Last Updated: 09/19/2024

Space Environment Modeling Workshop 2002

Workshop Host

Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC)

Workshop Location

Raytheon Landover Facility Auditorium

Results of the Community Survey: "Physical Parameters to be Passed Between Models"

Physical Parameters to be passed from Solar Interior to Solar Atmosphere

Plasma Density
Velocity (vector)
Magnetic Field (vector)

Pass time step informationLocation of transition region
- On the adjoining numerical grids (face centered or cell centered)
- Overlapping grids for gradient information and data passingProbably best thing here given state of the art is some observation-based photospheric boundary condition "data base." In particular, radial B fields given for Carrington Rotations.

Physical Parameters to be passed from Solar Atmosphere to Solar Wind

Plasma Density
Velocity (vector)
Magnetic Fields (vector)

Pass time step informationLocation of the transition region
- Beyond the outer most critical points (approx. 20-30 solar radii)
- On the adjoining numerical grids (face centered or cell centered)
- Overlapping grids for gradient information and data passing

Physical Parameters to be passed from Solar Wind to Magnetosphere

Required by present models
- Density
- Pressure
- Velocity (vector)
- Magnetic Field (vector)Future possibilities
- Minore species (e.g. He)
- Energetic Particles
- Wave Spectra: important for SW driving of ULF waves in magnetosphere

"What and Where" can be as important as "what".Interpolation of 3D data from one grid to anotherNeed to allow for possibility of 3D description of solar wind input to magnetospheric modelsDifferen variable description (i.e., cell-centered and face centered)Extensibility of variables is important for future extensions of models

Physical Parameters to be passed from Solar Atmosphere to Ionosphere

10.7 cm Flux (for now)
Spectra of EUV (ideal)
Average Energy of Precipitating Electrons


Physical Parameters to be passed from Solar Atmosphere to Ionoshpere Electrodynamic

10.7 cm Flux (for now)
Spectra of EUV (ideal)
Average Energy of Precipitating Electrons


Physical Parameters to be passed from Solar Wind to Inner Magnetosphere

SW Density N
SW Velocity V


Physical Parameters to be passed from Magnetosphere to Inner Magnetosphere

3D magnetic field
Inner plasma sheet density
Inner plasma sheet temperature
Field line volume (for RCM)

What drives Ring Current and Radiation Belt Models
-Magnetic field model
-Convection electric field model
-Particle distribution at model boundary
-Radial diffusion model
-Models of wave-particle interaction

Physical Parameters to be passed from Inner Magnetosphere to Magnetosphere

Pressure in Inner Magnetosphere
Subauroral Electric Potential
Ionospheric Potential at MHD Equatorward Boundary


Physical Parameters to be passed from Magnetosphere to Plasmasphere

Estimated auroral particle precipitation Comments:

Physical Parameters to be passed from Magnetosphere to Ionosphere Electrodynamic

Field-Aligned currents
Estimated auroral particle preciptation


Physical Parameters to be passed from Ionosphere Electrodynamic to Magnetosphere

Convection electric field


Physical Parameters to be passed from Ionosphere to Magnetosphere

Perpendicular velocity
Outgoing density
Field-aligned velocity of different species


Physical Parameters to be passed from Magnetosphere to Ionosphere

Field Aligned CurrentsPrecipitating electron total and average energy fluxMore Complex
- Precipitation electron distribution function and ion distribution function with some indication of pitch angels
- Interhemispheric transport on closed field lines through the magnetosphere


Physical Parameters to be passed from Ionosphere Electrodynamic to Ionosphere Parameters:
Convection Electric Field


Physical Parameters to be passed from Ionosphere to Ionosphere Electrodynamics

Height integrated diffusion of neutral wind
Height integrated conductances |


Physical Parameters to be passed from Ionosphere Electrodynamic to Inner Magnetosphere

Ionosphereic potential distribution
Height integrated conductances


Physical Parameters to be passed from Inner Magnetosphere to Ionosphere Electrodynamic

Field-aligned currents
Ions and Electrons Precipitation in sub-auroral region


Physical Parameters to be passed from Plasmasphere to Ionosphere Parameters:
Downward flux of ions on the nightside
Interhemispheric transport on closed field lines through magnetosphere


Physical Parameters to be passed from Plasmasphere4 to Inner Magnetosphere

Models of wave-particle interaction
Geocorona of different species to calculate loss rate of ions and electrons


Physical Parameters to be passed from Neutral Atmosphere to Ionosphere

Neutral parameters in spherical, geophysical coordinates every 15 minutes
- Neutral density
- Neutral temperature
- Neutral wind Electric Field
- Empirical model
- Self-consistent (need the neutral wind for low-to-mid latitude ionosphere)Plasma dynamics
- Magnetic coordinate system, decoupled parallel and perpendicular plasma dynamics
- Tilted dipole, offset tilted dipole, IGRF

Ionosphere models keep track on both coordinate systems

Physical Parameters to be passed from Ionosphere to Neutral Atmosphere

Species Density
Species velocity
Species temperature Precipitation electron and ion distribution function to calculate ionization rates and heating rates

Ionosphere and Neutral Atmosphere are not easily decoupled. Almost every parameter for different models at each grid cell. Photoionization requires that you know the local density for all of the a

Meeting Agenda

Tuesday, April 9, 2002:

8:00am - 8:30am: Arrive / Coffee and Danish
8:30am - 8:45am: Welcome - Michael Hesse

8:45am - 10:30am: Physical parameters to be passed between models
10:30am - 10:45am: Refreshment Break
10:45am - 12:00noon: Physical parameters to be passed between models (cont'd)
Session Chair -- Masha Kuznetsova

  • Solar interior to solar atmosphere -- Steve Ledvina
    Solar atmosphere to solar wind -- Dusan Odstrcil
    Solar wind to magnetosphere -- John Lyon
    Magnetosphere to ionosphere and back -- Aaron Ridley
    Magnetosphere to radiation belt/ring current and back -- Mei-Ching Fok
    Ionosphere to neutral atmosphere and back -- Joe Huba

12:00noon - 1:00pm: Lunch

1:00pm - 3:00pm: Software infrastructure options
Session Chair -- Ayris Falasca

  • U. Maryland progress -- Chuck Goodrich
    U. Mich. progress -- Quentin Stout
    CCA Forum progress -- Rob Armstrong

3:00pm - 3:15pm: Refreshment Break

3:15pm - 5:30pm: Data storage -- formats, standardization, and visualization
Session Chair -- Jim Green

  • Visualization standards -- Mike Wiltberger
    Self documented data formats -- Lutz Rastaetter5:30pm - 6:00pm: Free time
    6:00pm - 8:00pm: Catered Dinner

Wednesday, April 10, 2002

8:00am - 8:30am: Arrive / Coffee and Danish
8:30am - 10:30am: Coupling experiences
10:30am - 10:45am: Break
10:45am - 12:00noon: Coupling experiences (cont'd)
Session Chair -- Michael Heinemann

  • Solar interior / Corona -- Steve Ledvina
    Michigan MHD / RCM -- Darren DeZeeuw
    Michigan MHD / TIEGCM -- Aaron Ridley
    Ionospheric coupling -- Alan Burns
    MHD / Fok ring current model -- Ayris Falasca

12:00noon - 1:00pm: Lunch

1:00pm - 2:30pm: Role of a model repository facility
Session Chair -- Kile Baker

  • Benefits of community access -- Janet Luhman
    Independent testing -- Rich Behnke

2:30pm - 3:00pm: Break / Wrap-up preparation
3:00pm - 4:00pm: Workshop wrap up

  • Short summaries / conclusions -- Session Chairs
    Future workshop plans and next steps -- Michael Hesse


See all presentations here or download all of them in this this ZIP file [ZIP]

Hotel Information

Each of the hotels listed below is within 5-15 minutes drive from NASA/GSFC and Raytheon Landover Facility.

Hotel close to Raytheon Landover Facility:
Doubletree Club Largo
9100 Basil Court
Largo, MD 20774
301-773-0700 (main)
301-772-2016 (fax)

Directions to Hotel:

From BWI Airport: Follow signs to Route 295, towards Washington. Follow Route 295 South to I-95 towards Richmond. Take Exit 17A, Landover Road/Route 202 East towards Upper Marlboro. At first light, make a right onto McCormick Drive. Take first right onto Basil Court and follow to end.

From National Airport: Follow signs to Alexandria. Once in Alexandria follow signs to I-95. Proceed to I-95 north to Baltimore. Take Exit 17A, Landover Road/Route 202 East to Upper Marlboro. At first light, make right onto McCormick Drive. Take first right onto Basil Court and follow to end.

From Dulles Airport: Follow Dulles Tollroad To I-495. Take I-495 East/South to Richmond. Follow I-495 East to Baltimore. Take Exit 17A, Landover Road/Route 202 East to Upper Marlboro. At first light, make a right onto McCormick Drive. Take first right onto Basil Court and follow to end.

Hotels close to NASA/GSFC:

Holiday Inn Greenbelt NASA
7200 Hanover Dr
Greenbelt, MD 20770-2248
Phone: (301)982-7000

Courtyard By Marriott
6301 Golden Triangle Dr
Greenbelt, MD 20770-3216
Phone: (301)441-3311

Directions to Raytheon Landover Facility

1616 McCormick Drive
Largo, MD 20774

Raytheon Landover Facility is about 10-15 minutes drive from NASA/GSFC: Take I-495 (Beltway) towards Richmond. Take Exit 17A, Landover Road/Route 202 East towards Upper Marlboro. At first light, make a right onto McCormick Drive. 1616 will be on your right. Follow driveway around to back and park by the first rear entrance.

From BWI Airport: Follow signs to Route 295, towards Washington. Follow Route 295 South to I-95/495 towards Richmond. Take Exit 17A, Landover Road/Route 202 East towards Upper Marlboro. At first light, make a right onto McCormick Drive. 1616 will be on your right. Follow driveway around to back and park by the first rear entrance.

From National Airport: Follow signs to Alexandria. Once in Alexandria follow signs to I-95. Proceed to I-95 north to Baltimore. Take Exit 17A, Landover Road/Route 202 East to Upper Marlboro. At first light, make right onto McCormick Drive. 1616 will be on your right. Follow driveway around to back and park by the first rear entrance.

From Dulles Airport: Follow Dulles Tollroad To I-495. Take I-495 East/South to Richmond. Follow I-495 East to Baltimore. Take Exit 17A, Landover Road/Route 202 East to Upper Marlboro. At first light, make a right onto McCormick Drive. 1616 will be on your right. Follow driveway around to back and park by the first rear entrance.