The Integrated Space Weather Analysis (ISWA) system is a flexible, turn-key, Web-based dissemination system for NASA-relevant space weather information that combines forecasts based on the most advanced space weather models with concurrent space environment information. ISWA provides access to continuous/real-time model output ran at the CCMC. ISWA is customer-configurable and adaptable for use as a powerful decision-making tool. The system offers an unprecedented ability to analyze the present and expected future space weather impacts on NASA' s human and robotic missions.
The near real-time simulation outputs and derived real-time data products displayed on ISWA should be considered only as prototyping quality and in research context.
Latest News
- See Latest 'change-log' for list of updates and changes made to the ISWA webapp, API, etc.
- Note: With the new version of ISWA webapp, previously saved layouts will not work. Please rebuild layout using the new version and click the 'Save Layout' option near the top of the page to save your layouts (via JSON files).
- June 2024: Deployed a new version of the ISWA web app at the CCMC. The new version includes the following features:
- Global time sync of all cygnets
- Save layouts (in JSON files)
- Snap-2-Grid
- Search capability
Publication Policy
For tracking purposes for our government sponsors, we ask that you notify the CCMC whenever you use any CCMC tools/software systems in any scientific publications and/or presentations. Follow the steps on the publication submission page
See our full publication policy for a sample 'acknowledgement statement' to be included in your publication.
ISWA Cygnets
The ISWA cygnet catalog includes a wide array of space weather analysis products. Simply select the cygnets of interest to create your own custom layout. Click the 'Save Layout' option to save your layout in a JSON file. To get back to the same layout, click the 'Load Layout' option and select the previously saved JSON file to reload it. You can share your layouts with others by sending them the corresponding JSON files.
ISWA Data Tree
All files ingested into ISWA are also publicly accessible via the iswa-data-tree URL.
ISWA Web Services
Numerical Time Series (HAPI)
All 1-D numerical time-series data ingested into ISWA are accessible via ISWA HAPI. Visit for full details. DataStreamServlet has been replaced by ISWA HAPI.
Datafeed Information
Provides description and date range for specific data feed.
dataID = unique data identifier used to select a specific ISWA data feed.
Files between Dates
dataID = unique data identifier used to select a specific ISWA data feed.
time.min = UTC timestamp format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:SS
time.max = UTC timestamp format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:SS
Recent Data Files
dataID = unique data identifier used to select a specific ISWA data feed.
n = number of files
Nearest File
timestamp=YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss
dataID = unique data identifier used to select a specific ISWA data feed.
timestamp = UTC timestamp in YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss format
File Redirect
dataID = unique data identifier used to select a specific ISWA data feed.
timestamp = UTC timestamp in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss format
- if timestamp is not specified, return the latest available file.
search = [nearest, lessThanOrEqualTo, lessThan, greaterThanOrEqualTo, greaterThan, equalTo]
- nearest (default): find nearest file to the requested timestamp
- lessThanOrEqualTo: find the nearest file less than or equal to the requested timestamp
- lessThan: find the nearest file less than timestamp
- greaterThanOrEqualTo: find the nearest file greater than or equal to the requested timestamp
- greaterThan: find the nearest file greater than requested timestamp
- equalTo: find the file equal to the requested timestamp
note: Curl requires -L option to work FileRedirect service.