Run Status: Run Complete
Status updated: 2022-10-28T21:39:13+0000
Run Metadata
Metadata Record: | View Full Run Metadata in the CCMC Metadata Registry (CMR) |
Metadata as JSON: | View Full Run Metadata as JSON |
Model Domain: | IT |
Model Name: | NAIRAS |
Model Version: | 3.0 |
Key Word: | RAD-X CSBF Aircraft Flight |
Run type: | event |
Start Date: | 2015-09-27 15:19:00 |
End Date: | 2015-09-27 21:10:00 |
Selected Products: | Dosimetric quantities at each trajectory point, Time-integrated dosimetric quantities, GCR integral LET flux, GCR integral LET fluence, GCR differential LET flux, GCR differential LET fluence |
Duration of the run: | 351 minutes |
B Field Model: | Best Available |
Shielding depths (Dosimetric): | 0,4 (g/cm^2) |
Shielding depths (Flux and Fluence): | 0,4,8 (g/cm^2) |
LET Lower Bounds: | 1,8 (MeV-cm^2/mg) |
Output Data
- Download full NAIRAS run output (.tgz)
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