Maintenance Notice

On Thursday, 03/13/2025, starting at 9 AM to 3 PM Eastern Time, we will be performing scheduled maintenance, which may temporarily impact CCMC services including viewing and download of all ROR runs output as well as online visualization services. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time.

SWMF Submission Page
A scheduled maintenance is currently underway at NAS Pleiades facilities through 01/29/2025. SWMF AWSOM runs are delayed until the maintenance is complete.

Request SWMF AWSoM_R Model Run

Please select your RUN OBJECTIVE below and click "CONTINUE" to select more parameters. Note that at the time the model needs further calibration and default parameter values are not guaranteed to be the best.

**You must agree to the CCMC Data Policy in order to submit a run**

Do you give your consent?



>>Detailed instructions for EEGGL users

EEGGL is a tool which uses observational data to specify input parameters for the Gibson-Low flux rope model so that it may approximately reproduce observed CME events. EEGGL allows the user to specify the CME source region with the use of synoptic magnetogram data, which in turn provides the location and orientation of the GL flux rope. The observed CME speed provided by StereoCAT tool is used to specify the magnetic field strength of the flux rope, while the CME source location tool allows the user to choose the active region from which the CME originates. For historic CME data, please refer to the DONKI tool.

EEGGL thus aids end-users to employ observational data covering the early phase of an eruption to specify the 3D model of the CME originating in the low corona. The model then allows the propagating of the CME to 1 AU where it makes predictions of the resulting solar wind disturbance.

Further EEGGL information

CME Speed and Source Location GL flux rope params