Run Status: Run Complete
Status updated: 2024-12-17T21:19:49+0000
Run Metadata
Metadata as JSON: | View Full Run Metadata as JSON |
Model Domain: | GM |
Model Name: | HYPERS-Global |
Model Version: | 2021 |
Key Word: | MR |
GSM B_IMF [nT]: | 0. 0. -5. |
NIMF: | 0 |
Use 3D dipole in 2D simulations: | false |
domaDomain dimensions [cells]: | 300 650 650 |
Domain lengths [di]: | 300. 650. 650. |
Dipole angle with respect to X [GSM -X]: | -90. |
Magnetopause radius [di]: | 100. |
N_ele [cm^-3]: | 5. |
newIMFEnd: | 1.2 1.5e3 |
newIMFSta: | 1.0 1.4e3 |
IPD: new/old density ratio: | 2. |
IPD: new/old temperature ratio: | 1. |
IPD: new/old speed ratio: | 1.2 |
IPD: shock launch time: | 1.e5 |
Obstacle resistivity: | 0. |
Obstacle center position [di]: | 300. 325. 325. |
Obstacle size [di]: | 70. |
Obstacle PIC BC (absorb,reflect,deflect): | absorb |
Uniform patch hi end: | 300. 550. 550. |
Uniform patch lo end: | 50. 100. 100. |
Electron temperature [eV]: | 25. |
V_sw [km/s]: | 400. |
newIMF_nT0: | 0. 0. -5. |
newIMF_nT1: | 0. 0. 5. |
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