NAIRAS Submission Page

Request an NAIRAS Model Run

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Your run results will be published online under your Run Registration Number (FirstName_LastName_MMDDYY_ModelType_RunNumber) e.g. John_Smith_032511_IT_1.

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Global Dosimetric Quantities (selects all three) (?)

Dosimetric quantities (absorbed dose in silicon, absorbed dose in tissue, dose equivalent, ambient dose equivalent, and effective dose) are calculated on a 1 x 1 latitude/longitude grid and at 1-km increments in barometric altitude from 0-90 km.

The output quantities are provided at 1-hour time intervals from the user-input start and end dates. The products provide a global context and situational awareness of the atmospheric radiation environment.

The global atmospheric dosimetric output quantities also enable retrospective analysis and verification and validation of the real-time version of the NAIRAS model.

Sample Outputs:

 Global maps of different types of doses at different altitudes
 Dose quantities along some given flight paths
 Cutoff rigidity maps
Trajectory Dosimetric, Differential and Integral Flux and Fluence Quantities under Different Shielding (requires additional input parameters on the next page) (?)

Dosimetric quantities (absorbed dose in silicon, absorbed dose in tissue, dose equivalent, ambient dose equivalent, and effective dose) are explicitly calculated at the spatial and time coordinates of the user-input flight trajectory file.

These output products enable direct comparisons between model calculations and on-board dosimeter measurements, and the user can specify the effective shielding depths for which the dosimetric quantities are calculated.

The flight trajectory version of the NAIRAS model includes the radiation environment of the inner proton belt. Thus, the user-input trajectory file can be for an aircraft, high-altitude balloon, or LEO spaceflight trajectory.

The flux and fluence output products (differential and integral LET; differential and integral SEP and trapped proton spectra) are useful quantities for characterizing single-event effects (SEE).

The user can specify effective shielding depths for the flux and fluence quantities, separate from the shielding depths for the dosimetric quantities, in order the assess the radiation environment and SEE probabilities of individual onboard microelectronic components.

Sample Outputs:

Dosimetric Quantities

 Dosimetric quantities at each trajectory point
 Time-integrated dosimetric quantities

Integral Flux and Fluence Quantities

 GCR integral LET flux
 GCR integral LET fluence
 SEP integral LET flux
 SEP integral LET fluence
 Trapped integral particle flux
 Trapped integral particle fluence
 SEP integral proton flux
 SEP integral proton fluence
 Trapped integral LET flux
 Trapped integral LET fluence

Differential Flux and Fluence Quantities

 GCR differential LET flux
 GCR differential LET fluence
 SEP differential LET flux
 SEP differential LET fluence
 Trapped differential proton flux
 Trapped differential proton fluence
 SEP differential proton flux
 SEP differential proton fluence
 Trapped differential LET flux
 Trapped differential LET fluence

ONLY if you require a customized simulation setup not provided by the standard submission options. Unlike the standard runs that are automatically processed, special requests are reviewed and manually modified by the CCMC staff. Please note that special requests are reviewed and manually modified by the CCMC staff and are executed only if resources are available.