How Values are Selected for the Intensity Heat Map
Here is the logic that determines what is shown in the Proton Intensity Heat Map for each model:
GOES: Most recent observed proton flux amount within the past 15 minutes.
ASPECS: Shows the most recent submission where there was both a 50% confidence level forecast and a 90% confidence level forecast.
Pull ALL the valid forecasts for the given time period (i.e., if
- the current time is within the forecast's prediction window,
- the forecast has not been superceded by a newer forecast from the same CME (or s, and
- the forecast has non-zero profile data in the future).
Only then can you compare their maximum intensities. You find the profile with the largest maximum intensity. Using that profile, display the maximum intensity of all the data points for future time steps. Note, the value shown in the All Clear heat map is updated to reflect whether or not that maximum intensity value is above or below threshold. If the profile originally said "Not Clear", but is being changed to say "Clear", we will indicate that with an asterisk (i.e., "Clear*").
If there are no valid forecasts to show after that selection process, then show the most recent submission's all clear ('Clear'/'Not Clear') forecast, as long as the current time is within the forecast's prediction window.
SEPSTER & SEPSTER2D: Show the largest proton intensity within the prediction window, rather than showing the most recent intensity value.
- if the most recent prediction's peak intensity value is a numerical value: show the most recent prediction's peak intensity value
- else if the most recent prediction's all clear value is 'True': show the most recent prediction's all clear value
- else if the most recent prediction's all clear value is 'False':
-- look back for the next most recent prediction with a peak intensity value.
-- if you are within the prediction window of that forecast, display that peak intensity value.
-- if you are not within the prediction window, show 'In Event'.