Run Status: Run Complete
Status updated: 2024-11-22T18:53:30+0000
Run Metadata
Metadata Record: | View Full Run Metadata in the CCMC Metadata Registry (CMR) |
Metadata as JSON: | View Full Run Metadata as JSON |
Model Domain: | SH |
Model Name: | ENLIL |
Model Version: | 2.8f |
Key Word: | Saturn 2010 1 |
Model Type: | Heliosphere |
Run Objective: | ambient_Solar_Wind |
Boundary Condition Type: | Time-Independent |
Inner Boundary Condition: | from_WSA_model WSA_V5.2 |
Outer Boundary: | 10.1 AU (Saturn inclusive; radial span: 10 AU, region 10 AU) |
Observatory: | GONGZ (Standard QuickReduce Zero Point Corrected Magnetogram Synoptic Map - mrzqs) |
Carrington Rotation Start: | 2091 (Start Longitude: 033°) |
Simulation output time: | 2010-01-01 00:01 to 2010-06-06 00:03 |
Start computation date (rundate_cal): | 2010-01-01 00:00 |
Coronal observations date: | 2010-01-05T00 |
Simulation Grid: | 1920x30x90 (0.1 to 10.1 AU radius; ±60° latitude, 30° to 150° co-latitude; 0° to 360° longitude) |
Geometry: | Spherical and Uniform |
Coordinate System: | HEEQ+180° |
Resolution: | low |
Number of Simulation blocks (nblk): | 1 |
Time Resolution: | |
Time unit: | 3600. seconds |
Relaxation start time relative to rundate (tstart): | -2400. time units |
Simulation stop time (tstop): | 3744 time units |
Full 3D output cadence (tstep): | 24 time units |
Ambient Wind: | |
Ambient wind conditions setting: | a6b1 (vfast=700. km/s, vslow=200. km/s, vrfast=25. km/s, vrslow=75. km/s, bfast=350. nT, bscl=4., dfast=125. cm-3, tfast=1.5 MK, xalpha=0.05, nbrad=1) |
Ratio of specific heats (gamma): | 1.6666667 |
Gamma and heating parameters (runpar): | g53q5 |
Rotation of the inner boundary (bndrot): | synodic |
Input Data
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Output Data
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- View ENLIL at messenger
- View ENLIL at rosetta
- View ENLIL at saturn
- View ENLIL at spitzer
- View ENLIL at stereoa
- View ENLIL at stereob
- View ENLIL at ulysses
- View ENLIL at venus
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Runs with Overlapping Dates (518 matches)
Click on model name to expand the list
- Weimer (5)
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- [2010-05-01 - 2010-05-03] Sebastian_Sevilla_012116_IT_1
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- [2010-01-01 - 2010-02-01] SampadKumar_Panda_091913_IT_2
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- [2010/04/05 12:09 - 2010/04/05 13:09] Hannah_Zhang_030522_1
- [2010/04/05 00:00 - 2010/04/10 00:00] Hugh_Evans_012816_1
- [2010/05/02 10:00 - 2010/05/02 19:00] James_Davis_011823_1
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- [2010/04/04 00:00 - 2010/04/07 00:00] Sotiris_Stamkos_050119_1
- [2010/04/05 00:00 - 2010/04/07 02:00] Sterling_Martin_041422_2
- [2010/04/05 05:00 - 2010/04/06 12:00] Sterling_Martin_041422_3
- [2010/04/05 00:00 - 2010/04/06 00:00] Sterling_Martin_041422_4
- [2010/04/03 00:00 - 2010/04/05 23:00] Varvara_Kotsiourou_070322_1
- [2010/04/03 00:00 - 2010/04/05 23:00] Varvara_Kotsiourou_070322_3
- [2010/01/01 00:00 - 2010/01/03 00:00] Victoir_Veibell_041316_1
- [2010/01/01 00:00 - 2010/01/07 23:59] Victoir_Veibell_092716_1
- [2010/01/01 00:00 - 2010/01/03 23:59] Vivian_Cribb_070924_1
- [2010/05/02 00:00 - 2010/05/03 12:00] Wen_Meng_060920_5
- [2010/03/11 08:00 - 2010/03/11 16:30] emine_kalafatoglu_012813_1
- [2010/05/06 04:00 - 2010/05/06 10:00] emine_kalafatoglu_012813_2
- [2010/04/05 07:00 - 2010/04/05 12:00] shipra_Sinha_011922_1
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SAMI3 (23)- [2010-01-02 - 2010-01-02] Andargiegerawork_Kasssaw_052821_IT_4
- [2010-03-21 - 2010-03-21] Angkita_Hazarika_052218_IT_1
- [2010-03-22 - 2010-03-22] Angkita_Hazarika_052218_IT_2
- [2010-01-17 - 2010-01-17] Angkita_Hazarika_081018_IT_12
- [2010-01-07 - 2010-01-07] Angkita_Hazarika_081018_IT_13
- [2010-01-09 - 2010-01-09] Angkita_Hazarika_081018_IT_14
- [2010-02-20 - 2010-02-20] Angkita_Hazarika_081018_IT_15
- [2010-02-21 - 2010-02-21] Angkita_Hazarika_081018_IT_16
- [2010-02-27 - 2010-02-27] Angkita_Hazarika_081018_IT_17
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- [2010-01-15 - 2010-01-15] RAJESHKUMAR_BARAD_100419_IT_1
- [2010-04-05 - 2010-04-05] SAMI3-HWM-01_2010-04-TP-01_011924_IT_1
- [2010-04-09 - 2010-04-11] SAMI3-TIEGCM-01_2010-04-TP-01_011924_IT_1
- [2010-04-09 - 2010-04-11] SAMI3-TIEGCM-01_2010-04-TP-01_020424_IT_1
- [2010-01-15 - 2010-01-15] SampadKumar_Panda_022315_IT_1
- [2010-03-16 - 2010-03-16] bimbola_Afolayan_060317_IT_1
PS (2)- [2010/04/05 00:00 - 2010/04/06 00:00] Yihua_Zheng_033011_1
- [2010/01/01 00:00 - 2010/01/02 00:00] michelle_mendoza_20200701_IM_1
Ovation-Prime (8)- [2010-04-04 - 2010-04-06] Agnit_Mukhopadhyay_112120_IT_1
- [2010-04-03 - 2010-04-06] Alex_Chartier_022122_IT_1
- [2010-04-05 - 2010-04-05] Devi_RN_071222_IT_1
- [2010-04-05 - 2010-04-07] Lutz_Rastaetter_012316_IT_1
- [2010-05-02 - 2010-05-04] Lutz_Rastaetter_012316_IT_2
- [2010-05-29 - 2010-05-29] Rod_Heelis_022417_IT_1
- [2010-01-04 - 2010-01-04] Ying_Zou_083019_IT_1
- [2010-04-05 - 2010-04-11] devi_rn_060622_IT_1
OpenGGCM (18)- [2010/03/26 14:00 - 2010/03/26 15:00] Alejandra_Arena_061115_1
- [2010/04/05 12:00 - 2010/04/07 00:00] Bruce_Tepke_071511_1
- [2010/04/05 07:00 - 2010/04/05 14:00] Camilla_Scolini_061517_1
- [2010/04/05 08:58 - 2010/04/05 10:46] Devi_RN_062022_1
- [2010/01/01 00:00 - 2010/01/01 02:00] Ian_Whittaker_110419_1
- [2010/04/05 04:00 - 2010/04/06 16:00] Martin_Connors_040211_1
- [2010/03/17 20:00 - 2010/03/18 06:00] Martin_Connors_041114_1
- [2010/04/05 00:00 - 2010/04/05 10:00] Martin_Connors_051510_1
- [2010/04/05 06:00 - 2010/04/05 10:00] Martin_Connors_060110_1
- [2010/04/05 06:00 - 2010/04/05 10:00] Martin_Connors_060910_1
- [2010/02/24 02:00 - 2010/02/24 06:00] Martin_Connors_120612_1
- [2010/04/04 21:00 - 2010/04/06 00:00] SWPC_OpenGGCM_022712_7
- [2010/05/28 10:00 - 2010/05/28 12:00] Simona_Nitti_020224_1
- [2010/05/28 08:00 - 2010/05/28 10:00] Simona_Nitti_041724_1
- [2010/05/28 12:00 - 2010/05/28 14:00] Simona_Nitti_041724_2
- [2010/01/11 00:00 - 2010/01/11 02:00] Xiaochen_Shen_042914_1
- [2010/01/21 13:00 - 2010/01/21 15:30] Yu_Wang_050224_1
- [2010/02/21 12:00 - 2010/02/21 15:30] Yu_Wang_050224_2
NRLMSIS (1)- [2010-01-01 - 2010-01-02] John_Wilson_110723_IT_3
NAIRAS (2)- [2010-01-01 - 2015-12-31] Guadalupe_Carrillo_030524_IT_3
- [2010-01-01 - 2015-12-31] Guadalupe_Carrillo_030524_IT_4
MAGE (1)- [2010/01/01 00:00 - 2010/01/02 00:00] Regupathi_Angappan_121624_1
LFM (24)- [2010/04/05 00:00 - 2010/04/06 00:00] Frederick_Wilder_111912_3
- [2010/01/02 22:00 - 2010/01/03 18:00] Hava_Turkakin_103123_1
- [2010/01/04 01:00 - 2010/01/04 19:00] Hava_Turkakin_103123_2
- [2010/01/05 05:00 - 2010/01/05 20:00] Hava_Turkakin_103123_3
- [2010/01/05 19:00 - 2010/01/06 10:00] Hava_Turkakin_103123_4
- [2010/01/07 00:00 - 2010/01/08 00:00] Hava_Turkakin_103123_5
- [2010/02/15 13:00 - 2010/02/16 13:00] Hava_Turkakin_110123_1
- [2010/04/05 06:00 - 2010/04/05 10:00] Martin_Connors_081310_1
- [2010/04/05 00:00 - 2010/04/06 00:00] Paul_Lotoaniu_121615_1
- [2010/04/05 06:00 - 2010/04/05 18:00] Paul_Lotoaniu_121615_2
- [2010/04/05 06:00 - 2010/04/05 18:00] Paul_Lotoaniu_121615_3
- [2010/04/05 00:00 - 2010/04/06 00:00] Paul_Lotoaniu_121615_4
- [2010/04/05 07:30 - 2010/04/05 11:30] Paul_Tenfjord_050515_1
- [2010/04/04 21:00 - 2010/04/06 00:00] SWPC_LFM-MIX-TIEGCM_030512_7
- [2010/04/04 21:00 - 2010/04/06 00:00] SWPC_LFM_030512_7
- [2010/05/30 00:00 - 2010/05/30 12:00] Treshunda_James_021622_1
- [2010/05/30 00:00 - 2010/05/30 12:00] Treshunda_James_112821_1
- [2010/05/30 00:00 - 2010/05/30 12:00] Treshunda_James_112821_2
- [2010/05/30 00:00 - 2010/05/30 12:00] Treshunda_James_112821_3
- [2010/05/30 00:00 - 2010/05/30 12:00] Treshunda_James_112921_1
- [2010/05/30 00:00 - 2010/05/30 12:00] Treshunda_James_112921_2
- [2010/05/30 00:00 - 2010/05/30 12:00] Treshunda_James_112921_3
- [2010/05/30 00:00 - 2010/05/30 12:00] Treshunda_James_112921_4
- [2010/05/30 00:00 - 2010/05/30 12:00] Treshunda_James_112921_5
JB (2)- [2010-04-03 - 2010-04-10] JB2008-01_2010-04-TP-01_021524_IT_4
- [2010-01-01 - 2010-01-02] Ningtao_Huang_042323_IT_10
IRI (18)- [2010-01-01 - 2010-12-31] Ahmed_Abdelmaaboud_061723_IT_1
- [2010-01-01 - 2010-12-31] Ahmed_Yassen_082621_IT_5
- [2010-01-01 - 2010-12-31] DOHYEON_LEE_060324_IT_5
- [2010-01-01 - 2010-12-31] Jessica_Reid_042221_IT_6
- [2010-01-01 - 2010-03-01] Keven_Pi_061119_IT_10
- [2010-01-01 - 2010-01-02] Min-Yang_Chou_092123_IT_4
- [2010-01-01 - 2010-12-31] Mohit_Jagne_062223_IT_11
- [2010-01-01 - 2010-12-31] Ola_ABUELEZZ_061421_IT_1
- [2010-01-01 - 2010-12-31] Pimook_Mora_032124_IT_10
- [2010-01-01 - 2010-12-31] Rodiyah_Odekunle_050324_IT_10
- [2010-01-01 - 2010-01-31] Rukundo_Wellen_062221_IT_1
- [2010-02-27 - 2010-02-28] SUBRATA_KUNDU_051524_IT_1
- [2010-01-01 - 2010-12-31] Sakkrapop_Khuangsatung_070724_IT_10
- [2010-01-15 - 2010-01-16] SivaSaiKumar_Rajana_122721_IT_1
- [2010-02-01 - 2010-02-28] Stephen_Omondi_062221_IT_1
- [2010-01-01 - 2010-03-01] bhavani_narukula_021221_IT_1
- [2010-03-02 - 2010-04-30] bhavani_narukula_021221_IT_2
- [2010-05-01 - 2010-06-29] bhavani_narukula_021221_IT_3
HelTomo (1)- [2010/02/27 - 2010/03/26] anna_chulaki_121712_SH_4
HeliosphericTomography(SMEI) (2)- [2010/01/03 - 2010/01/30] Bernard_Jackson_113010_SH_1
- [2010/01/03 - 2010/01/30] Bernard_Jackson_113010_SH_1a
HeliosphericTomography (2)- [2010/03/26 - 2010/04/22] Maksym_Petrenko_090424_SH_1
- [2010/02/27 - 2010/03/26] anna_chulaki_121712_SH_1
GUMICS (1)- [2010/04/05 08:57 - 2010/04/05 10:49] Devi_RN_072122_1
GITM (7)- [2010-04-05 - 2010-04-06] Denny_Oliveira_110118_IT_1
- [2010-04-05 - 2010-04-06] Denny_Oliveira_110518_IT_2
- [2010-01-02 - 2010-01-02] GDC_Quiet_082020_IT_1
- [2010-04-03 - 2010-04-09] GITM-01_2010-04-TP-01_011025_IT_1
- [2010-04-30 - 2010-05-06] GITM-01_2010-05-TP-01_011025_IT_1
- [2010-04-03 - 2010-04-08] GITM-01a_2010-04-TP-01_021524_IT_2
- [2010-04-08 - 2010-04-11] GITM-01b_2010-04-TP-01_021524_IT_3
ENLIL (232)- [2010/01/22 00:02 - 2010/01/28 12:03] Alessio_Bonaca_063023_SH_1
- [2010/02/27 02:44 - 2010/03/26 09:21] Andrew_Poppe_071321_SH_1
- [2010/01/30 00:04 - 2010/02/15 00:05] Aniss_Mazari_072821_SH_1
- [2010/05/24 00:06 - 2010/06/03 00:02] Anna_Chulaki_052915_SH_1
- [2010/05/24 00:06 - 2010/06/03 00:02] Anna_Chulaki_052915_SH_2
- [2010/03/26 00:01 - 2010/04/05 00:01] Annisa_Putri_040523_SH_1
- [2010/04/02 00:06 - 2010/04/12 00:03] Anthony_Case_082410_SH_1
- [2010/02/27 02:43 - 2010/03/26 09:22] Anthony_Case_082610_SH_1
- [2010/05/26 00:10 - 2010/06/05 00:04] Axel_Garcia_062612_SH_1
- [2010/05/26 00:10 - 2010/06/05 00:10] Axel_Garcia_062612_SH_2
- [2010/05/26 00:10 - 2010/06/05 00:08] Axel_Garcia_062612_SH_3
- [2010/05/26 00:10 - 2010/06/05 00:02] Axel_Garcia_062612_SH_4
- [2010/05/26 00:10 - 2010/06/05 00:08] Axel_Garcia_062612_SH_5
- [2010/04/01 12:01 - 2010/04/11 12:09] Axel_Garcia_070512_SH_1
- [2010/04/01 12:01 - 2010/04/11 12:01] Axel_Garcia_070512_SH_2
- [2010/04/01 12:01 - 2010/04/11 12:07] Axel_Garcia_070512_SH_3
- [2010/04/01 12:01 - 2010/04/11 12:01] Axel_Garcia_070512_SH_4
- [2010/04/01 12:01 - 2010/04/11 12:06] Axel_Garcia_070512_SH_5
- [2010/06/01 00:03 - 2010/06/11 00:02] Axel_Garcia_070612_SH_1
- [2010/06/01 00:03 - 2010/06/11 00:03] Axel_Garcia_070612_SH_2
- [2010/06/01 00:03 - 2010/06/11 00:01] Axel_Garcia_070612_SH_3
- [2010/06/01 00:03 - 2010/06/11 00:09] Axel_Garcia_070612_SH_4
- [2010/06/01 00:03 - 2010/06/11 00:03] Axel_Garcia_070612_SH_5
- [2010/05/26 00:10 - 2010/06/05 00:02] Axel_Garcia_071112_SH_1
- [2010/05/26 00:10 - 2010/06/05 00:01] Axel_Garcia_071112_SH_2
- [2010/05/26 00:10 - 2010/06/05 00:04] Axel_Garcia_071112_SH_3
- [2010/05/26 00:10 - 2010/06/05 00:08] Axel_Garcia_071112_SH_4
- [2010/05/26 00:10 - 2010/06/05 00:05] Axel_Garcia_071112_SH_5
- [2010/04/30 05:07 - 2010/05/10 05:01] Axel_Garcia_071112_SH_6
- [2010/04/30 05:07 - 2010/05/10 05:03] Axel_Garcia_071112_SH_7
- [2010/04/30 05:07 - 2010/05/10 05:00] Axel_Garcia_071112_SH_8
- [2010/04/30 05:07 - 2010/05/10 05:03] Axel_Garcia_071112_SH_9
- [2010/04/30 05:07 - 2010/05/10 05:06] Axel_Garcia_071212_SH_10
- [2010/05/31 00:01 - 2010/06/10 00:02] Axel_Garcia_101612_SH_1
- [2010/02/10 03:02 - 2010/02/20 03:01] Bhavesh_Chauhan_051315_SH_1
- [2010/04/02 00:06 - 2010/04/12 00:03] CHRISTINA_HENNING_060811_SH_1
- [2010/04/02 00:06 - 2010/04/12 00:00] CHRISTINA_HENNING_060811_SH_2
- [2010/04/03 00:03 - 2010/04/13 00:01] Camilla_Scolini_060717_SH_1
- [2010/04/03 00:03 - 2010/04/13 00:00] Camilla_Scolini_060717_SH_2
- [2010/03/26 00:31 - 2010/04/11 12:32] Camilla_Scolini_062516_SH_2
- [2010/01/30 00:04 - 2010/02/15 00:01] Carlos_Larrodera_072821_SH_1
- [2010/01/30 00:04 - 2010/02/15 00:02] Carlos_Larrodera_072921_SH_1
- [2010/02/06 00:08 - 2010/02/16 00:05] Christina_Henning_060311_SH_1
- [2010/02/06 00:08 - 2010/02/16 00:04] Christina_Henning_060311_SH_2
- [2010/02/11 00:02 - 2010/02/21 00:00] Christina_Henning_060311_SH_3
- [2010/02/11 00:02 - 2010/02/21 00:01] Christina_Henning_060311_SH_4
- [2010/03/13 00:04 - 2010/03/23 00:06] Christina_Henning_070511_SH_10
- [2010/04/02 00:06 - 2010/04/12 00:03] Christina_Henning_070511_SH_11
- [2010/04/02 00:06 - 2010/04/12 00:02] Christina_Henning_070511_SH_12
- [2010/04/07 00:00 - 2010/04/17 00:06] Christina_Henning_070511_SH_13
- [2010/04/07 00:00 - 2010/04/17 00:06] Christina_Henning_070511_SH_14
- [2010/05/22 00:02 - 2010/06/01 00:02] Christina_Henning_070511_SH_15
- [2010/05/22 00:02 - 2010/06/01 00:02] Christina_Henning_070511_SH_16
- [2010/05/23 00:02 - 2010/06/02 00:02] Christina_Henning_070511_SH_17
- [2010/05/23 00:02 - 2010/06/02 00:02] Christina_Henning_070511_SH_18
- [2010/02/06 00:08 - 2010/02/16 00:05] Christina_Henning_070511_SH_5
- [2010/02/06 00:08 - 2010/02/16 00:07] Christina_Henning_070511_SH_6
- [2010/02/11 00:02 - 2010/02/21 00:00] Christina_Henning_070511_SH_7
- [2010/02/11 00:02 - 2010/02/21 00:01] Christina_Henning_070511_SH_8
- [2010/03/13 00:04 - 2010/03/23 00:05] Christina_Henning_070511_SH_9
- [2010/02/27 02:44 - 2010/03/26 09:21] Christina_Lee_071321_SH_1
- [2010/05/19 22:34 - 2010/06/16 05:11] Dan_Aksim_062719_SH_2
- [2010/04/22 15:57 - 2010/05/19 22:32] Dan_Aksim_062719_SH_3
- [2010/03/26 09:21 - 2010/04/22 15:56] Dan_Aksim_062719_SH_4
- [2010/02/27 02:44 - 2010/03/26 09:20] Dan_Aksim_062719_SH_5
- [2010/01/30 20:07 - 2010/02/27 02:44] Dan_Aksim_062719_SH_6
- [2010/01/03 13:31 - 2010/01/30 20:06] Dan_Aksim_062719_SH_7
- [2009/12/07 06:56 - 2010/01/03 13:30] Dan_Aksim_062719_SH_8
- [2009/01/01 00:00 - 2010/01/01 00:05] Dan_Aksim_122319_SH_5
- [2010/01/01 00:00 - 2011/01/01 00:05] Dan_Aksim_122319_SH_6
- [2010/03/26 00:04 - 2010/04/11 12:01] Daria_Shukhobodskaia_120122_SH_1
- [2006/08/25 00:00 - 2012/05/28 06:00] FELIX_MINTA_102522_SH_1
- [2010/01/30 00:04 - 2010/02/15 00:04] Franco_Manini_072821_SH_1
- [2010/01/30 00:04 - 2010/02/15 00:05] Franco_Manini_112421_SH_1
- [2010/01/30 20:11 - 2010/02/27 02:44] Franco_Manini_112921_SH_1
- [2010/01/30 00:04 - 2010/02/15 00:04] Franco_Manini_112921_SH_2
- [2010/04/02 00:00 - 2010/04/12 00:05] George_Siscoe_021711_SH_1
- [2010/03/26 09:23 - 2010/04/22 15:56] HSS2011_ENLIL_051311_SH_2
- [2010/04/02 00:07 - 2010/04/12 00:02] HSS2011_ENLIL_051311_SH_3
- [2010/04/01 12:01 - 2010/04/11 12:06] HSS2012_ENLIL_052312_SH_1
- [2010/02/27 02:43 - 2010/03/26 09:22] Hermann_Opgenoorth_021312_SH_1
- [2010/03/26 00:01 - 2010/04/05 00:04] Hong_Xie_020912_SH_1
- [2010/04/02 00:01 - 2010/04/12 00:02] Hong_Xie_020912_SH_2
- [2010/04/02 00:01 - 2010/04/12 00:02] Hong_Xie_020912_SH_3
- [2010/04/02 00:01 - 2010/04/12 00:03] Hong_Xie_020912_SH_4
- [2010/05/23 00:03 - 2010/06/03 00:03] Hong_Xie_051712_SH_1
- [2010/05/22 00:01 - 2010/06/03 00:03] Hong_Xie_051712_SH_2
- [2010/03/27 00:00 - 2010/04/28 00:04] Hong_Xie_051810_SH_1
- [2010/05/23 00:03 - 2010/06/03 00:03] Hong_Xie_052112_SH_1
- [2010/05/23 00:04 - 2010/06/03 00:02] Hong_Xie_052112_SH_2
- [2010/04/06 12:04 - 2010/04/16 12:01] Hong_Xie_052312_SH_1
- [2010/04/06 12:04 - 2010/04/16 12:06] Hong_Xie_052312_SH_2
- [2010/02/10 03:03 - 2010/02/20 03:03] Hong_Xie_052312_SH_3
- [2010/02/10 03:03 - 2010/02/20 03:01] Hong_Xie_052312_SH_4
- [2010/02/05 03:00 - 2010/02/15 03:09] Hong_Xie_052412_SH_1
- [2010/02/05 03:00 - 2010/02/15 03:05] Hong_Xie_052412_SH_2
- [2010/02/05 03:05 - 2010/02/15 03:00] Hong_Xie_052412_SH_3
- [2010/02/05 03:00 - 2010/02/15 03:06] Hong_Xie_052412_SH_4
- [2010/02/05 03:00 - 2010/02/15 03:07] Hong_Xie_052512_SH_1
- [2010/02/05 03:00 - 2010/02/15 03:08] Hong_Xie_052512_SH_2
- [2010/04/01 12:01 - 2010/04/11 12:09] Hong_Xie_052912_SH_2
- [2010/02/11 00:07 - 2010/02/21 00:05] Hong_Xie_060410_SH_1b
- [2010/02/11 00:07 - 2010/02/21 00:03] Hong_Xie_060910_SH_1
- [2010/05/23 00:02 - 2010/06/03 00:02] Hong_Xie_061010_SH_1
- [2010/04/07 00:02 - 2010/04/17 00:08] Hong_Xie_061010_SH_2
- [2010/02/11 00:03 - 2010/02/21 00:05] Hong_Xie_061110_SH_1
- [2010/04/07 00:01 - 2010/04/17 00:02] Hong_Xie_061110_SH_2
- [2010/02/05 03:00 - 2010/02/15 03:08] Hong_Xie_061312_SH_1
- [2010/02/05 03:00 - 2010/02/15 03:07] Hong_Xie_061312_SH_2
- [2010/02/05 03:00 - 2010/02/15 03:06] Hong_Xie_061312_SH_3
- [2010/02/05 03:00 - 2010/02/15 03:06] Hong_Xie_061312_SH_4
- [2010/02/05 03:00 - 2010/02/15 03:00] Hong_Xie_061512_SH_1
- [2010/02/05 03:00 - 2010/02/15 03:06] Hong_Xie_061512_SH_2
- [2010/02/05 03:00 - 2010/02/15 03:07] Hong_Xie_061512_SH_3
- [2010/02/05 03:00 - 2010/02/15 03:07] Hong_Xie_061512_SH_4
- [2010/02/11 00:08 - 2010/02/21 00:02] Hong_Xie_061610_SH_2
- [2010/04/02 00:00 - 2010/04/18 00:01] Hong_Xie_061610_SH_3
- [2010/02/05 03:00 - 2010/02/15 03:06] Hong_Xie_061812_SH_1
- [2010/02/05 03:00 - 2010/02/15 03:06] Hong_Xie_061812_SH_3
- [2010/02/05 03:00 - 2010/02/15 03:06] Hong_Xie_061812_SH_4
- [2010/04/06 12:04 - 2010/04/16 12:03] Hong_Xie_061912_SH_1
- [2010/04/06 12:04 - 2010/04/16 12:04] Hong_Xie_061912_SH_2
- [2010/04/06 12:04 - 2010/04/16 12:09] Hong_Xie_061912_SH_3
- [2010/04/06 12:04 - 2010/04/16 12:09] Hong_Xie_061912_SH_4
- [2010/05/23 00:03 - 2010/06/03 00:00] Hong_Xie_062012_SH_1
- [2010/05/23 00:03 - 2010/06/03 00:03] Hong_Xie_062012_SH_2
- [2010/02/10 03:03 - 2010/02/20 03:04] Hong_Xie_062012_SH_3
- [2010/02/10 03:03 - 2010/02/20 03:08] Hong_Xie_062012_SH_4
- [2010/04/02 00:07 - 2010/04/18 00:08] Hong_Xie_062410_SH_5
- [2010/02/10 03:03 - 2010/02/20 03:04] Hong_Xie_062512_SH_1
- [2010/02/10 03:03 - 2010/02/20 03:10] Hong_Xie_062512_SH_2
- [2010/02/10 03:03 - 2010/02/20 03:05] Hong_Xie_062512_SH_3
- [2010/02/10 03:03 - 2010/02/20 03:03] Hong_Xie_062512_SH_4
- [2010/04/02 00:02 - 2010/04/12 00:02] Hong_Xie_072710_SH_1
- [2010/04/02 00:00 - 2010/04/12 00:07] Hong_Xie_072710_SH_2
- [2010/04/02 00:00 - 2010/04/12 00:06] Hong_Xie_080410_SH_1
- [2010/04/02 00:02 - 2010/04/12 00:00] Hong_Xie_100311_SH_1
- [2010/04/02 00:01 - 2010/04/12 00:00] Hong_Xie_100611_SH_1
- [2010/04/02 00:07 - 2010/04/12 00:01] Hong_Xie_101410_SH_1
- [2010/04/01 12:02 - 2010/04/11 12:06] Jack_Shepherd_021913_SH_1
- [2010/03/26 00:04 - 2010/04/05 00:07] Jingjing_Wang_042823_SH_1
- [2010/04/01 12:02 - 2010/04/11 12:02] Josh_Bryant_062612_SH_1
- [2010/04/01 12:08 - 2010/04/11 12:01] Josh_Bryant_062612_SH_2
- [2010/03/26 09:20 - 2010/04/22 15:57] JuanCarlos_MartinezOliveros_050113_SH_1
- [2010/01/30 00:10 - 2010/03/01 00:00] Justin_Kugler_031721_SH_1
- [2010/01/01 00:01 - 2010/04/01 00:00] KD_Kuntz_012918_SH_1
- [2010/01/03 13:31 - 2010/01/30 20:08] Lan_Jian_030711_SH_1
- [2010/01/30 20:08 - 2010/02/27 02:44] Lan_Jian_030811_SH_1
- [2010/02/27 02:44 - 2010/03/26 09:21] Lan_Jian_030811_SH_2
- [2010/03/26 09:20 - 2010/04/22 15:56] Lan_Jian_030811_SH_3
- [2010/04/22 15:57 - 2010/05/19 22:33] Lan_Jian_030911_SH_1
- [2009/12/07 06:55 - 2010/01/03 13:34] Lan_Jian_031611_SH_1n
- [2010/01/03 13:31 - 2010/01/30 20:08] Lan_Jian_031611_SH_1o
- [2010/01/30 20:10 - 2010/02/27 02:47] Lan_Jian_031611_SH_1p
- [2010/02/27 02:47 - 2010/03/26 09:26] Lan_Jian_031611_SH_1q
- [2010/03/26 09:22 - 2010/04/22 16:04] Lan_Jian_031611_SH_1r
- [2010/04/22 15:57 - 2010/05/19 22:40] Lan_Jian_031611_SH_1s
- [2010/05/19 22:33 - 2010/06/16 05:15] Lan_Jian_031611_SH_1t
- [2010/01/30 20:06 - 2010/02/27 02:44] Lan_Jian_042011_SH_1
- [2006/08/25 00:01 - 2013/02/02 00:17] Luke_Kathmann_030424_SH_1
- [2006/08/25 00:03 - 2013/06/28 18:02] Madeleine_Anastopulos_123021_SH_1
- [2010/03/26 09:20 - 2010/04/22 15:57] Manuela_Temmer_072610_SH_1
- [2010/03/26 09:20 - 2010/04/22 15:56] Manuela_Temmer_121510_SH_1
- [2010/03/26 09:20 - 2010/04/22 15:56] Manuela_Temmer_121510_SH_2
- [2010/05/19 22:34 - 2010/06/16 05:11] Marco_Perez_061119_SH_7
- [2009/06/26 00:02 - 2010/01/04 00:01] Marianna_Felici_112124_SH_16
- [2010/01/01 00:01 - 2010/06/06 00:03] Marianna_Felici_112124_SH_18
- [2010/01/03 00:19 - 2010/02/02 00:23] Marianna_Felici_112924_SH_5
- [2010/01/03 13:30 - 2010/01/30 20:07] Mario_CobosMaestre_042122_SH_1
- [2010/04/01 12:03 - 2010/04/11 12:01] Matthew_Jacobs_010713_SH_8
- [2010/05/23 00:05 - 2010/06/02 00:04] Matthew_Jacobs_011515_SH_10
- [2010/02/11 03:02 - 2010/02/21 03:02] Matthew_Jacobs_011515_SH_8
- [2010/04/01 12:03 - 2010/04/11 12:04] Matthew_Jacobs_011515_SH_9
- [2010/04/01 12:03 - 2010/04/11 12:00] Matthew_Jacobs_012013_SH_15
- [2010/02/28 03:00 - 2010/03/10 03:00] Matthew_Jacobs_012515_SH_2
- [2010/04/01 12:03 - 2010/04/11 12:03] Matthew_Jacobs_012515_SH_3
- [2010/05/23 00:05 - 2010/06/02 00:01] Matthew_Jacobs_012515_SH_4
- [2010/04/01 12:03 - 2010/04/11 12:02] Matthew_Jacobs_030513_SH_15
- [2010/04/01 12:03 - 2010/04/11 12:00] Matthew_Jacobs_112412_SH_15
- [2010/04/01 12:03 - 2010/04/11 12:04] Matthew_Jacobs_112512_SH_20
- [2010/04/01 12:03 - 2010/04/11 12:02] Matthew_Jacobs_112512_SH_5
- [2010/04/01 12:03 - 2010/04/11 12:04] Matthew_Jacobs_122612_SH_15
- [2010/04/01 12:03 - 2010/04/11 12:05] Matthew_Jacobs_122812_SH_5
- [2010/04/01 12:03 - 2010/04/11 12:05] Matthew_Jacobs_122912_SH_9
- [2010/04/01 12:03 - 2010/04/11 12:01] Matthew_Jacobs_123012_SH_23
- [2010/04/01 12:03 - 2010/04/11 12:01] Matthew_Jacobs_123012_SH_8
- [2010/04/01 12:02 - 2010/04/11 12:02] Michelangelo_Romano_062612_SH_1
- [2010/04/01 12:08 - 2010/04/11 12:08] Michelangelo_Romano_062612_SH_2
- [2010/02/07 00:00 - 2010/02/12 00:00] Mohamed_Nedal_021920_SH_2
- [2010/02/07 00:00 - 2010/02/12 00:00] Mohamed_Nedal_022520_SH_1
- [2010/04/03 00:00 - 2010/04/08 00:01] Mohamed_Nedal_022520_SH_2
- [2010/05/19 22:36 - 2010/06/16 05:15] Nariaki_Nitta_070212_SH_1
- [2009/12/07 06:55 - 2010/01/03 13:35] OLEKSIY_AGAPITOV_081417_SH_3
- [2009/12/07 00:16 - 2010/01/06 00:05] Peter_Schmitt_032224_SH_1
- [2010/04/29 00:25 - 2010/05/29 00:01] S_D_031811_SH_1
- [2010/05/20 00:01 - 2010/06/01 00:03] Seiji_Yashiro_102616_SH_2
- [2010/05/20 00:01 - 2010/06/02 00:05] Seiji_Yashiro_103116_SH_3
- [2010/05/20 00:01 - 2010/06/02 00:00] Seiji_Yashiro_110216_SH_4
- [2010/05/20 00:01 - 2010/06/02 00:04] Seiji_Yashiro_110516_SH_1
- [2010/05/20 00:01 - 2010/06/02 00:04] Seiji_Yashiro_110516_SH_2
- [2010/05/20 00:01 - 2010/06/02 00:04] Seiji_Yashiro_110516_SH_4
- [2010/05/20 00:01 - 2010/06/02 00:04] Seiji_Yashiro_110516_SH_5
- [2010/05/20 00:00 - 2010/06/02 00:01] Seiji_Yashiro_110716_SH_1
- [2010/05/20 00:00 - 2010/06/02 00:04] Seiji_Yashiro_110716_SH_2
- [2010/05/20 00:00 - 2010/06/02 00:08] Seiji_Yashiro_110716_SH_3
- [2010/05/20 00:01 - 2010/06/02 00:04] Seiji_Yashiro_111016_SH_1
- [2010/05/20 00:01 - 2010/06/02 00:04] Seiji_Yashiro_111016_SH_2
- [2010/05/20 00:01 - 2010/06/02 00:01] Seiji_Yashiro_111016_SH_3
- [2010/05/20 00:01 - 2010/06/02 00:01] Seiji_Yashiro_111016_SH_4
- [2010/01/30 00:04 - 2010/02/20 00:00] Sotiris_Stamkos_031720_SH_1
- [2010/05/20 00:02 - 2010/06/18 00:05] Staf_Motten_061724_SH_1
- [2010/04/01 12:02 - 2010/04/11 12:00] Susanne_Vennerstrom_021313_SH_1
- [2010/05/19 22:36 - 2010/06/16 05:11] Tanja_Rollett_052615_SH_1
- [2010/05/23 00:04 - 2010/06/04 00:03] Tanja_Rollett_052915_SH_1
- [2010/03/26 00:01 - 2010/04/05 00:01] Varvara_Kotsiourou_070322_SH_2
- [2010/03/26 00:01 - 2010/04/05 00:01] Varvara_Kotsiourou_081222_SH_1
- [2010/03/26 09:20 - 2010/04/22 15:56] Xiaolei_Li_052119_SH_2
- [2010/03/26 09:19 - 2010/04/22 15:57] Xiaolei_Li_082222_SH_1
- [2010/03/26 09:20 - 2010/04/22 15:56] Xiaolei_Li_101420_SH_1
- [2010/04/03 00:02 - 2010/04/13 00:03] Yan_Li_061810_SH_1
- [2010/04/03 00:02 - 2010/04/13 00:01] Yan_Li_071310_SH_1
- [2010/04/01 12:01 - 2010/04/11 12:06] axel_garcia_091612_SH_2
- [2010/03/26 09:22 - 2010/04/22 15:55] cristiane_costa_040215_SH_1
- [2010/04/02 00:01 - 2010/04/12 00:03] h_xie_100311_SH_1
- [2010/04/02 00:00 - 2010/04/12 00:00] h_xie_100611_SH_1
- [2010/04/02 00:07 - 2010/04/12 00:01] hong_xie_031411_SH_1
- [2010/04/01 00:05 - 2010/04/13 00:01] hong_xie_031511_SH_1
- [2010/04/01 00:07 - 2010/04/13 00:08] hong_xie_031511_SH_2
- [2010/04/04 00:01 - 2010/04/16 00:03] hong_xie_031511_SH_3
- [2010/04/02 00:08 - 2010/04/12 00:09] hong_xie_031511_SH_4
- [2010/03/26 09:19 - 2010/04/22 15:56] yutian_chi_030321_SH_1
- [2010/03/26 00:01 - 2010/04/11 12:03] yutian_chi_032221_SH_1
CTIPe (12)- [2010-03-09 - 2010-03-10] Anna_Fitzmaurice_062916_IT_4
- [2010-03-19 - 2010-03-24] Anna_Fitzmaurice_062916_IT_5
- [2010-04-03 - 2010-04-11] CTIPe-01_2010-04-TP-01_021524_IT_1
- [2010-04-30 - 2010-05-07] CTIPe-01_2010-05-TP-01_111424_IT_1
- [2010-03-21 - 2010-03-31] Equinox_quiet_011216_IT_1
- [2010-03-21 - 2010-03-31] Equinox_storm_011216_IT_1
- [2010-04-03 - 2010-04-09] JaSoon_Shim_070616_IT_1
- [2010-01-01 - 2010-02-01] Mayuri_Emoto_121924_IT_5
- [2010-02-07 - 2010-03-09] Nick_Paschalidis_102114_IT_1
- [2010-04-03 - 2010-04-12] Ola_AbuElezz_043018_IT_1
- [2010-04-03 - 2010-04-12] Ola_AbuElezz_050118_IT_1
- [2010-01-01 - 2010-02-01] Rukundo_Wellen_102821_IT_1
Cosgrove-PF (3)- [2010-04-05 - 2010-04-06] PF_Cosgrove_120314_IT_7
- [2010-01-15 - 2010-01-18] Ryan_McGranaghan_031516_IT_1
- [2010-05-29 - 2010-05-31] Ryan_McGranaghan_032816_IT_1
CIMI (11)- [2010/04/05 00:00 - 2010/04/05 23:55] Angelos_Michailidis_062024_IM_1
- [2010/04/02 00:00 - 2010/04/08 02:00] Georgios_Giataganas_070324_IM_1
- [2010/04/03 00:00 - 2010/04/07 02:00] Leda_Liogka_062824_IM_1
- [2010/04/03 00:00 - 2010/04/08 00:00] Olga_Belli_062124_IM_1
- [2010/04/05 00:00 - 2010/04/09 02:00] Santana_Despon-Solina_091824_IM_1
- [2010/04/05 00:00 - 2010/04/09 02:00] Santana_Despon-Solina_092324_IM_1
- [2010/04/05 00:00 - 2010/04/09 02:00] Santana_Despon-Solina_092324_IM_2
- [2010/04/05 00:00 - 2010/04/09 02:00] Santana_Despon-Solina_100124_IM_2
- [2010/04/05 00:00 - 2010/04/09 00:00] Santana_Despon-Solina_100224_IM_5
- [2010/04/03 00:00 - 2010/04/05 23:00] Varvara_Kotsiourou_070322_IM_1
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BATSRUS with RCM (4)- [2010/04/06 00:00 - 2010/04/07 00:00] Justin_Elfritz_071211_1
- [2010/04/03 00:00 - 2010/04/05 23:59] Leila_Mays_102810_1
- [2010/04/05 06:00 - 2010/04/05 10:00] Martin_Connors_060310_1
- [2010/04/02 12:00 - 2010/04/07 00:00] Yihua_Zheng_032911_1
BATSRUS (2)- [2010/01/15 06:00 - 2010/01/15 11:00] Ankush_Bhaskar_021811_1
- [2010/04/20 00:00 - 2010/04/22 23:00] Jorg-Micha_Jahn_101711_1
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