Run Metadata
Metadata as JSON: | View Full Run Metadata as JSON |
Model Domain: | IT |
Model Name: | CTIP |
Model Version: | 1.0 |
Key Word: | continuous run 04-17 |
Year: | 2006 |
Day of the year: | 339 |
Dipole Update With Time: | yes |
Coordinate System for the Output: | GEO |
Initial Parameters: | |
SW Density: | 10.58900 n/cc |
SW Temperature: | 36.91 Kelvin |
X Component of SW Velocity: | -393.96600 km/s |
Y Component of SW Velocity: | 3.47300 km/s |
X Component of SW Velocity: | 3.60000 km/s |
IMF Bx: | 0.00000 nT |
IMF By: | -3.02700 nT |
IMF Bz: | 2.45300 nT |
IMF |B|: | 3.89600 nT |
IMF Clock Angle: | 309.02500 deg. |
Dipole Tilt in Y-Z GSE Plane: | 0.000 deg. |
Dipole Update With Time: | yes |
Radio Flux 10.7 cm: | 99.40000 |
Electric Field Model: | Weimer |
Hemispheric Power Index (Activity Level): | 4 |
Hemispheric Power in gigawatts: | 6.00 |
Output Data
Runs with Overlapping Dates (48 matches)
Click on model name to expand the list
- Weimer (1)
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NRLMSIS (2)- [2006-01-01 - 2006-12-31] Li_Miao_091223_IT_2
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NAIRAS (2)- [2004-01-01 - 2009-12-31] Guadalupe_Carrillo_030524_IT_1
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IRI (5)- [2006-01-01 - 2006-12-31] DOHYEON_LEE_060324_IT_9
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ENLIL (11)- [2006/11/15 00:03 - 2006/12/12 06:39] Christina_Lee_081607_SH_1
- [2006/11/15 00:05 - 2006/12/12 06:42] Christina_Lee_081807_SH_4
- [2006/11/15 00:03 - 2006/12/12 06:38] Christina_Lee_081807_SH_4a
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CTIP (2)- [2006-12-05 - 2006-12-06] R2O_CCMC_091907_IT_2
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Cosgrove-PF (1)- [2005-07-09 - 2009-07-12] PF_Cosgrove_120314_IT_6
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