Comments and Questions

General | Runs-on-Request | Visualizations


Comment or Question Response Date and Status/Response
February 1, 2006
The output for lorentz force components JxB_x etc. has unit fN/m^3. What does f stand for?
February 1, 2006 - Answered
The prefix f is the metric prefix femto (10^-15).
September 11, 2005
How long does a completed run result stay on the CCMC web page?
September 12, 2005 - Answered
We keep run results on the CCMC website indefinitely. All run results are made available to the public here
September 11, 2005
Is the quantity pressure from the models magnetic pressure or kinetic pressure?
September 12, 2005 - Answered
The quantity pressure kinetic quantity (rho x T).
October 19, 2004
I am a research scholar in astrophysics. My topic is "THE STUDY OF SOLAR FLARE,CORONAL MASS EJECTIONS AND ASSOCIATED PHENOMENA."

I want to join the SHINE-2005 campaign. Coronal mass ejections is the most exciting topic for me, and I want to know more about CME. I have also published some research papers. Can I join this workshop?

October 19, 2004 - Answered
The Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC) is not involved in organizing the SHINE campaigns or meetings. To contact SHINE organizers and obtain more information please go to the SHINE group web site at

CCMC offers any scientist the opportunity to request simulation runs of solar coronal and heliospheric models (in addition to Earth-magnetospheric and ionospheric models). For example, the Magnetohydrodynamics Around a Sphere ("MAS") model of the solar corona (by Z. Mikic and J. Linker of SAIC) is driven by the solar surface magnetic field pattern obtained over a full 27-day rotation period of the Sun which can be selected for a simulation run among other parameters. A simulation run of this model creates a steady-state representation of the magnetic field and plasma flows under the assumption of stationary magnetic fields on the surface of the Sun.

Modeling runs of the Heliospheric Tomography model (by B. Jackson of UCSD) are based on scintillation observations from radar on Earth that determine line-of sight plasma densities and velocities in the heliosphere. The densities are then advanced in time to allow tomography by correlating with earlier and later measurements to create a three-dimensional representation of the inner heliosphere.

However, at the CCMC, no time-dependent magnetohydrodynamic simulations of solar CME events are available at this time. We have done some runs that covered time periods in the SHINE campaign with the models mentioned to create model representations of the coronal and heliospheric environment of CMEs.

In the future we plan to offer coupled coronal-heliospheric simulations (possibly of simple CME structures) with the arrival of the heliospheric magnetohydrodynamic model "ENLIL" (by D. Odstrcil) and a new version of MAS that allows time-dependent inputs at the Sun's surface and higher numerical resolution.

August 4, 2004
When getting an ACE Level 2 data request, does the submission do a time shift from ACE's location to the begining of BATS-R-US at 33 Earth radii or do I have to calculate the time shift myself?
August 4, 2004 - Answered
There is a radio button on the interface whereby the routine does the shift for you and puts the combined MAG and SWEPAM instrument data into the input format for the BATSRUS (and UCLA-GGCM) model.

There is also the option to not project the data in the case that you want to perform your own time shifting.

March 6, 2004
I submitted a MAS run and am looking at the results now. Is it possible to get the output files from the run? In particular, I'm interested in the magnetic field at the outer boundary of the MAS model.
March 8, 2004 - Answered
An easy way to get data is to use the CCMC plot interface with the MAS run you want to use.

For MAS model runs, the full grid resolution is returned:
33x50 for low resolution runs and 65x80 positions for medium-resolution runs (synoptic "r=constant" plots).
Here's what to do:
  • Select "Radius r-constant" as a "Cut Plane"and enter the maximum radius (20 or 30 R_S, depending on the run).
  • Keep the "Plot Area" (ranges for Lon, Lat.) at 0 to 360 deg. and -90. to 90 deg, respectively.
  • Select all three magnetic field components as plot variables "Q1", "Q2", "Q3" and keep the "Plot Mode" set at any one of the 2D plot options ("Color Contour", for example, ALL above variables will be printed regardless of wheher they are actually seen in the plot image).
  • At the bottom of the CCMC plot interface (below the "Update Plot" button) check "List Data" and keep "List Data from Plot" selected.
  • Click "Update Plot" to generate the plot and get the listing.
    The r,phi,theta positions ("r", "p", "t") and the respective magnetic field components "B_r", "B_"p, "B_t" should come out as rows of 6 numbers after some header information.
  • Paste the listing into a file and you are in business.
August 25, 2003
Will you be running GAIM?
August 26, 2003 - Answered
Although this is ultimately a Steering Commitee decision, it is quite likely that we will be running GAIM at some point. The details still need to be worked out.
Updated November 2005: Utah State University's GAIM is now installed and ready for request runs.
Mar 31, 2003
Are there future plans to include kinetic models of the solar wind major and minor ions?
Mar 31, 2003 - Answered
In the near future, MHD Heliospheric models will be introduced to the CCMC.

We accept submission applications for any type of space weather model, and pending Steering Committee review, these models may be implemetned at the CCMC. We do not currently have any kinetic models of the solar wind in queue, however this does not rule out their possibility in the future.
Jun 27, 2002
It would be useful to have a standard way for users to report problems.
Jul 19, 2002 - Answered
Please report any bugs in this Comments and Questions Section.
Jun 27, 2002
It would be useful to have a bug reporting system for the online software
Jul 19, 2002 - To do
A "Send Bug Report" button will be added to the online software and will link to the "Comments and Questions" interface which will be pre-filled with the parameters used with the failed plot. The user may then add the description of the problem.


Comment/Question Status/Response
March 2, 2006
I would like to know if the default altitude of the base of a field line for SAMI2 model could be lowered to 75 km since we are interested in sporadic E layer.

March 27, 2006 - Answered
We have received developer's feedback on the possibility of lowering the default altitude. The developer does not encourage us to use values for the altitude of the base of a field line (altmin) lower than 85 km (default value). The code has not been designed/tested for such cases and many effects might not be taken into account if used with such low altitudes.

March 9, 2006
In addition to getting the raw data for the general Magnetosphere, I would also like to get Ionosphere data, specifically, the polar cap boundary. Is there a possibility to get specific data for the runs?
March 10, 2006 - Answered
We can place polar cap boundary information on the anonymous ftp page.

Files will contain contour line information representing the polar cap (boundary between open and closed field lines) in magnetic local time and co-latitude for each ionosphere time step.

March 8, 2006
I have made an ENLIL run with CCMC. As was the case for the global magnetospheric models, I have found ENLIL was very easy to run and very easy to diagnose. CCMC is providing a very useful service and is doing a very good job.

I have a few questions about the ENLIL run.

  1. What is the coordinate system used (X,Y) for the ENLIL runs?
  2. Where is the Earth in this coordinate system?

March 8, 2006 - Answered
1) Coordinate system: X points to the Earth at the time listed for the output file. Z is along the ecliptic north pole and Y is perpendicular to X and Z (right-handed coordinate system).
2) Where is Earth:
For a time series plot created from a stationary run with ENLIL, one would compute the Carrington Longitude at the time of the model output (year,month,day,hour,minute shown on plots) and the longitude at the desired time (year2,month2,day2,hour2,minute2) and then take the difference: earth_longitude=carr_lon(year,month,day,hour,minute)
- carr_lon(year2,month2,day2,hour2,minute2)

Earth's position would approximately be (R=Sun-Earth Distance =~1 AU): X~R*cos(earth_longitude) Y~R*sin(earth_longitude). The Earth "moves" about -13 degrees per day (-360/27.2).

March 8, 2006
4) Can we request higher-resolution ENLIL runs? The purpose of my ENLIL run is to study the plasma flow pattern in a particular CIR that we are diagnosing with ACE data.

By looking at the shifts in the flow direction, we are wondering if we can get the orientation of the stream interface. We were hoping that the ENLIL run would be useful to test out our data-analysis methods, but it seems that the resolution of the run is not high enough: the stream interface is quite rippled in the simulation.

March 8, 2006 - Answered

4) We have run larger grids, primarily to extend to Cassini at Saturn. We could in principle run higher resolution grids than the 4-degree resolution offered and we have done so for a similar study for a student working with Chris Russell and Janet Luhmann. However there is only a limited increase we can realistically accomodate, for reasons of resources, and more importantly because the resolution of the original input [solar magnetogram] is sufficiently low that it really doesn't bear really high resolution models.

At the present highest resolution (1 degree) the grid cell size at Earth will still be comparable to the size of the entire magnetosphere and the data extracted from the ENLIL data will only vary on a time scale of hours (Earth moves 13 degrees in Carrington Longitude per day; a 1-degree grid cell is crossed in about 2 hours).

October 19, 2005
I have just started using CCMC facilities for studying the magnetotail dynamics by ordering recently the simulation runs of the event in which we have previously studied with Cluster very intense (a few Re amplitude) flapping motions of the tail current sheet. As a newcomer in the field, I probably did something wrong and/or did not know how to use the full strength of CCMC in getting the best outcome from simulations. I would appreciate if you could find time to answer my questions (and would be glad if the topics, severe flapping motions, will be of interest to you.)
  1. For the same events, with similar initial conditions two codes provide very different outputs: much less details (1-3 Re scale structures in the current sheet of the kind responsible for flapping) came from my BATSRUS run, as contrasted to latest OPEN model run which displays a lot of structure.

    What is the reason of so different results concerning the mesoscale structures? Much lower grid resolution in BATSRUS? Where all standard settings can be learned?

  2. Two questions specific for OPEN(UCLA) code run, which I made the last (and possibly was not prepared to face with big differences between the request orders for two models)

    Can the simulation time series at specified position (specified spacecraft) be generated afterwards, after the completion of a run ? (it seems I did not find this option when making a run request, although it existed for BATSRUS??). What would you recommend me to do in this situation? I think the comparison of time series will be best way of starting comparisons with observations..

    Can the results be displayed in GSM coordinates instead of GSE with the standard tools? (It seems I could miss to mark the button, if it existed. Having GSM output I would easily visualize the plasma transport near the neutral sheet, which is difficult to do in GSE where I can not specify the tilted plane to make 2D plots with existing tool)

  3. What could be approximate volume of my run outputs (4hours) if I'll decide to ask them for doing processing at home?
October 19, 2005 - Answered
Here are answers to your questions:
  1. OpenGGCM and BATSRUS may provide different results, especially in the tail. The comparison that you are doing is very valuable for the purpose of model testing and validation. I noticed you requested high resolution run for OPen GGCM while we ran low resolution run for BATSRUS (it is a default for runs longer than 2 hours). I generated a grid for BATSRUS with similar resolution as OpenGGCM in the tail region (0.25 RE)and am rerunning your request. BATSRUS is arguably more diffusive code than OpenGGCM and can contribute to the difference. Another issue is resistivity. Reconnection in BATSRUS is supported by numerical resistivity only, while OpenGGCM adds current dependent anomalous resistivity that can increase reconnection rates in the tail.
  2. At this time OpenGGCM is not writing output along satellite trajectory during simulations. We plan to work with the developer to add this feature. At the present time it is possible to generate time series along the cluster trajectory with output frequency equal to frequency of global output (2 minutes in your case). This tool is not yet available on-line. We will generate output along the Cluster trajectory for you and mail you the results.
  3. At the present time you can visualize the results on-line using the model native grid (GSE for the OpenGGCM case). We are working to allow plots on oblique planes, however this feature is not yet available.

  4. We can put model output in CDF format at our anonymous FTP site and send you interpolation libraries that will allow you to read model output at any specified position. OpenGGCM output is about 75 MB for each time step. Increased resolution BATSRUS that we are running right now will be about 150 MB each time step. So a 4 hour run with 2 minute output frequency requires 10 - 20 GB of disk space. Please let us know if you select to download model output to do processing at home. You may request the entire run or selected time steps.
October 17, 2005
I am attaching you the results of field lines plots from Batsrus and GGCM plotted as you have described. However there is something strange about the way that field lines were drawn. That is in the solar wind region, in the region in front of the bow shock (blue region) there are gaps between the field lines, i.e. the field lines are not continous. It looks like they have been broken/interrupted/cut (??).....

Could you please comment why this is? It is strange because in the solar wind region, they should be only straight lines until bow shock with no interruption (I would expect).

October 17, 2005 - Answered
Field lines projected onto a plane are cut off at the box boundaries.

The "detached" field lines you are seeing are actually separate lines started at regular intervals along the x-axis (Z=0) and along the top and bottom margins of the plot (Z=20, Z=-20).

September 21, 2005
In our earlier CCMC runs, we were requesting ACE data through CCMC. There is an option checked project data from ACE position to 33 Re. This, I believe, takes care of the solar wind convection time from ACE to an Earth orbiting spacecraft. I only input time intervals for which "ACE level 2 Data formatted on run request" will be extracted.

Now, we have a case where we need to input our own Solar Wind data. I have some questions as to how to calculate the delay time and what I should know and be careful about while inputting ACE solar wind and field data?

We have data at ACE times. In this case, how will the delay time (i.e. solar wind convection time to Earth) be taken care of in the CCMC runs and do we need to prepare ACE data at the delay calculated times?

September 22, 2005 - Answered
When you are preparing input data yourself, you have to make sure it is propagated to 33Re. Our code assumes that user-uploaded ACE data has been propagated (see instructions on how to prepare your file at ).

The simplest way of doing this (for short runs with a duration of about 2 hours) is to take the average velocity and the average of the satellite's distance from 33Re and calculate the time shift.

September 7, 2005
Is "View cluster 1" a default option for the OpenGGCM model run as is "solar wind data input", "magnetosphere", and "ionosphere"? Should I have checked that option before running the OpenGGCM?

If it's not an option, then I need the Open GGCM model results along the trajectory for my run.

September 7, 2005 - Answered
Regarding producing output along a spacecraft trajectory, the OpenGGCM model currently does not support this option. BATSRUS is currently the only model offered by CCMC that has the option of providing output along a satellite trajectory with high frequency (up to 3 seconds). (This option is not a default in BATSRUS, so you have to check it during submission and then specify the desired satellite). During BATSRUS submission, you also have an opportunity to automatically download the satellite trajectories from the SSCWeb website.

However, OpenGGCM stores all output at the requested output frequency - in the case of your run - every 5 minutes (your selected output frequency of 300 seconds). In our online visualization tool you can request data to be listed at positions you specify. If you specify coordinates of your satellite with the interval of 5 minutes, you can receive the list of desired output along trajectory. If this output frequency along satellite trajectory (5 min) is not sufficient for you, you can request another run with slightly increased cadence (e.g., 2 or 3 minutes instead of 5 minutes).

In more detail, for run george_siscoe_090605_1 you can go to and check the "List Data" box and click the radio button "At positions specified". Then enter X, Y and Z positions for the satellite of interest at the desired interval of 5 minutes.

May 5, 2005
I am having a problem with BATSRUS satellite data.
May 5, 2005 - Answered
In this case, we run SWMF instead of BATSRUS in the RoR system. We conducted extensive tests with varying satellite positions (both, stationary and moving satellites) and found that BATSRUS version 7.42 gives incorrect results if the satellite position is within half of a cell size of a grid block boundary. For Satellite tracing it is necessary to run the new SWMF model (coupled Geo-Magnetic, GM, and Ionospheric-Electrodynamics, IE, modules) with the requested parameters instead of the old BATSRUS. We have written a input conversion script and are substituting SWMF for BATSRUS for such runs.

February 14, 2005
I would like to run the CTIP model for 4 and 11 February 2005, but the automatic input parameters are not loading up. I presume this is because the date is too recent.

How long must I wait before the automatic input parameters for the CTIP model become available please?

February 14, 2005 - Answered
For the automatic submission interface we are periodically downloading data from NOAA SCE (hemispheric power data) and from the ACE Institute (Level 2 Solar wind parameters as an input to theWeimer model).

We are currently working on improving the submission interface to allow automatic download of Key parameter (i.e. preliminary) data for recent events (if Level 2 data are not available) and to allow users to upload SW data themselves.

Hemispheric power data are available with very little delay. ACE Level 2 data are usually available with significant delay and we are looking for ACE Key parameter data which are available very soon (almost in real time). When ACE is having serious problems, we may try to look for ACE real-time data (which they usually store for the last 2 months).

You can submit a request for the days in which you are interested. The submission interface will prepare all necessary input data files (including hemispheric power data input files) except the solar wind data file. We can add SW input data manually. We may use ACE real time data or you can send us SW data file via e-mail.

January 29, 2005
I am reasonably sure that your simulations will get better results if you use Mt. Wilson magnetic fields as input instead of KPNO. I believe their zero point of the field is not as well constrained as ours. Many people like the KPNO magnetograms better than the MWO magnetograms because of the better spatial resolution. However your models have filtered the magnetograms way down and there should be no difference on the spatial resolution area between the data sets. Therefore, the better zero point should be a decisive factor. Why has there been no investigation of this choice?
March 28, 2006 - Answered
We use both Mount Wilson and Kitt Peak. We download synoptic magnetograms from each whenever they are available. Our realtime runs use whichever is the latest. Sometimes only one of the observatories has good data for a particular request. We cannot currently use Mt Wilson with the MAS model because the version provided by SAIC only supports Kitt Peak or Wilcox. However SAIC has promised to provide us with an update in the next week or two which can use Mt Wilson data.
January 19, 2005
I'm trying to submit a RORl, but it seems as if the time limit is 12 hours. Here are the requirements:

The time frame is 2003 April 8 18:00 to April 11 00:00 - this is ~ one Cluster orbit. Time resolution can be lower than normal, but spatial resolution should be no smaller than 1 RE.

Should I submit this as a special request?

January 19, 2005 - Answered
Please check the Special request box and specify the duration of the run and output frequency in the Special Request Check box.

If you are not satisfied with our standard grid for long runs -- please specify where (range of X,Y,Z) you would like to have resolution no smaller than 1 Re.

July 21, 2004
When a run is submitted it can contain Vy and Vz input data along with the rest. Most runs in the BATS-R-US simulated results do not show graphs of Vz and Vy. I was wondering if they are usually submitted without those parameters, or does the software just not show the graph but it uses the data?
July 22, 2004 - Fixed
All solar wind and IMF parameters (except time varying Bx) in the input are used.

Vy and Vz are zero in the realtime run and are not plotted.

Most request runs have Vy=0 and Vz=0.

For completeness sake we have now replotted all request runs with varying solar wind conditions to also include Bx, Vy, and Vz in the images.

May 28, 2004
What kind of start up time do I need to include when I request a Global Magnetospheric run?
May 28, 2004 - Answered
When you request a Global Magnetospheric model run the start time you choose will be the time you will start getting simulation results.

Internally, each model has specific "startup" processes that essentially make the magnetosphere behave as if it's been in the initial conditions, unchanged, for several hours.

So, if you are interested in the time period UT8:00-10:00 and do not need any information on the lead-in to 8:00 then you can simply request that time period. If you are interested in something dynamic happening just at 8:00, for the dayside a small lead time of about 1 hour is probably useful and you should choose a 7:00 beginning. If you are interested in tail dynamics you may wish to add 2-3 hours of simulation time before your time of interest so you can watch the dynamics as they evolve.
March 26, 2004
I want to request a run of a Global Magnetospheric Model. I don't have the resources to generate the required solar wind input file. Is there someone there who can point me in the right direction?
March 26, 2004 - Answered
We do have a tool to generate solar wind input files from ACE or WIND spacecraft data.

You can find this tool by selecting 'Runs on Request' from the side bar menu and then choosing the 'Global Magnetosphere Models' link. This will bring up the instructions page for requesting a GM model run. Under the 'Runs on Request Submission' section there is a link to 'SW input data file generation.' Clicking this link will take you to our data generation tools.

Once you've generated your input data file, save it to your computer so you can upload it during the run request submission process.
Oct 10, 2003
Is it possible to generate a SW input data file from WIND satellite data? If yes, what parameters am I to select? There are several parameters in WIND data with same physical sense (at least it could be supposed from their names) as ACE parameters used for the file generation.
Oct 10, 2003 - Answered
We have added a solar wind input generation tool using WIND data. You can find the link here, and also through the Runs on Request page.

If you want to generate a solar wind input data file yourself using data from another satellite please use the format described here.
Jun 17, 2003
How can I get simulation data from the ftp site mentioned in the F.A.Q.?
Jun 24, 2003 - Answered
To obtain model data for a run which we already have online, please send an email to and let us know which run and time period you're interested in downloading. We will then contact you with the ftp instructions.

If you would like to download the data for a run you are requesting, then please make sure to check the "Special Request" box at STEP 6 in the requesting procedure and fill in the the message box letting us know you'd like to download the data. You will be contacted with the pertinent download information once the simulation has finished.

Visualization Interface

Comment/Question Status/Response
November 8, 2006
Here are some remarks and suggestions about the work of the global magnetospheric models:
  1. In "Choose quantity to be displayed", you don't explain ALL quantities which may be chosen, for example, what does "S" mean?
  2. You may include additional options of parameters along a spacecraft trajectory, like |B| or |V|. I don't quite understand what people usually do when they want to see parameters along a trajectory for the GGCM.
  3. Sometimes I want to come back to a run description after making several figures (for example, I make figures for "Magnetosphere", and then I want to see "Ionosphere" or "Input solar wind"). How can I easily get back to the run description (without pressing the browser's "BACK" button several times?)
    November 8, 2006 - Answered
    Thanks for your suggestions.
    1. We expanded the selection of variables recently and will update the descriptions soon. "S" is the plasma entropy ( P / N^2/3 ).
      UPDATE: November 9, 2006
      I have added new variables to the description page (MHD_variables.php).
    2. This should be possible to implement in a similar fashion as the analysis of the 3D data. I'll look into that.
      OpenGGCM (version 2.1-1) didn't have a built-in interpolation method to generate data on satellite trajectories, but we can generate track data upon special request after a run has finished. We will work on activating the built-in method of data output along satellite tracks in the new model version (3.0) soon.
    3. You could right-click the visualization link to open it in a separate window of your browser from the run's page.
      It's a good idea to keep the URL of the referring page in the visualization interface's data to provide a link back. We will add this feature as we constantly upgrade the interface.
      UPDATE: November 9, 2006.
    4. The visualization interfaces (1D satellite, 2D ionosphere, 3D magnetosphere data) now feature a link "Go back to web page of run" that points back to the web page that linked to the interface. This link is provided after plots have been created.
    September 11, 2006
    I try to visualize some ionospheric quantities from a global magnetospheric simulation with BATSRUS. I cannot understand what is the coordinate system used in the ColorContour mode. Is it GSM? The output of BATSRUS is in GSM, but from the ionospheric plots the coordinate system is not quite obvious.
    September 11, 2006 - Answered

    Ionosphere data are in plotted in geomagnetic coordinates (field-aligned currents used to compute the ionospheric electrodynamics have been mapped from the coordinate system used in the magnetosphere part of the model, i.e. from 'GSM' for BATSRUS and 'GSE' for OpenGGCM). The magnetic pole is in the center and noon at the top. Data written to file show magnetic latitude and local time.

    August 25, 2006
    I am looking at flow lines from CCMC results these days. Is there any way to obtain the B, V, J, E vectors, and N and T, along given flow lines obtained in the code's results?
    August 28, 2006 - Answered

    Data along flow lines are now available for flow lines with user-defined start points in 3D flow line plots.

    After a plot has been made, you will see a link to a gzipped tar archive with text files that contain a listing of model output data along each flow line.

    If you need computed variables, such as J_par and E, select them as Q2 and Q3 in the web interface so they get computed before the flow lines are traced.

    August 9, 2006
    I have a question for reading out the model run results. For the solar model simulations, is there a way to just 'trace' individual field lines? For example, if I want to start with a field line at 30 solar radii, longitude of 180, latitude of 0, how can I get the position (in longitude and latitude) of this given field line at another r (e.g. at 3 solar radii)? Thanks for helping.
    August 14, 2006 - Answered

    We have added an option to download a tar archive containing model output data along flowlines with user-defined start points (see List Data from Plot section in the CCMC vis).

    August 3, 2006
    Is it possible to retrieve the perpendicular and parallel plasma flows and the ion and electron temperatures from SAMI2? Presently it appears that only constituent densities can be plotted from the web.
    August 14, 2006 - Answered

    We have added the requested features for SAMI2.

    Feb. 3, 2006
    Please explain the physical variables available in the IFM model run outputs.
    Feb. 3, 2006 - Answered

    The variables are now explained in more model-specific web pages linked from the visualization interface. We have added a IFM_quantities.html page in the case of IFM and USU-GAIM. More such pages will follow for other models.

    January 20, 2006
    What are the white dots in the color contour plots of BATSRUS magnetosphere simulation outputs?
    January 23, 2006 - Answered
    The BATSRUS mesh interpolation had a bug that was producing “Not-a-Number” (NaN) in a few positions, causing white spots in color contour plots. The division-by-zero conditions have now been eliminated by modifying the interpolation algorithm.

    January 15, 2006
    Field lines from the inner planets sometimes do not reach the inner boundary (near the Sun) in an ENLIL simulation. Does not the model originally preserve field connectivity?
    February 6, 2006 - Answered
    As the heliospheric current sheet intersects grid cells the field line tracing may cross the sheet in some instances. We have implemented a constrained version on the flow line tracing algorithm that ensures that the flow line remains within the solar wind sector defined by the magnetic polarity of the start point (applies to data from the heliospheric model ENLIL).
    January 10, 2006
    Is it possible to display the Carrington Rotation number in solar and heliospheric model plots?
    January 24, 2006 - Answered
    The Carrington Rotation number is now stored in the data list file and we've added the capability to display it in a plot.
    January 10, 2006
    Does the visualization work for CDF files?
    February 27, 2006 - Answered
    A flow line tracer for CDF magnetosphere files has been tested and checked into CVS.

    With CCMC interpolater-v4-1.1, the BATSRUS-CDF interpolation library can now read one set of variables into memory from the CDF file, do interpolations, close and reopen the CDF file and read a different set of variables into memory (for field line tracing). This enables an IDL user to trace flow lines of the velocity, then of magnetic field lines within the same IDL session.

    November 28, 2005
    How does “List Data From Positions Specified” work? I was putting in 10 X positions, 5 Y positions and 4 Z positions but the interface returned only data for 4 positions and not for 10x5x4=200 positions for all the possible combinations of X, Y, and Z.
    December 2, 2005 - Answered
    The implementation of the user-defined specification of output position only uses the arrays of X, Y and Z positions one-dimensionally: The shortest array determines the number of positions and then the other arrays are truncated to the same length. Each (say, the N-th) position vector (X,Y,Z) is formed by using the N-th element from the X,Y,Z arrays.

    We have added the option to “Use combination of positions in a 3D grid” thus returning values at the expected 200 positions.

    September 12, 2005
    I am working on the field lines option of the Open GGCM model. I am trying to draw 3D field lines projected on a 2D plane. I would like to draw the projection of the 3D field lines onto a fixed plane, for example y=0. Therefore I expect to see a 2D plot of the field lines.

    Here are the chosen options: I have checked 3D-flow lines in the Plot Mode option. Next, I have checked 3D-Flowline ... Plot VRML option (although not checking this option did not make any difference on the resulting field lines drawn). I have chosen Bx, By, Bz as quantity. (originally I have checked B only in Box-1 as Q1 quantity but this gave me an error saying that it is not a vector quantity). Lastly I have selected "predefined in cut plane" option to draw the field lines projected on y=0 plane (y=constant plane).

    The resulting figure is field line figure but it is in 3-D, i.e. y is changing even though I have chosen y=0. So the result is not in 2-D as I have expected (field lines in the xz-plane in this case keeping y =constant) but still in 3-D with all the coordinates changing.

    Could you please comment on how I can draw field lines on projected plane as described above or what am I doing wrong above to get the 2D- field lines in XZ-plane?

    September 13, 2005
    - Answered
    The 3D Flowlines plot mode option currently gives you only the capability to plot 3D Flowlines, not their projection on a cut plane. Please read the instructions of Plot Mode options and quantities they allow (there is als a link to it from the line above the Plot Mode selection box).

    However, we can suggest a (slightly more involved) way to plot field lines projected on a 2D plane. Here is what you can do:

    1. Choose Color+Vector+Flowlines as your Plot Mode.
    2. In "quantity" drop down box, choose N as Q1, N as Q2 and B_y (or any B_ component).
    3. Click on "update plot" button and, after the plot is drawn, check the actual ranges of N.
    4. Click on "Lock color range" box and enter Min and Max ranges that are higher than the actual maximum range for N.
    5. Update the plot again. This will give you the desired projection of field lines onto a 2D plane which, by default is Y=0. Put your cut plane selection in the area titled "Choose cut plane".
      Some footnotes:
    • if you check on the "Plot VRML" option check box, this should produce a link to a VRML file(the link will follow the words "Plot to VRML").
    • Also, the "Predefined in cut plane" option works for 3d Flowlines mode; and refers to selection of STARTING positions for your Flowlines.
    September, 2005
    Is it possible to make user-defined field lines color-coded (red -closed, blue-open, and black semi-open) instead of green.
    September, 2005 - Answered
    Done. If you select "only user-defined start points" the filed lines will be color coded. For other options they will be green.
    August, 2005
    Could you add an option to make images bigger?
    August, 2005- Answered
    March 9, 2005
    Can we display the Lorentz force density distribution in the MHD model output?
    March 10, 2005 - Answered
    The JxB has been added to the list of available quantities. JxB will be computed on the fly when requested for visualization.
    January 25, 2005
    The visualization interface often returns nothing (not even an error message) on my desktop. What am I doing wrong?
    February 1, 2005 - Answered
    Your problem is caused by unacceptably long execution times required for visualizations extracted from your high-resolution request run. The HTTP connection seems to time out after about 3 minutes.

    The speed of the visualization has been improved by remotely running IDL on a faster Linux machine. We will transfer to a (multi-processor) Linux web server that can run visualizations locally with fast turnaround
    UPDATE: (this has been done in late 2005).

    December 3 2004
    In the description of the CTIP model it is stated that an output is the O2 density, but this is not an option of the output variables that I can select. Can this be fixed please?
    December 3 2004 - Answered
    The "N_O2" variable was inadvertently dropped from the list of available variables when I added new ones (HmF2, NmF2 and O/N2). In all the CTIP runs, I have now re-inserted it into the text file that is used by the web plotting interface.

    I had worked to implement the vector plotting (in polar plots) and the formula for the O/N2 ratio when this error occurred. Check the page with explanations of variables for information on the variable "O/N2".

    November 23, 2004
    How can I find the mapping point of field lines to ionosphere?
    November 23, 2004 - Answered
    You can map field lines from any point to the simulation box boundary through the Web interface by selecting entering start points into "user-defined flowline start position" boxes and by selecting " "3D-Flowlines", "only user-defined start points", and "List Data from plot" options.

    At the present time you can find the results of field line tracing to the inner simulation boundary by selecting "3D-Flowlines", "only user-defined start points", and "List Data from plot" options. We will add the results of mapping and coordinate transformation from the inner simulation boundary at 3RE (GSM) to SM ionosphere (1RE) to the Web interface.

    November 23, 2004
    Can the images be enlarged or rendered with better resolution to be suitable for publication?
    November 23, 2004 - Answered
    We have added the option to increase the image size by a factor of up to 2.

    UPDATED: November 17, 2005: The plot image is now also rendered in Encapsulated Postscript (EPS), a vector graphics format, that can be used in typesetting software such as LaTex.

    November 23, 2004
    I was looking at the 2D ionospheric results of my MHD simulation and I have decided to use some of these plots in my paper (see attachments). However, it seems that you automatically also get the southern hemispheric view. Is it possible to run this so I only get the northern hemisphere perspective (including the color bar)?

    Is Sigma_H the height-integrated conductivity due only to the magnetospheric FAC contributions? That's what it seems from the BATSRUS description. However, in my simulation, it says that the following parameters were set:

    • Ionospheric Conductance: auroral
    • Radio Flux 10.7 cm: 150.

    November 23, 2004 -Answered
    The model uses the solar EUV ionization empirical model that depends on solar 10.7 cm flux and the solar zenith angle, nightside background conductance, auroral oval conductance (empirical relationship between the field-aligned currents and local conductance derived using the AMIE technique), and constant polar cap conductance.
    November 22, 2004
    I was looking at the ionospheric potential (PHI) on March 31 2001 from "M-C_Fok_042401" under "Runs on Request: Inner Magnetosphere Simulations Results". I was wondering why all the potential values equatorward of the magnetic latitude of +-55 degrees are zero. I thought that the inner magnetospheric model by Dr. Mei-Ching Fok can produce the potential beyond that latitude toward the equator (or very close to the equator).

    Am I looking at a different version? If it is the case, could you kindly let me know where in your web site will I be able to find the global ionospheric potential (from the pole to the equator) from the Dr. Mei-Ching Fok model on March 31 2001 and April 17 2002?

    November 22, 2004 - Answered
    Electric potentials as plotted at CCMC "inner magnetosphere" runs were output by a global magnetospheric model (BATSRUS) which produces nonzero potentials poleward of +-55 degrees latitude. The magnetospheric MHD within the global model reaches down to 3 R_E around Earth.

    Field-alignd currents from outside that radius are mapped along magnetic dipole field lines to within 35 degrees around the poles. Electric potentials are then calculated by a potential solver using constant or modeled ionosphere conductances.

    These potentials are used as input to the Fok model. The installed version of the Fok ring current model does not compute electric potentials. You may be thinking of the Comprehensive Ring Current Model (CRCM, a newer model of Mei-Ching Fok) that CCMC has not yet installed for request runs.

    November 16, 2004
    I am working with the results from the global magnetosphere simulations I have required: Rositza_Koleva_060404_1 and Rositza_Koleva_060404_2. I am using plot option'Color+vector+B-field line', drawing only user defined field lines.The X=const and Z=conts projections are OK, but in xz-projection, the Y=0 part of the field line is missing. For example, you can look in model Rositza_Koleva_060404_1 and see the field line passing through poit [-0.737, 9.470, 12.303] at UT 11:03. Could you please check this routine?
    November 16, 2004 - Answered
    The field lines were only displayed in 15% of the Y range of the simulation (-3.6<Y<3.6 for a run which has -48<Y<48 overall). This was mainly intended to simplify noon-midnight meridian plots (esp. in the realtime run) and avoid confusion if too many field lines were displayed that may seem to "intersect" each other. We have modified the software to display everything.
    October 15, 2004
    When I was tracing field lines using the 3D-flowlines capability, I noted that only a limited number of set coordinates may be used. I would personally appreciate if this number of coordinates could be increased in future versions of this interface.
    October 15, 2004 - Answered
    The maximum allowed field size was 60 characters. We have increased the limit to 6000 characters that you may paste into the interface for each set of X, Y, and Z fieldline start positions.
    July 28, 2004
    I have noticed some interesting discontinuities in some BATSRUS visualization at the Z=0Re line. Is this due to the run resolution?
    July 28, 2004 - In Progress
    Your "discontinuity" occurs in an area of coarse resolution (8 R_E) and is connected to block boundaries in the adaptive mesh.

    BATSRUS MHD output values are saved at cell center positions and are being interpolated within the adaptive mesh blocks (arrays of 6 by 6 by 6 cell positions in X,Y,Z). However as blocks extend 1/2 of a cell size beyond those center positions, values for positions near the block boundaries have to be obtained by extrapolation or some boundary condition within the block or by using neighboring blocks.

    Currently, we do not consider values in the neighboring blocks which leads to the disagreements between adjacent blocks.

    Moreover, extrapolations had been disabled near block boundaries (zero-gradient boundary conditions were used) because negative densities or pressures could result. We have addressed the latter problem by using extrapolations constrained by the global minimum of the selected variable found at all cell centers. This, however, does not avoid discrepancies at block boundaries but at least the constraint prevents the appearance of negative densities, pressures or vector amplitudes.

    We are planning to redesign the interpolation to use data in neighboring blocks instead of using the global constraint in the near future.

    July 24, 2004
    What are the discontinuities in BATSRUS plots?
    August 18, 2004 - Answered

    The BATSRUS adaptive mesh interpolation has been upgraded to take neighboring blocks into account when interpolating within a half grid cell of block boundaries. Values should now be continuous across block boundaries.

    Nov 8, 2002
    Is it possible to label isocontours on contour plots or give some clearer indication of their actual numerical values?
    Nov 21, 2002 - Fixed
    Have added the option to display the numerical values with the contour levels (check the "show values with contour levels" option). It's not pretty but may be useful in some cases.
    Using Plot mode 'Color+Contour' can give the user a good idea of the levels if the same quantity is selected for both, color and contour overlay. (e.g., 'Color+Contour' with Q1='N', Q2='N', Q3='N').
    Nov 8, 2002
    Is it possible to clearly indicate values on color bars? Apparently CCMC rounds off values while IDL limits the color bar to actual minimum and maximum values actually shown in color contour plots.
    Nov 19, 2002 - Fixed
    Have modified the color contour plot software, in both magnetosphere and ionosphere plots, to accurately show the data range with the color bar. The previously included margin of up to 10 percent has been eliminated.
    Jun 27, 2002
    Are you going to include derived quantities?
    Jul 19, 2002 - In Progress
    We are planning to include them in the future. Some can be calculated directly in 3D (and may "simply" be added to the list of available variables), others require integrations along field lines and may be better displayed mapped onto the ionosphere or onto the equatorial plane. We'll look into adding both types of variables.
    Updated: Oct 2, 2002
    Components of the Electric Field (convective E-field: E=-VxB), Field Aligned Currents (J_par=B (B.J)/(B.B)), and the Temperature (T) have been added to the list of available quantities recently.
    Scalar amplitudes of the vectors (B,V,J,E) have been added to the list of available quantities as well.
    Jun 27, 2002
    The aspect ratio controls don't work correctly.
    Jul 19, 2002 - Fixed
    Now allows to have wider (x-size up to 4*y-size) and taller (y-size up to 2*x_size) images
    Jun 27, 2002
    Hard to determine arrow orientation with small magnitude
    Jul 19, 2002 - Fixed
    Arrowheads are now independent of arrow length.
    Jun 27, 2002
    "P" requested but "B_x" was plotted in UCLA-GGCM plots
    Jul 19, 2002 - Fixed
    This was a bug that caused a fall-back to index 0 ("B_x")
    Jun 27, 2002
    Where is the log plot with MultiCont9?
    Jul 19, 2002 - To do
    MultiCont9 has been pulled - routine was too slow and problem-ridden. Multicont9 will be offered as soon as it is working correctly.
    Jun 27, 2002
    Parameters don't correspond to those listed
    Jul 19, 2002 - Answered
    The major differences are "Rho","U" in pull-down and the resulting "N","V" in the output. Parameter names are now listed as they are used in plots: Density is "N", Velocity is "V".
    Jun 27, 2002
    Field lines are desired on plots
    Jul 19, 2002 - Fixed
    3D fieldline tracing and rendition has been added with multiple choices of start point distributions. This can be applied to any vector field. The "Canonical" plot (2D, in X-Z plane) is still available for B and is being used for real-time BATSRUS simulation plots.
    Jun 27, 2002
    Can you show ASCII output for 3D data values?
    Jul 19, 2002 - To do
    ASCII output of 3D data seems to be too bulky for interactive use through web site. We'll be working at a data interpolation tool (Fortran, C, or C++ source code) that can be shipped with the data files or downloaded from the web.
    Jun 27, 2002
    With field line traces it would be useful to have narrow field lines so that the details of densely packed field lines are readily apparent.
    Jul 19, 2002 - Fixed
    We have reduced the line thickness
    Jun 27, 2002
    Instructions are cryptic
    Jul 19, 2002 - To Do
    We will review instructions and add context-based help.

    Last Updated: March 28, 2006