Last Updated: 02/18/2025


Version: DeltaB_2012

Weimer models are statistical electric potential models for the high-latitude ionosphere, developed by Daniel Weimer of Solana Scientific Inc. Past satellite measurements of ionospheric electric fields, and the simultaneous measurements of solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) conditions, have been used to create an empirical model of the high-latitude electric potential pattern.

The DeltaB_2012 model is calculating magnetic perturbations on the ground using statistical models of the ionosphere electrodynamics (electric potentails, electric currents) and, like Weimer 2005, runs with solar wind data (from ACE or DSCOVR). The DeltaB_2012 model version is not offered for Run-on-Request and is not run in real time. It was deleivered to CCMC for evaluation in the GEM2008 / SWPC-2011 modeling challenge.


Model is designed for high geomagnetic latitudes (> 40 degrees).


Control parameters include the solar wind plasma number density N, velocity V_x (along Sun-Earth line), the transverse orientation of the solar wind magnetic field B_y, B_z (in GSM coordinates), and the orientation of the Earth's magnetic axis at the time of interest. An optional parameter is the Auroral Electrojet, AL index. These parameters are used to set up the model for the desired conditions, after which the only needed input parameters are the geomagnetic latitude and magnetic local time (MLT), in AACGM (Altitude Adjusted Corrected Geomagnetic) coordinates.


The output from the model consists of the magnetic perturbations (north, east and down components in nT) at selected magnetometer locations on the ground on a 1-minute time scale.

Model is time-dependent.

Change Log

Statistical model of ionosphere electrodynamics delivered to CCMC to be run in the ground magnetic field perturbation study commissioned by NOAA SWPC, augmenting the GEM2008 ground magnetic perturbation study that involved global magnetosphere simulation models. This version is the final of several iterations used in the model comparison.


  • High Latitude Ionosphere / Auroral Region


Code Languages: IDL


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