Maintenance Notice

On Thursday, 03/13/2025, starting at 9 AM to 3 PM Eastern Time, we will be performing scheduled maintenance, which may temporarily impact CCMC services including viewing and download of all ROR runs output as well as online visualization services. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time.

7th NASA Space Weather and Robotic Mission Operations Workshop

Sept. 29th, 2015 - Session I: 09:00am – 12:00pmBldg. 21 Rm 183Chair: C. Alex Young, NASA GSFC

09:00amWelcome/Description (Yaireska Collado-Vega, NASA GSFC)
09:10amNASA Heliophysics: The Science of Space Weather (Elsayed Talaat, NASA HQ)
09:30amNASA GSFC HSD view of space weather (Michael Hesse, NASA GSFC) [PDF]
09:50amNASA Technical Fellow for Space Environments (Joseph Minow, NASA MSFC) [PDF]
10:10amNASA GSFC SWRC space weather services: status, future plans and updated space weather needs document (Antti Pulkkinen, NASA GSFC)
10:40amCCMC/SWRC Demo (Chiu Weigand, NASA GSFC)
11:10amUpdate on Spitzer mission operations and space weather needs (Joseph Hunt, NASA JPL) [PDF]
11:30amMAVEN Space Weather needs (Jared Espley, NASA GSFC) [PDF]

Sept. 29 - Session II: 01:00pm – 05:00pm
Chair: Barbara Thompson (NASA GSFC)

01:00pmCHANDRA space weather vulnerabilities and needs update (Joseph Minow, NASA MSFC) [PDF]
01:20pmDSCOVR Update (Adam Szabo, NASA GSFC)
01:40pmSolar Orbiter and Solar Probe Plus science and relevance to space weather (Chris St. Cyr, NASA GSFC) [PDF]
02:00pmLaunch processes at Cape Canaveral (Kathy Winters, USAF AFSPC)(REMOTELY) [PDF]
02:50pmCARA space weather needs (Lauri Newmann, NASA GSFC) [PDF]
03:10pmEOS Aqua and Aura team space weather view (William Guit, NASA GSFC) [PDF]
03:30pmNASA’s STEREO Mission: Living Past Your Warranty (Dan Wilson/Dan Ossing, JHU APL) [PDF]
03:50pmNASA aviation activities (Scott Wiley, NASA AFRC) [PDF]
04:10pmWorkshop first day summary and discussion on the updated space weather needs document/feedback/questionnaire (Antti Pulkkinen, All)
06:00pmSpace Weather & Robotics Mission Workshop and CARA Open House attendees no-host social event for professional networking. Location: Franklin's Restaurant and Brewery, 5123 Baltimore Avenue, Hyattsville, MD 20710, Tel: 301-927-2740, The upstairs loft has been reserved for the group.

Sept 30 - Session I: 09:00am – 12:00pm (Radiation hazard and mitigation processes focus group)
Chair: Antti Pulkkinen (NASA GSFC)

12:00pm Lunch

Sept 30 - Session II: 01:00pm – 05:00pm
Chair: Yaireska Collado-Vega (NASA GSFC)

01:00pmWorkshop Style Case Study - small groups
01:20pmReview of findings - whole group
Module 3
02:00pmChanging SEP Climatology (Allan Tylka, NASA GSFC) [PDF]
02:30pmSEP part 2 predictions (Dave Falconer, NASA MSFC)(REMOTELY) [PDF]
03:00pmGCRs (Tony Slaba, NASA LaRC) [PDF]
03:25pmWorkshop Style Case Study - Event Description
03:35pmSmall groups discussion
04:15pmOverall Discussion - whole group
04:55pmWorkshop second day summary and overall feedback (Antti Pulkkinen, All)