ENLIL 2.8 request submission

Step 1: Generate your request.

Your run results will be published online under your Run Registration Number (FirstName_LastName_MMDDYY_ModelType_RunNumber) e.g. John_Smith_032511_SH_1.

**You must agree to the CCMC Data Policy in order to submit a run**

Do you give your consent?

First Name (Given): (required)

Last Name (Family): (required)

Work or School E-mail: (required)

Run Number: Select a different Run Number if you've already requested any Solar/Heliosphere run today (unless you want to overwrite the run)

Key word: (required)

Define the physical nature of this run


to generate a stationary solar wind solution
to run ENLIL with the cone model

OPTIONAL: Special request instructions
If you require a CUSTOMIZED SIMULATION SETUP not provided by the standard submission options please email your requirements to Michelle Mendoza. Unlike the standard runs that are automatically processed, special requests are reviewed and manually modified by the CCMC staff. Please note that special requests are reviewed and manually modified by the CCMC staff and are executed only if resources are available.