Tracing the Flaring Sunspot (Flares and CMEs)
During the period of March 5th to March 13th the active region 1429 rotated from the uttermost east limb to the uttermost west limb. it fired a series of flares accompanied by CMEs. A series of iSWA layouts illustrate the flaring active region rotation and corresponding change in CME propagation direction.
- iSWA Layout: Tracing the Flaring Active Region 1429: 2012/03/05 - 2012/03/13 (GOES X Ray, SDO AIA 131)
- iSWA Layouts: SDO (AIA 193, AIA 131, EVE), SOHO (LASCO C2 & C3), STEREO A&B (EUVI 195, Coronograph 2), WSA-Enlil-Cone Model