Maintenance Notice

On Monday, 09/16/2024, starting at 1 PM to 3 PM Eastern Time, a main CCMC storage system will be unavailable due to maintenance. CCMC services including viewing and download of all ROR runs output as well as online visualization services will be impacted.

3D Simulation Results: Model: IRI
Run: SivaSaiKumar_Rajana_120520_IT_4

This is the web interface for the visualization of results of a three-dimensional simulation of the Earth's environment.

Note: Floating-point values with a decimal point not followed by numbers (e.g., "1." or "1.E+4") are not being accepted. Please enter equivalent values ("1.0" or 1.0E+4) or ("1" or "1e+4") instead.
Please review the default selections below and make your changes.

To start the graphics program click the Update Plot button. The resulting image will be displayed at this location of the page.

Should the result be a black image, then the graphics program encountered a programming error. Please report the set of input parameters used.

Go back to web page of run

  Update Plot will update (generate) the plot with the chosen time and plot parameters below.
This will take some time (typically 10-30s) as data are read in and processed.

 Choose data time: 

 Change time (relative to selected time above)
 Create GIF movie (and archive of ASCII data outputs) with current plot settings