Simulation Grid Choices for the SWMF/BATSRUS Model of the Magnetosphere for EXO runs

CCMC is offering several grids for BATSRUS runs using 8x8x8-cell blocks:

  • 8.42 million cell grid with 1/16 RE within 6 RE

    Simulation box size:
    -224 RE < x < 32 RE
    |z|, |y| < 128
    The finest resolution for this grid in the near-Earth magnetosphere is 1/16 RE between 1.25 and 6 RE distance from Earth.

You can examine the grids in more detail by viewing the results of a particular run and choosing the "Show simulation grid" option.

If you require a special grid, please specify so in the "Special Request" box at the end of run submission by referring to a previous run using the desired grid or by describing the resolution required for a spatial region. You can also contact the CCMC staff with your request.

Last update: Jan. 28, 2020 by Lutz Rastätter