SAMI3 ROR updates
December 2024
As of 12/02/2024, SAMI3 coupled with WACCM-X is available for SAMI3 Runs-On-Request simulation service.
The codes are one-way coupled in that WACCM-X provides the neutral composition, temperature, and winds as inputs to SAMI3. WACCM-X can self-consistently resolve mesoscale and large-scale gravity waves, tides, and planetary waves. With the inputs from WACCM-X, SAMI3 can self-consistently generate equatorial plasma bubbles.
November 2022
As of 11/07/2022, there are three options of neutral atmosphere models for SAMI3 model available on the ROR simulation services: HWM14/MSIS2.1, TIEGCM2.0/WEIMER, and ICON-TIEGCM.
The newly added ‘ICON-TIEGCM’ option allow the SAMI3 model to use TIEGCM runs including the HME boundary specifications derived from NASA ICON MIGHTI winds and temperatures data as input.
Note: the allowed interval of ICON-TIEGCM is based on the availability of ICON level-4 data i.e., 2019/12/22-2021/12/30
September 2022
As of 9/16/2022, there are two options of neutral atmosphere models for SAMI3 model available on the ROR simulation services: HWM14/MSIS2.1 and TIEGCM2.0/WEIMER.
The original SAMI3 uses the neutral compositions and winds from the HWM14/MSISI2.1 models as the default option.
Now SAMI3 can also use the neutral compositions and winds from the TIEGCM model.