Instant Run for Tsyganenko Geomagnetic Field Model and GEOPACK libraries

NEW: Select the model version:

Select the date and time:

Year:  (between 1965 and 2015)

Day:  (day of the year)

Hour:      Minute:      Second:  

Solar Wind Parameters and Dst Index:

SW dynamic pressure:   nPa
SW velocity:   km/s
IMF By:  (between -10 and +10 nT)
IMF Bz:  (between -10 and +10 nT)
Dst:  (between -100 and +20 nT)

Geomagnetic field line tracing from a ground footpoint (R = Re = 6371.2 km):

Northern Hemisphere
Southern Hemisphere
  Geographic Geocentric Latitude:   degs (Range: -90 ... 0 degs for southern hemisphere, 0 ... 90 degs for northern hemisphere)
  Longitude:   degs (Range 0 ... 360 degs)

Geomagnetic field at a selected point in 3D space in GSM coordinates:

1 < R < 60 Re, where R=sqrt(Xgsm2+Ygsm2+Zgsm2)

Xgsm:      Ygsm:      Zgsm:      
NEW: Position is used to calculate field line foot points in the ionosphere.