View Results of Requested ROR Runs

View the results of your requested simulations via ROR, as well as the results of runs submitted by other users.

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If you use the results from the Runs on Request in a scientific publication or presentation, please acknowledge the originators of the computational model and the CCMC. For more details see the detailed policy description.

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Quick ROR search (?)

The quick search is a text search performed on select metadata fields of ROR runs, such as name and keywords of the run, last name of the requestor, name of the model, start and end dates of the run (where available) and a few others. A more complete search tailored to specific domains of the runs is available below.

Search Notes:

  • The search looks for partial case-insesitive text matches. E.g., any of the 'storm', 'STORM', 'storms' would match a metadata field of "space storms 2023".
  • The search looks for exact matches and does not perform natural-language processing. Beware of the typos!
  • A search can have multiple terms delimited by a white space character. In this case, the type of the search is "AND", meaning the search would return records that have ALL of the search terms in any of their searched fields. E.g., a search of "space storms SWMF" would return a record that has "space storms" in its keywords field and "SWMF" in its model field.


Found 99 matching runs:

Lutz_Rastaetter_070224_SH_1corhel test do not runCORHEL-CME 1.0 bg
Eva_Weiler_070224_SH_1corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 bg
Eva_Weiler_070124_SH_2corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Abril_Sahade_070124_SH_1partial_3cCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Eva_Weiler_070124_SH_3corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Abril_Sahade_062824_SH_2partial_3bCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Abril_Sahade_062824_SH_1partial_3aCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Eva_Weiler_062824_SH_1corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Eva_Weiler_062724_SH_1corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Martin_Reiss_062124_SH_1corhel bg runCORHEL-CME 1.0 bg
Martin_Reiss_061824_SH_1corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 bg
Abril_Sahade_061824_SH_22ble_28-03-22_dly2CORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Abril_Sahade_061824_SH_1corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Abril_Sahade_061724_SH_3corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Abril_Sahade_061724_SH_2corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Abril_Sahade_061724_SH_1corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Sanchita_Pal_061324_SH_1corhel_nov 21_fullCORHEL-CME 1.0 cme
Sanchita_Pal_061324_SH_7corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Sanchita_Pal_061324_SH_6corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Sanchita_Pal_061224_SH_1corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Sanchita_Pal_061224_SH_3corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Sanchita_Pal_061224_SH_2corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Sanchita_Pal_061224_SH_4corhel nov 21CORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Sanchita_Pal_061224_SH_5corhel nov21_2CORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Sanchita_Pal_061124_SH_1corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Nicola_Mazziotta_060424_SH_1corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 bg
Chong_Chen_053024_SH_1corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 bg
Chong_Chen_052924_SH_1corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Abril_Sahade_052424_SH_1corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 cme
Abril_Sahade_052324_SH_2corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 cme
Abril_Sahade_052324_SH_12021-11-02-bgCORHEL-CME 1.0 bg
Zheng_Sun_051324_SH_1corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Abril_Sahade_050324_SH_1corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Yuncong_Li_050224_SH_1corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Abril_Sahade_050224_SH_1corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 bg
Abril_Sahade_050124_SH_2corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Abril_Sahade_050124_SH_1corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Andreas_Weiss_050124_SH_5corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Abril_Sahade_042524_SH_3corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Abril_Sahade_042524_SH_1corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Abril_Sahade_042424_SH_2corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Abril_Sahade_042424_SH_1corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Weihang_Zhang_042424_SH_2corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 cme
Weihang_Zhang_042424_SH_1corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Abril_Sahade_042324_SH_3corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Abril_Sahade_042324_SH_2corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Abril_Sahade_042324_SH_1corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Weihang_Zhang_042324_SH_1corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 bg
Andreas_Weiss_042224_SH_5corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Mdll_Jdn_041824_SH_1corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 bg
Abril_Sahade_041524_SH_4corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 bg
Abril_Sahade_041524_SH_3corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Abril_Sahade_041524_SH_2corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 bg
Abril_Sahade_041524_SH_1corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Andreas_Weiss_041224_SH_2corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 bg
Andreas_Weiss_041124_SH_1corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Erik_Long_032024_SH_1corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 bg
Surajit_Mondal_032024_SH_1corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Maksym_Petrenko_031924_SH_2corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Maksym_Petrenko_031924_SH_1corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Surajit_Mondal_030424_SH_1corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Luke_Kathmann_022624_SH_2corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 bg
Luke_Kathmann_022524_SH_1corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 bg
Sahel_Dey_021924_SH_1corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 bg
Martin_Reiss_020924_SH_2corhel-cmeCORHEL-CME 1.0 cme
Maksym_Petrenko_020524_SH_1corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Ronald_Caplan_012324_SH_1corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 cme
Maksym_Petrenko_011924_SH_1corhel-cme,testCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Ronald_Caplan_011824_SH_2corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 bg
Ronald_Caplan_011224_SH_2corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Maksym_Petrenko_120623_SH_2corhel,background,bgCORHEL-CME 1.0 bg
Maksym_Petrenko_120623_SH_1corhel,zero-beta,zbCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Tina_Tsui_111623_SH_1corhel cme testCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Jon_Linker_111623_SH_2corhel July 12, 2012 testCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Martin_Reiss_103123_SH_1corhel, bg runCORHEL-CME 1.0 bg
andres_reyes_103023_SH_1corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Ronald_Caplan_102723_SH_4corhel,hopefulCORHEL-CME 1.0 cme
andres_reyes_102723_SH_1corhel, zb, testCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Martin_Reiss_102523_SH_10corhel-cme, zb test run, mfr1, mfr2CORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Ronald_Caplan_102523_SH_1corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Martin_Reiss_101723_SH_2corhel-cme, zb test run, foc 1.65CORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Martin_Reiss_101723_SH_1corhel-cme, zb test run, foc 1.35CORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Ronald_Caplan_101623_SH_2corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 bg
Ronald_Caplan_101623_SH_1corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Martin_Reiss_101623_SH_3corhel-cme, zb test runCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
andres_reyes_101223_SH_2corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Maksym_Petrenko_081023_SH_1multiple flux ropeCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Tibor_Torok_080923_SH_3corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 bg
Tibor_Torok_080823_SH_1corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Maksym_Petrenko_072723_SH_1corhel testCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Ronald_Caplan_072623_SH_2corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Ronald_Caplan_072623_SH_1corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 bg
Maksym_Petrenko_062123_SH_1corhel,testCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb
Maksym_Petrenko_062123_SH_2corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 cme
Maksym_Petrenko_061423_SH_1testCORHEL-CME 1.0 bg
Maksym_Petrenko_051723_SH_1corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 bg
Maksym_Petrenko_050323_SH_2corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 bg
Maksym_Petrenko_050323_SH_3corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 cme
Maksym_Petrenko_050323_SH_1corhelCORHEL-CME 1.0 zb

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