Please Note: Plasma and magnetic field data are not continuously available. WIND cannot be used as solar wind monitor during the following time intervals listed here. Before using the WIND data for your request, please make sure that your interval is NOT listed in this document!
Select the time interval between 1994/11/18 00:00:00 and 2022/06/05 23:59:59. The interval should not exceed 240 hours.
Project data from WIND position to RE. Do not project data. Please note: for use with BATSRUS and GUMICS models, WIND data have to be projected to 33 Re; for use with OpenGGCM - to 33 Re; for LFM - to 30 Re. Additional time shift seconds. This will generate data in GSM coordinates. Data will be converted to GSE or SM during run submission as needed (SWMF/BATSRUS uses GSM, OpenGGCM and GUMICS use GSE, CMIT/LFM uses SM).
Additional time shift seconds.
This will generate data in GSM coordinates. Data will be converted to GSE or SM during run submission as needed (SWMF/BATSRUS uses GSM, OpenGGCM and GUMICS use GSE, CMIT/LFM uses SM).