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  • View ALL Heliosphere Runs on Request

  • View Runs for the following Model(s):

    ENLIL with cone model

  • Check Run Status:

    Enter Run Registration Number: 

  • SEARCH Heliosphere requests database for string(s):

    Check out our new advanced search!

    Note: At present we do not support multiple string search, so please only enter one string (e.g., either one last name or requestor, one run number - such as John_Doe_013011_1 - or one first name) in this field.
    If searching for a date, use the following format:

    Please CHOOSE one:

    Search in All Columns

    Search in Columns Below
          Key words automatically included, feel free to choose multiple columns

      Run Number      
      Run Requestor's Last Name      
      Date of Request      
      Carrington Rotation      
      Event Date      
      Input Type      
      Run Type      

  • ADVANCED SEARCH Heliosphere request database for string(s):

    Note: At present we do not support multiple string search, so please only enter one string (e.g., either one last name or requestor, one run number - such as John_Doe_013011_1 - or one first name) in each text field.
    If searching for a date, use the following format:

    Please CHOOSE one:

    Search in All Columns   (this is identical to the simple search in all columns that is offered above)

    Search in Columns Below
      Use logical operator to combine multiple search terms:     AND     OR

    Only the database fields checked below will be included in the search.

      Run Number      
      Run Requestor's Last Name      
      Date of Request (YYYY-MM-DD)      
      Model      ENLIL SWMF/SWMF-Helio  MAS CorHel HelTomo (combined with logical operator OR)
      Event Date      
      Carrington Rotation      

Note: This search is in development. If you have problems or need to use additional data table fields, please contact us.