Step 1: Generate a Registration Number for each Requested Run and select the Model.
Registration Number
The Registration Number is composed of your first name (GivenName), your last name (FamilyName), date (mmddyy),model type (GM - Global Magnetosphere, IT - Ionosphere/Thermosphere, SH -Solar/Heliosphere), and run identification number (RunNumber):-
e.g., George_Siscoe_060601_IT_1.
At the present time you are allowed to make up to 4 different submissions on the the same date (mmddyy).
For each new submission made on the same date you need to choose a new Run Number ("1", "2", "3", "4", or "5").
Multiple submissions made on the same date with the same Run Number will overwrite the previous submission.
You can use this feature to
resubmit the request on the same date. If you decide to cancel or modify your submission at later date,
please contact the CCMC staff:
SWMF dipole orientation and magnitude run options
In an effort to expand the range of science questions that can be probed with the models hosted at CCMC, we have now expanded the range of available dipole orientations and magnitudes in the University of Michigan’s SWMF model. These new parameter ranges allow studies of for example early Earth’s and other exoplanet targets of interest. We welcome our users to explore these new CCMC capabilities and look forward to receiving your feedback. Proceed to SWMF Exoplanetary run submission
In an effort to expand the range of science questions that can be probed with the models hosted at CCMC, we have now expanded the range of available dipole orientations and magnitudes in the University of Michigan’s SWMF model. These new parameter ranges allow studies of for example early Earth’s and other exoplanet targets of interest. We welcome our users to explore these new CCMC capabilities and look forward to receiving your feedback. Proceed to SWMF Exoplanetary run submission
Please have registration numbers when making inquiries about your requests.
You will need your registration number to view the results when the simulations have finished.