Run Metadata
Metadata as JSON: | View Full Run Metadata as JSON |
Model Domain: | IT |
Model Name: | CTIPe |
Model Version: | 3.1 |
Key Word: | storm |
Year: | 2012 |
Day of the year: | 69 |
Coordinate System for the Output: | GEO |
Electric Field Model: | Weimer |
Input Data
- View Input: Solar indices
- View Input: Solar Wind Parameters, Hemispheric Power Index, Hemispheric Power in GW (|B|, IMF Clock Angle, Dipole Tilt, solar wind speed, solar wind density, HP index, HP (GW)
Output Data
Runs with Overlapping Dates (253 matches)
Click on model name to expand the list
- Weimer (3)
- [2012-03-09 - 2012-03-10] Dibyendu_Sur_070524_IT_2
- [2012-03-09 - 2012-03-10] Lisa_Rosenqvist_060316_IT_1
- [2012-03-08 - 2012-03-09] Sebastian_Sevilla_041916_IT_4
WACCMX (5)- [2012-03-04 - 2012-03-13] WACCMX-Heelis-01_2012-03-TP-01_021824_IT_1
- [2012-03-10 - 2012-03-15] WACCMX-Heelis-01_2012-03-TP-02_071424_IT_1
- [2012-03-06 - 2012-03-12] WACCMX-Weimer-01_2012-03-TP-01_021624_IT_1
- [2012-03-04 - 2012-03-13] WACCMX-Weimer-01_2012-03-TP-01_021824_IT_1
- [2012-03-10 - 2012-03-15] WACCMX-Weimer-01_2012-03-TP-02_071424_IT_1
Tsyganenko (1)- [2012/03/09 00:00 - 2012/03/10 02:00] Bryan_Yamashiro_061416_IM_3
TIE-GCM (15)- [2012-03-01 - 2012-03-31] Aswathy_Rp_110619_IT_1
- [2012-03-06 - 2012-04-05] DIBYENDU_SUR_041120_IT_1
- [2012-03-08 - 2012-03-13] Jack_Wang_052122_IT_2
- [2012-03-08 - 2012-03-13] Jack_Wang_052522_IT_3
- [2012-03-04 - 2012-03-14] TIEGCM-Heelis-01_2012-03-TP-01_021824_IT_1
- [2012-03-10 - 2012-03-16] TIEGCM-Heelis-01_2012-03-TP-02_120424_IT_1
- [2012-03-04 - 2012-03-14] TIEGCM-Heelis-02_2012-03-TP-01_021824_IT_1
- [2012-03-10 - 2012-03-16] TIEGCM-Heelis-02_2012-03-TP-02_071424_IT_1
- [2012-03-04 - 2012-03-14] TIEGCM-Weimer-01_2012-03-TP-01_021824_IT_1
- [2012-03-10 - 2012-03-16] TIEGCM-Weimer-01_2012-03-TP-02_120424_IT_1
- [2012-03-04 - 2012-03-14] TIEGCM-Weimer-02_2012-03-TP-01_021824_IT_1
- [2012-03-10 - 2012-03-16] TIEGCM-Weimer-02_2012-03-TP-02_071424_IT_1
- [2012-03-01 - 2012-04-01] jasoon_shim_052317_IT_3
- [2012-01-01 - 2012-12-30] kris_jiang_101915_IT_11
- [2012-03-03 - 2012-04-01] sardar_rao_121818_IT_27
SWMF (18)- [2012/03/08 09:00 - 2012/03/09 09:00] Anthony_Rasca_090619_2
- [2012/03/09 00:00 - 2012/03/09 22:30] Chigomezyo_Ngwira_082516_1
- [2012/03/09 08:30 - 2012/03/09 09:30] DIBYENDU_SUR_042521_4
- [2012/03/09 00:00 - 2012/03/10 00:00] Dibyendu_Sur_070424_11
- [2012/03/09 00:00 - 2012/03/10 02:00] Dibyendu_Sur_090220_1
- [2012/03/09 00:00 - 2012/03/10 02:00] Dibyendu_Sur_091820_4
- [2012/03/07 00:00 - 2012/03/12 02:00] Dibyendu_Sur_100420_1
- [2012/03/09 00:00 - 2012/03/10 02:00] Dibyendu_Sur_111520_2
- [2012/03/08 00:00 - 2012/03/11 02:00] Doga_Ozturk_041812_1
- [07:15 - 2015/12/25 09:00] Katariina_Nykyri_072817_1
- [2012/03/05 00:00 - 2012/03/14 00:00] Konstantina_Thanasoula_081820_1
- [2012/03/09 00:00 - 2012/03/10 00:00] Lisa_Rosenqvist_060316_1
- [2012/03/05 00:00 - 2012/03/13 00:00] Pinelopi_Angelopoulou_081820_2
- [2012/03/08 20:00 - 2012/03/09 02:00] Ramon_Lopez_111820_1
- [2012/03/06 00:00 - 2012/03/12 00:00] SWMF-01_2012-03-TP-01_091823_1
- [2012/03/06 00:00 - 2012/03/13 00:00] SWMF-02_2012-03-TP-01_080323_1
- [2012/03/09 00:00 - 2012/03/09 02:00] Sergio_VidalLuengo_042721_1
- [2012/03/06 12:00 - 2012/03/10 12:00] iklim_gencturk_101615_1
SEPMOD (7)- [2012/03/04 00:10 - 2012/03/11 00:12] CAllison_SEPVAL_072623_SH_14
- [2012/03/05 00:00 - 2012/03/12 00:00] CAllison_SEPVAL_072623_SH_18
- [2012/03/07 00:00 - 2012/03/14 00:01] Clayton_Allison_071723_SH_1
- [2012/03/07 00:00 - 2012/03/14 00:00] KWhitman_SEPVAL_072523_SH_1
- [2012/03/07 00:00 - 2012/03/14 00:00] KWhitman_SEPVAL_072523_SH_2
- [2012/03/07 00:00 - 2012/03/14 00:00] Katie_Whitman_091421_SH_12
- [2012/03/07 00:00 - 2012/03/14 00:00] Katie_Whitman_091521_SH_12
SAMI3 (3)- [2010-12-20 - 2021-01-03] Jonathon_Smith_080223_IT_4
- [2012-03-08 - 2012-03-10] Kornyanat_Watthanasangmechai_110714_IT_1
- [2012-03-09 - 2012-03-16] SAMI3-TIEGCM-01_2012-03-TP-01_020424_IT_1
Ovation-Prime (2)- [2012-03-09 - 2012-03-10] DIBYENDU_SUR_072420_IT_4
- [2012-03-09 - 2012-03-10] Lutz_Rastaetter_012416_IT_13
OpenGGCM (10)- [2012/03/08 09:00 - 2012/03/09 09:00] Anthony_Rasca_090619_1
- [2012/03/09 11:29 - 2012/03/09 13:13] Devi_RN_080322_1
- [2012/03/09 13:48 - 2012/03/09 14:08] Devi_RN_080322_2
- [2012/03/09 06:25 - 2012/03/09 08:37] Devi_Rn_073122_2
- [2012/03/09 08:45 - 2012/03/09 10:49] Devi_Rn_073122_3
- [2012/03/09 00:00 - 2012/03/10 00:00] Dibyendu_Sur_070424_10
- [2012/03/09 00:00 - 2012/03/10 02:00] Dibyendu_Sur_071221_1
- [2012/03/09 00:00 - 2012/03/10 02:00] Dibyendu_Sur_071221_5
- [2012/03/09 00:00 - 2012/03/10 02:00] Dibyendu_Sur_091720_1
- [2012/03/09 00:00 - 2012/03/10 02:00] Dibyendu_Sur_092420_1
NRLMSIS (2)- [2012-01-01 - 2012-12-30] libin_wang_101723_IT_1
- [2012-01-01 - 2012-12-30] libin_wang_110223_IT_1
NAIRAS (2)- [2010-01-01 - 2015-12-31] Guadalupe_Carrillo_030524_IT_3
- [2010-01-01 - 2015-12-31] Guadalupe_Carrillo_030524_IT_4
MAGE (2)- [2012/03/09 00:00 - 2012/03/10 02:00] Dibyendu_Sur_070524_3
- [2012/03/06 16:00 - 2012/03/11 04:00] Sydney_Kinsella_061224_11
LFM (4)- [2012/03/09 00:00 - 2012/03/10 00:00] Dibyendu_Sur_070424_9
- [2012/03/09 00:00 - 2012/03/10 02:00] Dibyendu_Sur_071221_11
- [2012/03/09 00:00 - 2012/03/10 02:00] Dibyendu_Sur_091720_7
- [2012/03/08 20:00 - 2012/03/09 02:00] Ramon_Lopez_111820_2
JB (1)- [2012-03-04 - 2012-03-13] JB2008-01_2012-03-TP-01_021824_IT_1
IRI (11)- [2012-01-01 - 2012-12-30] Ahmed_Yassen_082621_IT_7
- [2012-01-01 - 2012-12-30] DOHYEON_LEE_060324_IT_3
- [2012-01-01 - 2013-01-01] Habeeb_Allawi_072624_IT_9
- [2012-01-01 - 2012-12-30] Jessica_Reid_042221_IT_8
- [2012-01-01 - 2012-12-30] Jia_Yue_111720_IT_1
- [2012-01-01 - 2012-12-30] Mohit_Jagne_062223_IT_13
- [2012-01-01 - 2012-12-30] Rukundo_Wellen_070921_IT_1
- [2012-03-01 - 2012-04-29] SivaSaiKumar_Rajana_020321_IT_2
- [2012-01-01 - 2012-12-30] moses_kipruto_013025_IT_10
- [2012-01-01 - 2012-12-30] moses_kipruto_110624_IT_1
- [2012-01-01 - 2012-12-30] qinglin_li_010924_IT_15
HWM14 (1)- [2012-01-01 - 2012-12-30] chuyue_zhou_030525_IT_10
HeliosphericTomography (4)- [2012/03/04 - 2012/03/31] Eunsu_Park_082515_SH_1
- [2012/03/04 - 2012/03/31] Eunsu_Park_082515_SH_2
- [2012/03/04 - 2012/03/31] Eunsu_Park_092015_SH_1
- [2012/03/04 - 2012/03/31] Eunsu_Park_102616_SH_3
GUMICS (2)- [2012/03/09 00:00 - 2012/03/10 00:00] DIBYENDU_SUR_070424_3
- [2012/03/09 00:00 - 2012/03/10 02:00] Dibyendu_Sur_091820_10
GITM (5)- [2012-03-05 - 2012-03-13] GITM-01_2012-03-TP-01_011125_IT_1
- [2012-03-10 - 2012-03-16] GITM-01_2012-03-TP-02_011025_IT_1
- [2012-03-04 - 2012-03-09] GITM-01a_2012-03-TP-01_021824_IT_1
- [2012-03-09 - 2012-03-14] GITM-01b_2012-03-TP-01_021824_IT_1
- [2012-03-08 - 2012-03-12] Jack_Wang_051422_IT_3
ENLIL (147)- [2012/03/04 00:02 - 2012/03/14 00:08] Aleksandre_Taktakishvili_051112_SH_1
- [2012/03/04 00:02 - 2012/03/14 00:07] Aleksandre_Taktakishvili_051112_SH_2
- [2012/03/05 00:07 - 2012/03/15 00:15] Anna_Chulaki_032615_SH_1
- [2012/03/05 09:00 - 2012/03/16 09:03] Athansios_Kouloumvakos_052515_SH_1
- [2012/03/05 09:00 - 2012/03/15 09:06] Axel_Garcia_061512_SH_1
- [2012/03/07 09:05 - 2012/03/17 09:07] Axel_Garcia_061912_SH_2
- [2012/03/05 09:00 - 2012/03/15 09:08] Axel_Garcia_070312_SH_1
- [2012/03/07 09:05 - 2012/03/17 09:01] Axel_Garcia_070312_SH_10
- [2012/03/05 09:00 - 2012/03/15 09:06] Axel_Garcia_070312_SH_2
- [2012/03/05 09:00 - 2012/03/15 09:08] Axel_Garcia_070312_SH_3
- [2012/03/05 09:00 - 2012/03/15 09:08] Axel_Garcia_070312_SH_4
- [2012/03/05 09:00 - 2012/03/15 09:02] Axel_Garcia_070312_SH_5
- [2012/03/07 09:05 - 2012/03/17 09:10] Axel_Garcia_070312_SH_6
- [2012/03/07 09:05 - 2012/03/17 09:06] Axel_Garcia_070312_SH_7
- [2012/03/07 09:05 - 2012/03/17 09:03] Axel_Garcia_070312_SH_8
- [2012/03/07 09:05 - 2012/03/17 09:04] Axel_Garcia_070312_SH_9
- [2012/03/05 09:00 - 2012/03/15 09:03] Axel_Garcia_091412_SH_1
- [2012/03/05 09:00 - 2012/03/15 09:03] Axel_Garcia_091412_SH_2
- [2012/03/07 09:05 - 2012/03/17 09:08] Axel_Garcia_091412_SH_4
- [2012/03/04 00:12 - 2012/03/11 00:12] CAllison_SEPVAL_072423_SH_4
- [2012/03/05 00:00 - 2012/03/12 00:00] CAllison_SEPVAL_072423_SH_9
- [2012/03/04 00:01 - 2012/03/16 06:04] Camilla_Scolini_020216_SH_1
- [2012/03/04 00:08 - 2012/03/19 06:08] Camilla_Scolini_021816_SH_1
- [2012/03/04 00:04 - 2012/03/22 06:00] Camilla_Scolini_060916_SH_2
- [2012/03/04 00:04 - 2012/03/22 06:03] Camilla_Scolini_060916_SH_3
- [2012/03/04 00:04 - 2012/03/22 06:01] Camilla_Scolini_062116_SH_6
- [2012/03/04 00:04 - 2012/03/16 06:07] Christine_Verbeke_062316_SH_7
- [2012/03/07 00:03 - 2012/03/14 00:01] Clayton_Allison_071323_SH_1
- [2012/03/04 13:08 - 2012/03/31 19:44] Dan_Aksim_060719_SH_8
- [2012/01/01 00:00 - 2013/01/01 00:01] Dan_Aksim_122319_SH_8
- [2012/03/05 09:06 - 2012/03/15 09:07] Doga_Ozturk_043012_SH_1
- [2012/03/04 00:00 - 2012/03/18 06:01] Emiliya_Yordanova_020722_SH_6
- [2012/03/04 00:40 - 2012/03/15 06:40] Emiliya_Yordanova_031422_SH_1
- [2012/03/04 00:00 - 2012/03/18 06:04] Emiliya_Yordanova_061323_SH_6
- [2012/03/04 00:00 - 2012/03/15 06:05] Emiliya_Yordanova_061523_SH_4
- [2012/03/04 00:00 - 2012/03/18 06:00] Emiliya_Yordanova_061523_SH_5
- [2012/03/04 00:04 - 2012/03/22 06:01] Emiliya_Yordanova_062023_SH_5
- [2012/03/04 00:00 - 2012/03/22 06:00] Emiliya_Yordanova_062023_SH_6
- [2012/03/04 00:00 - 2012/03/22 06:06] Emiliya_Yordanova_082323_SH_1
- [2012/03/07 00:00 - 2012/03/14 00:01] Emiliya_Yordanova_101619_SH_6
- [2012/03/07 00:00 - 2012/03/14 00:02] Emiliya_Yordanova_101619_SH_7
- [2012/03/07 00:00 - 2012/03/14 00:03] Emiliya_Yordanova_101719_SH_5
- [2012/03/04 00:00 - 2012/03/15 06:03] Emiliya_Yordanova_102721_SH_1
- [2012/03/04 00:00 - 2012/03/18 06:06] Emiliya_Yordanova_102821_SH_8
- [2012/03/04 00:00 - 2012/03/18 06:03] Emiliya_Yordanova_102821_SH_9
- [2012/03/07 00:01 - 2012/03/14 00:02] Emiliya_Yordanova_110119_SH_2
- [2012/03/07 00:00 - 2012/03/14 00:01] Emiliya_Yordanova_111219_SH_2
- [2006/08/25 00:00 - 2012/05/28 06:00] FELIX_MINTA_102522_SH_1
- [2012/03/04 00:04 - 2012/03/21 06:06] Fernando_Carcaboso_070824_SH_1
- [2012/03/04 00:08 - 2012/03/14 06:07] Firas_ALHamadani_021916_SH_3
- [2012/03/04 00:08 - 2012/03/19 06:00] Firas_ALHamadani_021916_SH_4
- [2012/03/04 13:08 - 2012/03/31 19:52] GangKai_Poh_060912_SH_3
- [2012/03/04 00:00 - 2012/03/16 06:01] HAMMED_LAWAL_072912_SH_1
- [2012/03/04 00:03 - 2012/03/16 06:01] HAMMED_LAWAL_072912_SH_2
- [2012/03/04 00:06 - 2012/03/16 06:00] HAMMED_LAWAL_072912_SH_3
- [2012/03/06 00:08 - 2012/03/16 00:00] Hong_Xie_041212_SH_2
- [2012/03/05 09:00 - 2012/03/15 09:07] Hong_Xie_043012_SH_2
- [2012/03/07 09:05 - 2012/03/19 09:06] Hong_Xie_050212_SH_1
- [2012/03/07 09:05 - 2012/03/19 09:04] Hong_Xie_050212_SH_2
- [2012/03/05 09:00 - 2012/03/16 09:01] Hong_Xie_101812_SH_1
- [2012/03/04 00:02 - 2012/03/14 00:06] Hong_Xie_111412_SH_2
- [2012/03/04 00:03 - 2012/03/14 00:04] Jasmina_Magdalenic_080112_SH_1
- [2012/03/04 00:03 - 2012/03/14 00:03] Jasmina_Magdalenic_080312_SH_1
- [2012/03/04 00:01 - 2012/03/14 00:01] Jasmina_Magdalenic_080312_SH_2
- [2012/03/04 00:03 - 2012/03/14 00:04] Jasmina_Magdalenic_080512_SH_1
- [2012/03/04 00:03 - 2012/03/14 00:04] Jasmina_Magdalenic_080912_SH_1
- [2012/03/04 00:06 - 2012/03/14 00:02] Jasmina_Magdalenic_080912_SH_1a
- [2012/03/04 13:07 - 2012/03/31 19:44] Juergen_Hinterreiter_030818_SH_2
- [2012/03/04 13:10 - 2012/03/31 19:44] Juergen_Hinterreiter_031418_SH_2
- [2012/03/07 00:03 - 2012/03/14 00:00] KWhitman_SEPVAL_072123_SH_1
- [2012/03/07 00:03 - 2012/03/14 00:00] KWhitman_SEPVAL_072123_SH_2
- [2012/03/07 00:03 - 2012/03/14 00:00] Katie_Whitman_091321_SH_1
- [2012/03/04 13:08 - 2012/03/31 19:43] Lan_Jian_052212_SH_1
- [2012/03/04 13:08 - 2012/03/31 19:43] Lan_Jian_052312_SH_1
- [2012/03/04 00:04 - 2012/03/16 06:05] Li_Feng_061217_SH_1
- [2012/03/04 00:04 - 2012/03/16 06:05] Li_Feng_061617_SH_1
- [2012/03/04 00:04 - 2012/03/16 06:02] Li_Feng_061817_SH_1
- [2012/03/04 00:12 - 2012/04/03 00:15] Lili_Bao_042123_SH_2
- [2012/03/04 00:04 - 2012/03/15 06:03] LuisC_Fernandez_051916_SH_1
- [2012/03/04 00:04 - 2012/03/15 06:00] LuisC_Fernandez_052416_SH_1
- [2012/03/04 00:04 - 2012/03/15 06:04] LuisC_Fernandez_052516_SH_1
- [2012/03/04 00:04 - 2012/03/15 06:05] LuisC_Fernandez_053016_SH_1
- [2012/03/04 00:14 - 2012/03/15 06:15] LuisC_Fernandez_081616_SH_1
- [2012/03/04 00:04 - 2012/03/15 06:00] LuisC_Fernandez_081716_SH_1
- [2012/03/04 00:04 - 2012/03/15 06:03] LuisC_Fernandez_081716_SH_2
- [2012/03/04 00:04 - 2012/03/15 06:03] LuisC_Fernandez_081716_SH_3
- [2012/03/04 00:04 - 2012/03/15 06:04] LuisC_Fernandez_081716_SH_4
- [2012/03/04 00:04 - 2012/03/15 06:06] LuisC_Fernandez_081716_SH_5
- [2012/03/04 00:04 - 2012/03/15 06:04] LuisC_Fernandez_081816_SH_1
- [2012/03/04 00:04 - 2012/03/15 06:02] LuisC_Fernandez_081816_SH_2
- [2012/03/04 00:04 - 2012/03/15 06:05] LuisC_Fernandez_081816_SH_3
- [2012/03/04 00:04 - 2012/03/15 06:05] LuisC_Fernandez_081816_SH_4
- [2012/03/04 00:04 - 2012/03/15 06:06] LuisC_Fernandez_081816_SH_5
- [2012/03/04 00:04 - 2012/03/15 06:02] LuisC_Fernandez_081916_SH_1
- [2012/03/04 00:04 - 2012/03/15 06:05] LuisC_Fernandez_081916_SH_2
- [2012/03/04 00:04 - 2012/03/15 06:03] LuisC_Fernandez_081916_SH_3
- [2012/03/04 00:04 - 2012/03/15 06:06] LuisC_Fernandez_082216_SH_1
- [2012/03/04 00:04 - 2012/03/15 06:05] LuisC_Fernandez_082216_SH_2
- [2012/03/04 00:04 - 2012/03/15 06:03] LuisC_Fernandez_082216_SH_3
- [2012/03/04 00:04 - 2012/03/15 06:01] LuisC_Fernandez_082216_SH_4
- [2012/03/04 00:02 - 2012/03/15 06:04] LuisC_Fernandez_082316_SH_1
- [2012/03/04 00:00 - 2012/03/15 06:02] LuisC_Fernandez_082316_SH_2
- [2012/03/04 00:04 - 2012/03/15 06:00] LuisC_Fernandez_082416_SH_1
- [2012/03/04 00:04 - 2012/03/15 06:05] LuisC_Fernandez_082416_SH_2
- [2012/03/04 00:04 - 2012/03/15 06:06] LuisC_Fernandez_082416_SH_3
- [2012/03/04 00:54 - 2012/03/15 06:52] LuisC_Fernandez_082416_SH_4
- [2012/03/04 00:03 - 2012/03/15 06:04] LuisC_Fernandez_082416_SH_5
- [2012/03/04 00:04 - 2012/03/15 06:01] LuisC_Fernandez_082516_SH_1
- [2012/03/04 00:02 - 2012/03/15 06:02] LuisC_Fernandez_082516_SH_2
- [2012/03/04 00:02 - 2012/03/15 06:00] LuisC_Fernandez_082516_SH_3
- [2012/03/04 00:04 - 2012/03/15 06:03] LuisC_Fernandez_082516_SH_4
- [2012/03/04 00:44 - 2012/03/15 06:44] LuisC_Fernandez_082516_SH_5
- [2012/03/04 00:04 - 2012/03/15 06:02] LuisC_Fernandez_082616_SH_1
- [2012/03/04 00:08 - 2012/03/15 06:04] LuisC_Fernandez_082616_SH_2
- [2012/03/04 00:04 - 2012/03/15 06:05] LuisC_Fernandez_082616_SH_3
- [2012/03/04 00:04 - 2012/03/15 06:03] LuisC_Fernandez_082616_SH_4
- [2012/03/04 00:04 - 2012/03/15 06:06] LuisC_Fernandez_082616_SH_5
- [2012/03/04 00:04 - 2012/03/15 06:00] LuisC_Fernandez_082916_SH_3
- [2012/03/04 00:04 - 2012/04/17 06:03] LuisC_Fernandez_090416_SH_1
- [2012/03/04 13:08 - 2012/03/31 19:44] Luis_Fernandez_021816_SH_1
- [2012/03/04 00:51 - 2012/03/09 00:51] Luis_Fernandez_021816_SH_2
- [2012/03/05 09:07 - 2012/03/15 09:00] Luis_Fernandez_021816_SH_3
- [2012/03/04 14:49 - 2012/03/31 22:13] Luis_Fernandez_021916_SH_1
- [2006/08/25 00:01 - 2013/02/02 00:17] Luke_Kathmann_030424_SH_1
- [2006/08/25 00:03 - 2013/06/28 18:02] Madeleine_Anastopulos_123021_SH_1
- [2012/03/04 00:00 - 2012/04/03 09:00] Matthew_Jacobs_050513_SH_13
- [2012/03/04 00:24 - 2012/04/03 00:01] Nada_Al-Haddad_041413_SH_1
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CTIPe (6)- [2012-03-04 - 2012-03-14] CTIPe-01_2012-03-TP-01_021824_IT_1
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