Run Metadata
Metadata as JSON: | View Full Run Metadata as JSON |
Model Domain: | GM |
Model Name: | SWMF |
Model Version: | v20140611 |
Title/Introduction: | 20080223 |
Key Word: | 20080223 |
Run type: | Real event simulation |
Inflow Boundary Conditions: | Time-dependent |
Start Time: | 2008/02/23 16:00 |
End Time: | 2008/02/23 21:00 |
Dipole Tilt at Start in X-Z Plane: | -0.17 ° |
Dipole Tilt in Y-Z GSE Plane: | 18.69 ° |
Dipole Update With Time: | yes |
Ionospheric Conductance: | auroral |
Radio Flux 10.7 cm: | 70.1 |
Co-rotation: | Corotation potential is being applied |
Grid: | 1M cells overview |
Coordinate System for the Output: | GSM |
Solar wind input source: | ACE-L2 |
Ring current model: | RCM |
Magnetosphere Run Parameters: | |
GM solver: | Sokolov |
GM limiter name: | mc3 |
GM limiter beta: | 1.2 |
GM implicit: | part-implicit |
GM timestep: | 5.0 |
GM Boris clight factor: | 0.01 |
Input Data
Output Data
- View pre-computed timeseries data:
- SWMF diagnostic log file with CPCPN (CPCP North), CPCPS (CPCP South), Dst (SymH)
- Northern hemisphere polar cap flux and area
- Southern hemisphere polar cap flux and area
- Magnetopause standoff and closest approach within 30 deg. of Sun-Earth line (local noon)
- Polar cap boundary at 24 magnetic local times in northern hemisphere
- Polar cap boundary at 24 magnetic local times in southern hemisphere
- Ionospheric dissipation
- View model outputs along satellite trajectories (files generated by model at requested, usually short time cadence):
- View model outputs along satellite trajectories (result of postprocessing on usually longer magnetosphere 3D output time cadence):
- Perform model data comparison for this run using VMR tools (formerly the Virtual Model Repository at the University of Michigan)
Runs with Overlapping Dates (30 matches)
Click on model name to expand the list
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