPSTER override of peak_intensity in HM based on AC value" situation.
(2022.03.08) Addressing bug where black-outlined 'latest' >100 MeV SEPMOD trace is not in legend.
(2022.03.08) Made env_ values more descriptive.
(2022.03.04) Improved CANCEL X item handling in GetSwpcAlerts.
(2022.03.02) Added SEPSTER override of peak_intensity in HM based on AC value.
(2022.03.01) fixed person names in METADATA values to be the MS Outlook address book format.
(2022.03.01) In GetTimeSeriesDataGoes Added check for empty data lists before sending them into CreateTSTrace.
(2022.02.23) Pulled in the functions from lib_general that were being used. The functions are: ConvertDateString2DTO, ConvertDTO2FormattedDateStr (removed), OpenDatabase[X] (collapsed), SQLCmd[X] (collapsed), FigureOutEnvironment (removed), GetDatabaseType (removed).
(2022.02.22) Fixed issue where data_date is being changed from datetime object to a string. It involved changing UpdateDateTimeEntryWidget to return a tuple holding the string version of the date as well as the datetime object version (previously it returned only the string), and then using the string to update the widget, but the dto in all the other calls to other functions. All changes were in UpdateZCallback and UpdateDateTimeEntryWidget.
(2022.02.18) Added visual update indicator to the time series.
(2022.02.17) Added alerts legend.
(2022.02.11) Increasing the CCMC identity on the SEP Scoreboard
(2022.02.09) Added opacity to older SEPSTER (and SEPSTER2D) forecasts.
(2022.02.09) Moved the list of modifications inside the box that holds the list of models. Tweaked the CSS to remove the orange border.
(2022.02.09) ***Do not put this line in ListRecentModifications!!!*** Updated these modifications into ListRecentModifications.
(2022.02.09) Added checkbox to turn UIRevision setting on/off.
(2022.02.01) Added different colors for the lines/outlines of the (latest only) SEPMOD profiles if there are multiple, with separate legend entries.
(2022.01.24) Added a non-proton alert cancellation (see 2021.12.21 Radio Alert cancellation.) Required new line in alerts_display table. Replaced underscores with spaces in field names in alert hover data.
(2022.01.18) Added validation disclaimer to CCMC Rules of the Road (at bottom of page).
(2022.01.11) in GetHeatMapDataSepmod: No forecasts were being displayed if all the SEPMOD forecasts in the database had all zero values in the profile. Therefore, I added a call to a new function, GetHeatMapDataSepmodAllZeros, that looks for the most recent all-zero-profile forecast and uses its values in the heat maps if there's nothing better.
(2022.01.11) Created GetHeatMapDataSepmodAllZeros, that looks for the most recent all-zero-profile forecast and uses its values in the heat maps if there's nothing better.
(2021.11.16) Added disclaimer to the solar event markers.
(2021.11.16) Moved nearly all change log items to
(2021.10.13) In CleanDate, added a section of code to 'Make sure none of the values are larger than they should be.'
(2021.10.13) ***Do not put this line in ListRecentModifications!!!*** Updated these modifications into ListRecentModifications.
(2021.10.07) In GetHeatMapDataSepmod, redid the guts of the EC loop, making it more efficient. Cut time in half when there is data, and by a whole order of magnitude when there is no data.
(2021.09.27) In intensity heat map, changed SEPMOD peak intensity onset/max/ESP values to round to three digits.
(2021.09.21) Prevented STAT from appearing in the heat maps, per Leila's instructions. STAT does not provide RT predictions. It was previously a placeholder until we got SEPMOD into the Scoreboard.
(2021.09.21) Fixed issue that caused UMASEP or STAT traces to push back the start time on the time series plot, thereby causing other data to look like it was missing.
(2021.09.20) Using views when querying the database is slowing down the app. Converted all the SQL queries in the app to not use views.
(2021.09.17) Adding gap in trace when there's a gap in the GOES data (similar to what was done on 2021.09.15 for ACE Electron data).
(2021.09.15) Added ACE Electron data to the time series.
(2021.09.13) Fixed issue that caused UMASEP traces to disappear from time series when only part of the trace should appear.
(2021.09.09) Changed annotation and hover text for new UMASEP heat map logic.
(2021.09.09) Changed rounding on intensity and adjusted intensity values shown in the hover text for REleASE, from 2 to 3 digits.
(2021.09.09) Changed time series hover text formatting shown for SEPMOD.
(2021.09.07) Changed default link placeholder line from 'Select a SEPSTER, SEPSTER2D, or SEPMOD point for a link to more information.' to 'Select a SEPSTER, SEPSTER2D, or SEPMOD point or SEPMOD All Clear Box for a link to more information.'
(2021.09.07) Changed link intro line from 'Additional Information for Selected Point:' to 'Additional Information (URL) for Selected Point or All Clear Box:'.
(2021.09.02) Restructured UMASEP GetHeatMapData code to fulfill what was decided in a meeting with Leila, Marlon, and Janet Barzilla, on 2021.04.15,
(2021.08.27) SEPMOD's peak_intensity_max and peak_intensity_esp is now shown in the hover text for the time series.
(2021.08.27) SEPMOD's peak_intensity_max is now shown as the value for the intensity heat maps. The hover text now shows peak intensity (onset), peak intensity esp, and peak intensity max.
(2021.08.27) The SEPMOD All Clear heat map squares are now clickable. When you click as SEPMOD square, a URL appears in the 'Additional Information for Selected Point:' section that you can click to see the DONKI information for the model input for that forecast.
(2021.08.24) Changed location and size of All Clear legend. Put it below the heat map and made it big.
(2021.06.09) Reduced print statements.
(2021.06.01) Figured out that alert cancellations needed to look at both the now_valid_until and valid_to fields coming from NOAA because valid_to is used for the initial warning. now_valid_until is used if the warning is extended.
(2021.03.31) Added uncertainty data to hovers for SEPSTER2D.
(2021.03.31) Added 'lead in' trace to SEPMOD traces where the profile data is being cut off on the left side of the time series.
(2021.03.31) Changed 'No Data' items to 'N/A' for the all clear heat map's >500 MeV column.
(2021.03.31) Added GOES >500 MeV data to the all clear heat map.
(2021.03.31) Changed REleASE hover from pwst/pwed to prediction time.
(2021.03.29) Moved the all clear display legend lower.
(2021.03.29) Added fluence value and uncertainties to SEPSTER2D hover text.
(2021.03.29) Added forecast intensity uncertainty bars for SEPSTER2D.
(2021.03.25) Implemented the use of an additional data table for REleASE, dropping REleASE data gathering time for the time series to less than one tenth of a second.
(2021.03.25) Added >500 MeV column to the All Clear Display to show UMASEP-500 all clear values/GLEs.
(2021.03.24) Added 'SEPSTER2D' to the list of models in the database and the model family options.
(2021.03.23) Adjusted height, margins, and font size for the heat maps.
(2021.03.23) Changed 'REleASE' model family option to 'REleASE (all)' and added 'REleASE 60-min' option.
(2021.03.23) Fixed bugs in hover data for SEPMOD and UMASEP in the heat maps.
(2021.03.18) Decreased refresh time from by 5%.
(2021.03.17) Added a note on how to add a model family back into the time series display once it has been removed.
(2021.03.17) Increased font size of the x-axis labels for the All Clear heat map.
(2021.03.17) SEPSTER2D added to the Intensity heat map and the All Clear heat map. GOES added to the All Clear heat map.
(2021.03.17) Added GOES to the AC display.
(2021.02.09) Added all the updates since the last SRAG demo (2020.11.24) to the ListRecentModifications section
(2021.02.09) Hover text for the All Clear forecasts was matched to the Intensity Heat Map forecasts.
(2021.01.29) Increased height of the AC display
(2021.01.27) Created GetTimeSeriesDataReleaseNew which uses a view that has pre-applied the multiplication factor for REleASE data. Saves almost 3.25 seconds / refresh.
(2021.01.27) Changed cme.time_at_height_time presentation in SEPSTER HM hover because it was getting cut off in the >100 MeV HM.
(2021.01.26) Changed SEPMOD's Intensity heat map data selection.
(2021.01.15) Added way for user to select which model families to show (so you can ignore others).
(2021.01.15) Added CME time at height time to hover data for SEPSTER and SEPMOD, as appropriate.
(2021.01.08) Added All Clear heat map functionality
(2021.01.05) Commented out broken Help link
(2020.12.30) Replaced 'kauai' with 'webtools' as server name changed.
(2020.12.18) Changed SEPMOD's Intensity heat map and time series data selection to include that the user-selected date/time must be between the prediction window start time and the profile's non-0 data max/end time.
(2020.12.17) Added 5- and 10-day x-axis range options.
(2020.12.03) Added UMASEP-30 and UMASEP-50.
(2020.12.02) Improved selection of model ID values from the database.
(2020.11.27) Improved link selection to get to detailed model information.
(2020.11.27) Added CME catalog information in SEPMOD hover data.
(2020.11.23) More secure handling of the date/time value the user inputs.
Probability App
(2024.09.05) Added a new function to improve security and yet let all the innocent parts be honored when parsing the URL query string.
(2024.08.27) Added link to web page describing How Values are Selected for the Probability Heat Map.
(2024.08.26) Tweaked display settings when using the new 'See Last Event' button.
(2024.08.21) Added a 'See Last Event' button. Requested by SRAG.
(2024.08.20) Fixed the hover and side panel information given when mousing over an end-of-event marker.
(2024.08.20) Added a function to get the last day of any given month.
(2024.08.14) Applied changes required for Dash 2.16 in AWS Shared Environment version.
(2024.08.14) Addressed capitalization issues in the alerts' side panel data.
(2024.08.13) Added code at the very top of the file to differentiate the M2M environment from the AWS shared environment.
(2024.08.09) Improved handling of user-given URL allowing the date[time] value to turn off the refresh=True value when appropriate.
(2024.08.02) Completed new functionality that allows the user to control the heat map annotation font size.
(2024.06.07) When adding shapes to the time series, clip the shape's end time to the current time, if necessary.
(2024.06.07) Applied the assumption that we are in simulated-real-time mode when pulling the alerts from the database.
(2024.03.21) Updated link to NASA Privacy Policy and added link to Accessibility.
(2024.03.04) Added calculation of the length of the longest possible valid query string.
(2024.03.04) Added 'now' as a valid value for the 'date' and 'time' params in the user-given URL query string.
(2024.03.04) Moved >10 MeV energy channel data to the top row of the heat maps.
(2024.03.04) Fleshed out any lacking documentation strings. Bolded 'Auto Refresh is turned off' warning.
(2024.03.01) Stripped 'if in real-time mode' code out. It is assumed that we are in real-time mode.
(2024.02.29) Added a 15-minute delay in the appearance of vertical shapes to mimic real-time event behavior.
(2024.02.29) Moved and styled 'Auto Refresh' checkbox in header.
(2024.02.28) Converting use to the new database table for the time series display information.
(2024.02.28) Added check for a shape's value to be in the viewable range before adding to the time series.
(2024.02.28) Removed outdated additions to the system path as well as references to external_stylesheets, which are no longer used.
(2024.02.27) Added 'Auto Refresh is on/off' warning. Added controls for the heat maps' annotations font size .
(2024.02.27) Rearranged first row of user options for the time series. Moved energy channel selection to be first, then model families, then bars to show with the auto refresh check box beneath that.
(2024.02.06) Tweaked setting of environment var so that it is slightly faster for M2M.
(2023.12.14) Initial creation of PathNameValidateNoFunnyBusiness.
(2023.12.06) There's an issue when you first come into the SEP Scoreboard. It's getting an old URL (maybe), but while Auto Refresh is turned on, the date/time is defaulting to the server-start time, rather than the current time. The opening context seems to be 'url' now instead of '' (which surprised me). So, what I've done is changed the date/time in PathNameParse (to now()--without seconds--) __if__ Auto Refresh is turned on.
(2023.11.10) Created URL/Query string building function. Created functions to parse the query string and validate all the different values strictly/properly.
(2023.11.09) Allowed the hover text to be longer. This meant I also had to change the height of the hover_box from '100%' (which resulted in a scrollbar)
(2023.11.08) Addressed situation where end_dto can now be None, which means 'do not clip'.
(2023.11.03) Renamed function ConvertTsdrToHours to ConvertTsxrToHours and variable usr_sel_tsdr to usr_sel_tsxr.
(2023.11.03) Renamed usr_sel_tsdr to usr_sel_tsxr. Converted to use new usr_sel_tsxr tuple.
(2023.11.03) changed from current time marker label from the left side of the marker to right, so that prob and int apps match. and prob _always_ has future predictions.
(2023.11.03) Created XRangeSlider function.
(2023.11.01) Created XGetSelectedTSEnergyChannels function.
(2023.10.31) updated to handle the new tsxr tuple (min and max range values)
(2023.10.19) chnaged function name from display_hover_data to CallbackDisplayHoverData.
(2023.10.18) Simplified options and variable names. Improved documentation.
(2023.10.17) Changed function name from AddHorizontalShapes to TSAddHorizontalShapes
(2023.10.17) Changed 'else' clause in ConvertMinMax2EC function to be more efficient.
(2023.10.16) Dropped call to 'Family' function and folded 'Individual' function content into this one.
(2023.10.13) Renamed function from PrepModelsPossible to Models
(2023.10.13) Renamed function from 'PrepTimeSeries' to 'Time Series'.
(2023.10.13) Renamed function from 'PrepTimeSeriesMakeSubplots' to 'Time SeriesSubplots'.
(2023.10.12) Renamed function from 'UpdateAutoRefreshCheckbox' to 'CallbackAutoRefreshCheckbox'.
(2023.10.12) Renamed function from 'UpdateZCallback' to 'CallbackMain'.
(2023.10.12) Renamed function from 'UpdateZCallback' to 'CallbackMain'.
(2023.10.12) Changed function name from 'GetStatus' to 'UpdateKcorStatus'.
(2023.10.12) Renamed function from 'PrepUserOptions' to 'UserOptions'
(2023.10.05) Modified output data structure format.
(2023.10.05) New layout, using responsive web design (RWD) and a new css file.
(2023.10.05) New heat map class.
(2023.09.20) Added 'Alerts' entry to the time series legend.
(2023.09.14) Added GSU probability forecast to the time series (in the CCMC-served copy only).
(2023.08.16) Added a new blank heat map that is noticeable so that if prepped data from database for the heat maps runs out, the user will see it.
(2023.08.11) The heat maps now show prepared data from database up to an hour old.
(2023.08.04) In GetTimeSeriesLegendLabel, changed format of threshold value to not have ".0" in it. (e.g., '> 10.0 pfu' will now be written as '> 10 pfu')
(2023.08.04) The recent changes list is now solely on a separate web page.
(2023.07.20) Updating text in the threshold crossing event definition caveat.
(2023.07.19) Upgraded Dash by Plotly to version 2.11.1. (2023.06.29) Hard-coded URLs used for links to new one-pagers. Will go back to code after database changes are completed. Improved model box size consistency.
(2023.06.26) Changed the SWPC 3-Day Forecast heat map annotation and hover when there's no valid Day 1 forecast (i.e., 00:00 - 00:30 UT daily).
(2023.06.22) Improved internal date handling so that the current time never has seconds. Use of pre-prepared heat map data can now go back as far as five minutes.
(2023.05.10) Removed SWPC warnings/summaries when they occured before the time series start.
(2023.05.09) Set the height of the vertical line and rectangle shapes to fit the current y-range so that double clicking will work better.
(2023.05.08) Updated link to the change log web page (found at the bottom of this list.
(2023.05.05) Changed the current time marker's label to be R justified and move the label to the L side of the shape.
(2023.05.05) Via data4dsp_model_url table: Removed empty SWPC Alerts box from the models possible list.
(2023.05.05) Set heat maps annotation fonts to be black instead of white (so it will match the intensity and all clear apps).
(2023.05.03) Added xaxes update for title_text because setting it in the default blank layout before the subplot was added was not working.
(2023.04.14) Reduced hover text per Leila instructions on 2023.04.13. see SEP-335 for more details.
(2023.04.12) Added call to GetTriggerInfo function for SPRINTS (TS and HM).
(2023.04.11) Updated CleanDate to handle double spaces in the middle of the date and time.
(2023.04.11) Added credit for MLSO data to page footer.
(2023.04.07) Stopped future times from being selected in the SEP SB.
(2023.04.07) Allowed use of the previous minute's data for the heat maps, per Leila 2023.04.06.
(2023.03.31) *NEW FEATURE* Added label to current date/time marker.
(2023.03.29) *NEW FEATURE* Added 'thresholds' lines in heat map (1% green, 5% yellow, 10% orange, 20% red) ...copied from intensity
(2023.03.29) *NEW FEATURE* Now auto-scale the y-range based on the largest data value (similar to how it works with the Intensity TS). Added 'notification' box (aka, shape with a label) to alert user to the fact that the Y-axis range has changed automatically.
(2023.03.29) Added transparency to the hover text boxes. Phil and Leila determined it should *not* be kept.
(2023.03.29) Remove the Alerts legend
(2023.03.28) Remove all SPRINTS Day 2+ offerings from everything. Keep only SPRINTS Day 1.
(2023.03.20) turned off all model statuses except for K-Cor, which I made static until K-Cor comes back online.
(2023.03.20) Removed 'view as a family' from the user selectable options.
(2023.03.20) Changed position of MagPy in GetHeatMapModelsDynamic so that it is _before_ MAG4.
(2023.03.20) Now controlling the heat map y axis labels, via the new 'y_axis_label' field in config.probability....JSON file
(2023.03.20) *NEW FEATURE* MagPy now appears in the heat maps and the time series.
(2023.03.20) Removed 'view as a family' from the user selectable options.
(2023.03.17) Adjusting the current date settings so that it would load the heat map data from the database.
(2023.03.17) Created heat maps to show 'N/A' or 'No Data', as appropriate, for the given model and what the model can deliver. If a model *never* delivers that type of data, you will see 'N/A'. If it can deliver that type of data, but is not at this moment, then you will see 'No Data'.
(2023.03.15) Converted from static model IDs to getting the model ID values from the database.
(2023.03.15) Turned off the time series loading indicator.
(2023.03.09) Renamed PrepRecentChanges to ListRecentModifications.
(2023.03.06) *NEW FEATURE* Speed improvements by calling a new pre-populated table for the heat map data. NOTE: control for what is displayed is now in a config file.
(2022.12.05) Addressed issue where code was trying to pull ASPECS data for a time frame prior to ASPECS data was offered.
(2022.11.30) Adding notice re: Mauna Loa Observatory status.
(2022.11.28) *NEW FEATURE* font controls added.
(2022.11.28) *NEW FEATURE* Show ASPECS nowcasts {untriggered|flare|CME|flare+CME} in heat map. There are a couple of ways to handle this. I chose to show flare if it applies, otherwise to show untriggered.
(2022.11.28) *NEW FEATURE* Added 'show these families' control widget to the user options.
(2022.11.18) Removed prediction windown end times from all hover text boxes. Per Leila on 2022.09.30 in JIRA / SEP-177.
(2022.09.30) *NEW FEATURE* Adding trigger information to the ASEPCS heat map and time series hover text.
(2022.09.23) *NEW FEATURE* Programming MLSO/K-Cor's standard downtime into their status messages (if not overridden by current status messages).
(2022.09.23) Combining first two lines of text in MLSO/K-Cor hover boxes to set it to 'MLSO K-Cor {ALERT|SUMMARY} [Not Clear, if alert]'.
(2022.09.21) Adding 'SWPC Alerts' box to the list of Models Possible.
(2022.09.21) *NEW FEATURE* Adding trigger/coronagraph information to the MLSO/K-Cor Alert hover text.
(2022.09.20) Now wrapping MLSO/K-Cor Observer Alert comment text in hover.
(2022.09.20) Removed duplicate hover text boxes for SWPC Alerts (SUMMARY, WARNING, EXTENDED WARNING).
(2022.09.13) Rearranged layers of models in the time series plot.
(2022.09.13) Changed 'SPRINTS Post Eruptive ...' to 'SPRINTS Flare ...' in time series legend and hover text.
(2022.09.12) Added ASPECS Forecast 0-24 hrs (aka Day 1) to the heat maps.
(2022.09.12) Moved 'Day 1' part of the label to a second line in the heat maps' y-axis labels.
(2022.09.09) Decoupled what gets displayed in the heat maps from the code. Display controls are in the database.
(2022.09.09) Allowed 'OBSERVER ALERT' from MLSO/K-Cor.
(2022.08.24) Increased time series height to accommodate new SPRINTS and SAWS-ASPECS model entries in the legend.
(2022.08.24) Fixed issue in where old alerts were being returned, which kept the 'No alerts to show' message from appearing.
(2022.08.22) Changed the ordering of the traces in the time series so that the items in the legend appear in alphabetical order.
(2022.08.22) Added (future only) traces to Days 2-4 of SPRINTS (all energy channels).
(2022.08.22) Removed duplicate hover text from SUMMARY alerts.
(2022.08.22) Added use of outlines for some models in the time series.
(2022.08.19) Changed the ordering of the traces being added to the time series. ASPECS is now in the back.
(2022.08.19) Changed SPRINTS label in the time series legend and hover text from "SPRINTS 00-24 hrs" to "SPRINTS Day 1", etc.
(2022.08.18) Added code so that dev Apache environment can be used properly.
(2022.08.18) Model status messages now update when the application loads, as well as every 10 minutes.
(2022.08.18) Added status messages to SAWS-ASPECS and SPRINTS.
(2022.08.17) MLSO/K-Cor alerts data is now arriving. First alert message appears on 2022.08.19 2100.
(2022.08.10) Added SPRINTS to the list of models. Added SPRINTS data to the heat maps and time series.
(2022.07.08) Added MLSO/K-Cor alerts data. It will only appear in the alerts subplot of the time series. It does not appear in the heat maps.
(2022.05.26) Added SAWS-ASPECS data.
(2022.05.10) Added link to the CCMC Rules of the Road PDF.
(2022.05.05) Updated links in the list of models, as well as making the pages open in a new tab.
(2022.04.21) Added code that allows for an individual graph to fail, without the whole page failing.
(2022.04.20) Cleaned up code that displays the shapes (lines and shaded regions).
(2022.04.06) Improved dates/times used when determining what alerts and data to show in the time series.
(2022.03.11) Made sure the user-selected date in the GUI was consistently converted from a string to a datetime object and used by _all_ the functions in the code.
(2022.03.09) Added alerts legend.
(2022.03.09) Updated documentation strings in the code to be (1) complete and (2) consistently formatted.
(2022.03.09) Added a visual indicator to the time series for when it is loading/refreshing.
(2022.03.09) Added code to auto-detect which environment the web app is running in.
(2022.03.08) Made environment variable values more descriptive.
(2022.03.04) Improved handling of CANCEL messages from NOAA SWPC.
(2022.03.01) Changed person names in METADATA values to be the MS Outlook address book format.
(2022.02.23) Reduced code from two files to a single file for simplicity sake.
(2022.01.27) Changed time series hovermode from 'closest' to 'x' because most of the data points sit on top of each other most of the time. If your mouse pointer is in the alerts subplot, then you get the alerts hovers (and yes, they do cover everything when there is more than two) but if you pull your cursor down to the data subplot, the alert hovers go away.
(2022.01.24) Added a non-proton alert cancellation (see 2021.12.21 Radio Alert cancellation.) Required new line in alerts_display table. Replaced underscores with spaces in field names in alert hover data.
(2022.01.24) Added GOES disclaimer to the S1 and 100@1 labels.
(2022.01.18) Added validation disclaimer to CCMC Rules of the Road (at bottom of page).
(2021.10.13) In CleanDate, added a section of code to 'Make sure none of the values are larger than they should be.'
(2021.06.03) Fixed issue where the models being shown in the All Clear were always the newer MAG4 models, versus the historical models during the 2017-09 time frame.
(2021.06.02) Added check for None Probability Heat Map hover text before splitting it and making the AC Hover text from it.
(2021.06.01) Fix for CANCEL WARNING where the time may be in the valid_to field (if the warning was never extended) or the now_valid_until field (if the warning was extended).
(2021.02.10) Hover text for the All Clear forecasts was matched to the probability Heat Map forecasts.
(2020.12.30) Replaced 'kauai' with 'webtools' as server name changed yesterday. Forwarding is in place and working.
(2020.12.01) Added notice of last SWPC forecast's issue time. Turns red if more than 15 hours old.
(2020.11.27) Added hover to probability HM and increased data in TS hover.
(2020.10.22) Capitalizing Penticton in SWPC Radio Alerts field.
(2020.10.20) Added 'CANCEL' warnings code so that cancellations appeared black.
(2020.10.20) Changed TS hovermode from 'x' to 'closest' because with the alerts, the hover data covers everything when it defaults to data compare on hover.
(2020.10.20) GetHeatMapModels now chooses models based on data date.
(2020.10.09) Added alerts.
(2020.10.09) Told Apache to use Dash 1.12. Got app using Dash 1.12
(2020.10.08) Converted shapes to use the database.
(2020.09.29) Adapted auto-refresh code to output the all_clear heat map.
(2020.09.24) Added auto-refresh code from intensity
(2020.09.24) Made real-time mode more complete.