Runs on Request

Runs on Request (ROR) is a free service open to any user interested in running the space science/space weather models hosted at the CCMC.
How it Works
A model run request is submitted using our online interface. Once the request has been processed, an execution request is forwarded to CCMC's servers. These are, depending on the request, high-performance computing (HPC) clusters or Linux servers. After the request is finished (generally between 1-4 days), results are published on the CCMC website. At this time, an automatic email notification is sent to the requestor.
Publications Policy
For tracking purposes for our government sponsors, we ask that you notify the CCMC whenever you use simulation runs performed at the CCMC in any scientific publications and/or presentations. Follow the steps on the publication submission page
See our full publication policy.
Submission Instructions
You will be required to provide your first name, last name, and e-mail. This will generate a run number for making inquiries about your request and for searching/viewing the run's results.
Generate Input Data
The CCMC provides a few options to generate input data and parameters files if needed. Please check out our Input Files & Parameters Generation Page for more information.
Special Requests
Customized simulation setups are available beyond what is provided as an option in the submission script. To request a customized simulation run, please specify your requirements in the "Special Request" box on the run submission form. Special requests are handled manually by the CCMC staff.
For special requests, CCMC staff can provide customized simulation setup tailored to address specific science questions selected by the user. Customized request options include:
- extending run duration
- creating a new simulation grid
- modification of standard boundary conditions
- minor code modifications (within the limits authorized by code developers) e.g., ionospheric conductance model modification
Please note that special requests may take longer to execute.
View Results Online
To view the results of a model run see Simulation Results Database.
Requesting Simulation Run Output
CCMC-developed interactive Web-based visualization software allows the user to analyze simulation results and to perform scientific research without the need to download simulation run outputs. Outputs of all runs are archived on the CCMC's data storage systems and are publicly accessible by means of these tools.
Upon user request, the CCMC will provide full simulation run output in a portable self-explanatory standard format. See request results form.
CCMC staff is always available to answer questions regarding model results and their applicability to specific science problems. Furthermore, CCMC staff will assist users in the interpretation of simulation results if requested. Email CCMC