Step 1: Fill in the Form and Generate a Registration Number for each Requested Run.

The Registration Number is composed of your first name (FirstName), your last name (LastName), date (mmddyy),model type (GM - Global Magnetosphere, IT - Ionosphere/Thermosphere, SH -Solar/Heliosphere), and run identification number (RunNumber):
    FirstName_LastName_mmddyy_RunNumber,   e.g., George_Siscoe_060601_IT_1.

At the present time you are allowed to make up to 4 different submissions on the the same date (mmddyy). For each new submission made on the same date you need to choose a new Run Number ("1", "2", "3", or "4"). Multiple submissions made on the same date with the same Run Number will overwrite the previous submission. You can use this feature to resubmit the request on the same date. If you decide to cancel or modify your submission at later date, please contact the CCMC staff:


Please have registration numbers when making inquiries about your requests. You will need your registration number to view the results when the simulations have finished.

**You must agree to the CCMC Data Policy in order to submit a run**

Do you give your consent?

First Name: (required)

Last Name: (required)

Work or School E-mail: (required)

Run Number:
Select a different Run Number if you've already requested any Ionosphere/Thermosphere run today (unless you want to overwrite the run)

Title/Introduction (helps to arrange and sort runs):

Key words:

Ionospheric Model:

Cosgrove Poynting Flux model
    Poynting Flux version 2.0 (issued 2021/12/13)

    Poynting Flux version 1.0 (issued 2014/1/22, as updated on 2014/03/11)

Type of run:

    Event Run (solar wind and geomagnetic index inputs are determined based on the source selection)

    Start date (on or after 199/01/01 00:00): (YYYY/MM/DD)    Start time: (HH:MM)

    End date (on or after 1995/01/01 00:00): (YYYY/MM/DD)    End time: (HH:MM)