Run Metadata
Metadata as JSON: | View Full Run Metadata as JSON |
Model Domain: | SH |
Model Name: | ENLIL |
Model Version: | 2.8f |
Key Word: | jul2015_v3 |
Model Type: | Heliosphere |
Run Objective: | cone_model |
Boundary Condition Type: | Time-Dependent Sequence of Daily Update Maps (dt) |
Inner Boundary Condition: | from_WSA_model WSA_V2.2 |
Outer Boundary: | 2.1 AU (Mars inclusive; radial span: 2 AU, region 2 AU) |
Observatory: | GONGB (Standard QuickReduce Magnetogram Synoptic Map - mrbqs) |
Carrington Rotation Start: | 2165 (Start Longitude: 065°) |
Simulation output time: | 2015-07-10 00:02 to 2015-07-20 00:02 |
Start computation date (rundate_cal): | 2015-07-10 00:00 |
Simulation Grid: | 384x30x90 (0.1 to 2.1 AU radius; ±60° latitude, 30° to 150° co-latitude; 0° to 360° longitude) |
Geometry: | Spherical and Uniform |
Coordinate System: | HEEQ+180° |
Resolution: | low |
Number of Simulation blocks (nblk): | 2 |
Time Resolution: | |
Time unit: | 3600. seconds |
Relaxation start time relative to rundate (tstart): | -480. time units |
Simulation stop time (tstop): | 240 time units |
Full 3D output cadence (tstep): | 6 time units |
Ambient Wind: | |
Ambient wind conditions setting: | a6b1 (vfast=700. km/s, vslow=200. km/s, vrfast=25. km/s, vrslow=75. km/s, bfast=350. nT, bscl=4., dfast=125. cm-3, tfast=1.5 MK, xalpha=0.05, nbrad=1) |
Ratio of specific heats (gamma): | 1.6666667 |
Gamma and heating parameters (runpar): | g53q5 |
Rotation of the inner boundary (bndrot): | synodic |
CME Input File: | cme_param.txt |
Number of CMEs: | 3 |
Hydrodynamic cloud: | |
Hydrodynamic cloud conditions setting: | d4t1x1 (dcld: 4., tcld: 1., xcld: 1., ncld: 2) |
Cavity Setting: | radcav: 0., dcav: 1., tcav: 4. |
Input Data
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Output Data
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- View ENLIL at mars
- View ENLIL at maven
- View ENLIL at mercury
- View ENLIL at rosetta
- View ENLIL at spitzer
- View ENLIL at stereoa
- View ENLIL at stereob
- View ENLIL at venus
- View CME arrival time estimate at Earth for GICs
- View CME arrival time estimate at Earth
- View CME arrival time estimate at AFWA_Mars
- View CME arrival time estimate at AFWA_Messenger
- View CME arrival time estimate at AFWA_Spitz
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