7th NASA Space Weather and Robotic Mission Operations Workshop

Sept. 29th, 2015 - Session I: 09:00am – 12:00pmBldg. 21 Rm 183Chair: C. Alex Young, NASA GSFC

09:00amWelcome/Description (Yaireska Collado-Vega, NASA GSFC)
09:10amNASA Heliophysics: The Science of Space Weather (Elsayed Talaat, NASA HQ)
09:30amNASA GSFC HSD view of space weather (Michael Hesse, NASA GSFC) [PDF]
09:50amNASA Technical Fellow for Space Environments (Joseph Minow, NASA MSFC) [PDF]
10:10amNASA GSFC SWRC space weather services: status, future plans and updated space weather needs document (Antti Pulkkinen, NASA GSFC)
10:40amCCMC/SWRC Demo (Chiu Weigand, NASA GSFC)
11:10amUpdate on Spitzer mission operations and space weather needs (Joseph Hunt, NASA JPL) [PDF]
11:30amMAVEN Space Weather needs (Jared Espley, NASA GSFC) [PDF]

Sept. 29 - Session II: 01:00pm – 05:00pm
Chair: Barbara Thompson (NASA GSFC)

01:00pmCHANDRA space weather vulnerabilities and needs update (Joseph Minow, NASA MSFC) [PDF]
01:20pmDSCOVR Update (Adam Szabo, NASA GSFC)
01:40pmSolar Orbiter and Solar Probe Plus science and relevance to space weather (Chris St. Cyr, NASA GSFC) [PDF]
02:00pmLaunch processes at Cape Canaveral (Kathy Winters, USAF AFSPC)(REMOTELY) [PDF]
02:50pmCARA space weather needs (Lauri Newmann, NASA GSFC) [PDF]
03:10pmEOS Aqua and Aura team space weather view (William Guit, NASA GSFC) [PDF]
03:30pmNASA’s STEREO Mission: Living Past Your Warranty (Dan Wilson/Dan Ossing, JHU APL) [PDF]
03:50pmNASA aviation activities (Scott Wiley, NASA AFRC) [PDF]
04:10pmWorkshop first day summary and discussion on the updated space weather needs document/feedback/questionnaire (Antti Pulkkinen, All)
06:00pmSpace Weather & Robotics Mission Workshop and CARA Open House attendees no-host social event for professional networking. Location: Franklin's Restaurant and Brewery, 5123 Baltimore Avenue, Hyattsville, MD 20710, Tel: 301-927-2740, https://wsww.franklinsbrewery.com/ The upstairs loft has been reserved for the group.

Sept 30 - Session I: 09:00am – 12:00pm (Radiation hazard and mitigation processes focus group)
Chair: Antti Pulkkinen (NASA GSFC)

12:00pm Lunch

Sept 30 - Session II: 01:00pm – 05:00pm
Chair: Yaireska Collado-Vega (NASA GSFC)

01:00pmWorkshop Style Case Study - small groups
01:20pmReview of findings - whole group
Module 3
02:00pmChanging SEP Climatology (Allan Tylka, NASA GSFC) [PDF]
02:30pmSEP part 2 predictions (Dave Falconer, NASA MSFC)(REMOTELY) [PDF]
03:00pmGCRs (Tony Slaba, NASA LaRC) [PDF]
03:25pmWorkshop Style Case Study - Event Description
03:35pmSmall groups discussion
04:15pmOverall Discussion - whole group
04:55pmWorkshop second day summary and overall feedback (Antti Pulkkinen, All)