Maintenance Notice

On Thursday, 03/13/2025, starting at 9 AM to 3 PM Eastern Time, we will be performing scheduled maintenance, which may temporarily impact CCMC services including viewing and download of all ROR runs output as well as online visualization services. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time.

DGRF/IGRF Geomagnetic Field Model 1945 - 2030 (IGRF-14) and Related Parameters

This page enables the computation of International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) parameter profiles in altitude, (geographic) latitude, longitude, or year. The parameters include the magnetic field strength and vector components, the magnetic inclination and declination angles and the L value.
Note:this model does not include external sources!
* Select Year:
     Year(1945 - 2030):
* Select Coordinates
    Latitude(deg.,from -90. to 90.): Longitude(deg.,from 0. to 360.):
    Height (km, from 0. to 30000.):
* Select a Profile type and it parameters:
          Start Stop Stepsize
*Select output form:
List model data
Create model data file in ASCII format  for downloading

Plot model data 
      Note 1: The first selected parameter below always will be along the X-axis, the other selections will be along Y-axis.
              (e.g. if you want a Height profile, you may specify Height as the first parameter in the listing below.)     
      Note 2: User may get scatter plot if he specifies any two parameters below and changes the "connect type"  
              in the "Advanced plot selections" to "show points only"   
* Select desired output parameters
Independent Variables
Height, km
Geocentric Latitude, deg.
Geocentric Longitude, deg.
IGRF Model Parameters
Dipole Moment, nT
B_total, nT
B_north, Geographical, nT
B_east, Geographical, nT
B_down, nT
Magnetic Inclination, deg
Magnetic Declination, deg.
L_value, Re
Quality flag (=1 L and B0 correct; =2 wrong; =3 approx. used)

Advanced plot selections (optional)
Connect Type: Character size(0.5-2.0)
Plot Symbol: Symbol Size(0.1-4.0):
Image size (pixels):X: Y:

The Instant Run interface for this model has been designed by Dr. Natalia Papitashvili.
CCMC ModelWeb Curator: CCMC Instant Run Team (