iSWA Webservices Interface

iSWA webservice API

List of iSWA webservice calls that users can make to obtain information from iSWA data feeds and cygnets. To learn how to locate Data ID and/or Cygnet ID look at the bottom of this page. For more details on iSWA webservice, see this presentation.

Numerical Data Streaming: DataStreamServlet


Required parameters:


RESOURCE/QUANTITY: One way to determine what resource/quantity pairs are available is to view the list from the live SuperTimeline Cygnet in iSWA (

Optional parameters:

duration = the number of days worth of the latest data to reutrn and it must be <= 10

duration + end-time = used in pair to specify how many days worth of data to return up to the specificed end-time parameter (format: YYYY-mm-DD HH:MM:SS)

begin-time + end-time = used to specify a specific date range

Examples: 23:59:59&end-time=2011-12-01 23:59:59,ACE,ACE&quantity=B_x,B_y,B_z&begin-time=2011-11-29 23:59:59&end-time=2011-12-01 23:59:59

Timestamp B_x
2011-11-30 00:00:00.0 2.8
2011-11-30 00:01:00.0 3.0
2011-11-30 00:02:00.0 2.8
2011-11-30 00:03:00.0 2.6
2011-11-30 00:04:00.0 2.6
2011-11-30 00:05:00.0 2.7

Data File Streaming: iSWADataStreamer

URL: HH:mm:SS&window=-1&dataid=DATAID

Required parameters:

timestamp = UTC timestamp in YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss format

window = -1 or 0 (-1 matches the most recent data whose timestamp is less than specified AND 0 only returns data that matches the timestamp exactly)

DATAID = a unique data identifier used to select a specific iSWA datafeed
(To learn how to locate datafeed identifier look at the bottom of this page)

Optional parameters:

duration = the number of days worth of the latest data to reutrn and it must be <= 10

duration + end-time = used in pair to specify how many days worth of data to return up to the specificed end-time parameter (format: YYYY-mm-DD HH:MM:SS)

begin-time + end-time = used to specify a specific date range


Return: Text file
*Start header*
Solar footpoint locations from wsa-enlil model combination
Model versions : WSA_V2.2 ENLIL-2.7-ccmc
Observatory gon
Carrington Rotation 2174
Magnetogram Carrington longitude 40.000000
WSA R_outer = 21.500000 Rsun
*end header*

Planet/Body Coord1(lat deg from North Pole) Coord2(carr. long) Date
Mercury 77.7 313.0 2016-03-04T09:01:53
Venus 79.1 315.2 2016-03-04T09:01:53

Image Streaming via Cygnet ID: iSWACygnetStreamer

URL: HH:mm:SS&window=-1&cygnetid=CYGNETID

Required parameters:

timestamp = UTC timestamp in YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss format

window = -1 or 0 (-1 matches the most recent data whose timestamp is less than specified AND 0 only returns data that matches the timestamp exactly)

CYGNETID = a unique data identifier used to select a specific iSWA Cygnet
(To learn how to locate iSWA Cygnet identifier look at the bottom of this page)

Optional parameters:

width = image width size

height = image height size


Return: Image file

How to locate Data ID and Cygnet ID:

DataID: Use the health page for the datafeed

CygnetID: Use the health page for the cygnets:

Presentation about iSWA webservices