CCMC 2014 Workshop
The 7th CCMC Community Workshop was held at the Annapolis Marriott Waterfront Hotel, Annapolis, Maryland on March 31 - April 04, 2014.
Biennial CCMC community workshops are designed as opportunities for an in-depth exchange of experiences, opinions and needs between model owners, science and operational users, agency representatives and the CCMC staff.
- Workshop location: Annapolis, Maryland
Make your hotel reservation (book by 02/28/2014; special conference rate is $101 per night). We expect no conference registration fee.
Introduction, Director's Report, Agencies' View of CCMC, Keynote Presentations
Chair: R. Walker, NSF
- Introductory remarks, M. Hesse, NASA GSFC
- Director's report, M. Kuznetsova, NASA GSFC
- NASA Heliophysics view of CCMC, D. Chenette, NASA HQ
- NSF and CCMC, R. Robinson, NSF
- CCMC: USAF Perspective, LtCol. J. Harris, US AF
- CCMC - Community Resource for Research and Education, J. Sojka, USU
- Model Developer View: Role of CCMC in R2O, T. Gombosi, UMICH
- Highlights of CCMC's evolving infrastructure, M. Maddox, NASA GSFCDiscussion:
- How to take advantage of CCMC existing capabilities, real-time systems, procedures, libraries, tools and databases?
- What should the CCMC and model developers do to facilitate collaborative development?
CCMC Support for an Evolving LWS Program
Chair: S. Antiochos, NASA GSFC
- Living with a Star: Science That Matters to People (Past Accomplishments and Future Promise), M. Guhathakurta, NASA HQ
- LWS Steering Committee 2014: Latest Progress, T. Mannucci, JPL
- LWS and CCMC: Fostering Community Modeling in the Next 10 Years, J. Linker, PREDSCIPanel Discussion:
Moderator: S. Antiochos
Panelists: T. Fuller-Rowell, T. Gombosi, M. Guhathakurta, J. Linker, T. Mannucci, J. Raeder, N. Schwardron- How can the CCMC most effectively support LWS?
- CCMC and the Evolving LWS Program
- Future Directions in SH Physics, N.A. Schwadron, UNH
- CCMC support for LWS: Magnetosphere version, J. Raeder, SSC/UNH
- Future LWS contributions to CMCC, Bob Leamon, NASA HQ
- Future directions in ITM physics: implications for CCMC, T. Fuller-Rowell, NOAA SWPC, CIRES
Models at CCMC, Collaborations with Model Developers, Updates from on-going LWS projects, Preparation for LWS deliverables
Chair: I.Roussev, NSF
- CORHEL at the CCMC, J. Linker et al, PREDSCI
- ENLIL: Updates from on-going LWS-SC project, D. Odstrcil, NASA GSFC/GMU
- SWMF Solar/Helio, B. Van der Holt, UMICH
- LFM-helio, S. Merkin, JHU APL
- Heliospheric Tomography used to Provide Velocities, Densities, and Vector Magnetic Fields, B. Jackson, UCSDDiscussion:
Moderator: J. Linker- Adjusting CCMC's Solar and Helio Model Inventory to focus on time dependent magnetograms
- The Coronal Global Evolutionary Model (CGEM), G. Fisher, SSL Berkeley
- Approach to Integrate Global-Sun Models of Magnetic Flux Emergence and Transport for Space Weather Studies, N. Mansour, NASA ARC
- EMMREM, PREDICCs, the Genesis of SEPs (C-SWEPA), N. Schwadron, UNH
- Relativistic Electron Alert System for Exploration (REleASE) at CCMC and CCMC User Report, A. Posner, NASA HQ
- LWS Model in Testing: A Magnetogram Interpolation and Composition tool (MAGIC), P. MacNeice et all, NASA GSFC
- An overview of the case-study event & coronal and IP observations of the Earth-directed CME, S. Antiochos, NASA GSFCDiscussion:
Moderator: S. Antiochos**Splinter Session 1:
Leads: L. Mays, J. Luhmann**Splinter Session 2:
Leads: J. Linker, I. Sokolov, P. MacNeice, M. Maddox- Models configured as Numerical Experiments
- SEP add-ons to existing models
- Solar Energetic Particles (SEPs) Model with Field-Line-Threads
- ENLIL Progress and Plans Relevant to SEP Studies
- CCMC support of on-going LWS projects
- Computational resource requirements of current and future models
- How the CCMC infrastructure should evolve in support of LWS deliverables?
- What opportunities exist to leverage software tool development for tasks which are common to multiple groups?
Chair: R. Walker, NSF
- SWMF Geospace, G. Toth, UMICH
- OpenGGCM, J. Raeder, UNH
- LTR at CCMC LFM-MIX-TIEGCM-RCM, J. Lyon, Darthmouth
- Finnish Meteorological Institute 24/7 space weather service, I. Honkonen, NASA GSFC/FMI
- Update on Empirical Models at CCMC, D. Weimer, Virginia Tech
- IDA4D and AMIE, G. Crowley, ASTRA
Chair: H. Singer, NOAA/SWPC
- TIE-GCM v. 2.0, S. Solomon, UCAR
- NRL SAMI2/3 Ionosphere Models at CCMC and Future Upgrades, J. Huba, NRL
- PBMOD Scintillation Modeling at CCMC, John Retterer, Boston College
- TRIPL-DA at the CCMC, Roy Calfas, University of Texas at Austin
- CTIPe recent developments, T. Fuller-Rowell, NOAA SWPC, CIRES
- Ensemble Modeling with Data Assimilation Models: A New Strategy for Space Weather Specifications and Forecasts, J. Sojka, USU
Mission Science Support. Inner Magnetosphere Models.
Chair: J. Raeder, UNH
- CCMC for Mission Science Support, A. Glocer, NASA GSFC
- CRCM and beyond, M-C. Fok, NASA GSFC
- Rice Convection Model: Present, Near Future, and Role of CCMC, S. Sazykin, RICE University
- Versatile Electron Radiation Belt (VERB) code 3D and 4D, Y. Shprits, UCLA/MIT
Research and Education Support
- Evaluation of Multiple Coronal and Heliospheric Models Installed at the CCMC, L. Jian, NASA GSFC
- ICME evolution from Mercury to 1 AU - possible early detection system for geomagnetic storms, R. Winslow, UBC
- User feedback: Geospace, D. Sibeck, NASA GSFC
- CCMC User feedback: Mapping of the Quasi-Periodic Oscillations at the Flank Magnetopause into the Ionosphere, E. Dougal, Sandia National Lab
- CCMC User Experience: Analysis Tool Refinement using Enlil Case Studies, J. Murphy, LASP
- CCMC-VMR Partnership, D. De Zeeuw, UMICHDiscussion:
Moderator: A. Roberts**Splinter Session 3:
Leads: M. Maddox, C. Wiegand, L. Mays, R. Mullinix, L. Rastaetter, A. Chulaki- CCMC support of Virtual Observatories
- DEMO: Tools and systems for research, validation, analysis and space weather forecasting
- Demo: ISWA, M. Maddox, NASA GSFC
- Demo: SW Scoreboard, L. Mays, NASA GSFC
- Demo: SW DONKI, StereoCAT, Runs-on-Request - Next Gen, R. Mullinix, NASA GSFC
- ΔB Calculation, L. Rastaetter, NASA GSFC
Chair: T. Moretto, NSF
- NSF view of CCMC role in education, R. Robinson, NSF
- CCMC/SWRC SW REDI - CCMC's Role in Education, Introduction, Y. Zheng, NASA GSFC
- Students' Feedback - Forecasting Space Weather, D. Krishnarao, M. Romano et al, CUA
- Professor's feedback: QCC SWREP, M.Chantale Damas, CUNY/QCC
- Embedding Education Material into ISWA and Feedback, D. Knipp, CU
- Using CCMC Space Weather Modeling Resources in a Classroom, M.Liehmohn, Univ. of Michigan
- A Student's Perspective on NASA's CCMC, Colin Komar, WV University
- Using CCMC tools at Summer Schools, N. Gross, BU
- CCMC-LiU-AMNH Partnership, Advanced Visualization Bringing space weather models to planetariums, A. Bock, LiU Sweden
- CCMC-LiU-AMNH Partnership, Advanced Visualization Bringing space weather models to planetariums, C. Emmart, AMNH
- Discussion:
- Opportunities for Education
Space Weather: Applications, Prototyping, Services, Meterics and Validation.
Chair: T. Gombosi, UMICH
- AFWA - CCMC/SWRC partnership, M. Horner, AFWA
- Interplanetary space weather services to NASA robotic missions, J. Hunt, JPL
- CARA space weather needs and collaboration with CCMC/SWRC, R. Besser, NASA GSFC
- FAA AST - CCMC SWRC Partnering Activities, K. Shelton-Mur, FAA
- DTU CCMC/SWRC collaboration: Space Weather Forecast, S. Vennerstroem, DTU, DK
- NASA JSC/SRAG-CCMC/SWRC Partnership - Applications for Human Spaceflight, D. Fry, NASA JSC
Linking space environment modeling with models calculating impacts on biological and technogical systems
- Spacecraft Charging Interactions, H. Garrett, JPL
- Internal charging, J. Minow, NASA MSFC
- Satellite drag, E. Zesta, NASA GSFCDiscussion:
Discussion statement: J. Minow**Splinter Session 4:
Conveners: K. Shelton-Mur, A. Pulkkinen- Addressing the Need for a Database of Measured SWx Impacts (aka anomaly database) to facilitate forecasting service assessment, J. Minow, NASA MSFC
- Suborbital flights: space weather impacts and modeling
- Sources of Occupational Exposure to Ionizing Radiation for Air and Space Travelers, K. Copeland, FAA
- SRAG Views on Space Weather Hazard at Suborbital Flight Altitudes, D. Fry, NASA JSC
- NAIRAS model and application to space weather efforts for suborbital flights, C. Mertens, LARC
Chair: J. Harris, US AF
- NOAA's SWPC Partnership with NASA's CCMC, H. Singer and R. Viereck, NOAA SWPCDiscussion:
- Validation, prototyping, and uncertainty assessment for operational geospace models
- CCMC support of GEM program: Status and Outlook, e. Macdonald, NASA GSFC
- CEDAR support from the CCMC: Model Challenges and Metrics, B. Emery, UCAR
- iTU Space Weather Lab and CCMC Possible Collaborative Works, C. Kalafatoglu-Eyiguler, ITU
- Selecting metrics for specific applications, A. Ridley, UMICHDiscussion:
- Selecting metrics for specific applications
- Forecasting Methods Scoreboard Overview, L. Mays, NASA GSFC
- Scoreboard participants feedback, S. Hong, KSWC
- Scoreboard participants feedback - Operational specification and forecasting advances for Dst, K. Tobiska, SET
- SHINE Solar and Heliospheric Model Validation Project, P. MacNeice, NASA GSFC
Partnership with research, educational and operational institutions world-wide
Chair: I. Mccrea, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
- ESA SSA Programme Space Weather Segment, ESA, J-P. Luntama, ISS/ESA
- SPENVIS - CCMC relationship, BIRA, M. Kruglanski, Belgium
- Overview of COMESEP Project, BIRA, N. Crosby, Belgium
- Korean Space Weather Center/National Radio Research Agency, S. Hong, Korea
- Space Monitoring Data Center of SINP MSU, V. Kalegaev, Russia
- iTU Space Weather Lab and CCMC Possible Collaborative Works, C. Kalafatoglu-Eyiguler, Turkey
- Space Weather, MET Office, M. Gibbs, UK
- CCMC - SANSA collaboration efforts, C. Ngwira, CUA/NASA GSFCDiscussion:
Leads: M. Kuznetsova, I. Mccrea- International CCMC (iCCMC) opportunities
- Ideas for an iCCMC, I. Mccrrea, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
- ISWI/ILWS/SCOSTEP International CCMC Opportunities, N. Gopalswamy, NASA GSFC
- 2014 Space Weather Statement, L. Guhathakurta, NASA HQ
- Sessions Chairs, Discussion Leaders, Final words.
- CCMC International session notes, I. Mccrea, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
- CCMC - Summary of workshop results, J. Sojka, USU
- Discussion on space weather impacts database, J. Minow, NASA MSFC
- Session Summaries, P. MacNeice, NASA GSFC