Last Updated: 02/13/2025


Version: NLFF-Cartesian-1.0

NLFF is a Non-Linear Force Free coronal magnetic field model. It takes photospheric vector magnetograms as input. The code solves the non-linear force free field equations using an optimization procedure that minimizes a volume integral constructed from the force free equation, the solenoidal condition and a surface integral that forces the solution to stay close to the input magnetogram data. The code design is described in Wiegelmann(2007, Solar Phys., volume 240, page 227), and Tadesse et al.(2015, Solar Phys., volume 290, page 1159).

Versions of the code will be available which work with a limited field of view(FOV) in either Cartesian geometry for the smallest FOVs, or spherical geometry for larger FOV and global simulations.

The code returns the 3D magnetic field on a structured grid.


  • Solar


  • Wiegelmann,T., 2007, Solar Phys., volume 240, page 227.
  • Tadesse,T. et al., 2015, Solar Phys., volume 290, page 1159.
  • Tadesse,T. et al., 2014, Solar Phys., volume 289, page 4031.
  • Tadesse,T. et al., 2014, Solar Phys., volume 289, page 831.
  • Tadesse,T. et al., 2014, Astron.& Astrophys., volume 562, A105.
  • Tadesse,T. et al., 2013, Astrophys.& Space Sci., volume 347, page 21.


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