Runs on Request: Global Magnetosphere Model Simulations Results

Total Number of Runs in the Database: 10764
Request Date Status Run Number Title Key Words Model Model Version Grid Validation Level Run Type SW Input Type Coordinate System for Input Coordinate System for Output Dipole Tilt (in the X-Z Plane) at Start deg Dipole Tilt in Y-Z GSE plane) deg Update Dipole Orientation with Time |B| [nT] IMF Clock Angle deg Bx [nT] By [nT] Bz [nT] Vx [km/s] Vy [km/s] Vz [km/s] N [cm-3] Temperature [K] ([eV]) Event Date Start Time End Time Inflow Boundary (IB) RE F10.7 Conductance Model Corotation
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