Version: 1The GEMSOR provides occurrence rates (ORs) of blanketing sporadic-E with intensities of fbEs >= 3 MHz. ORs are estimated from a combination of ionosonde & GNSS radio occultation observations, with a Karhunen–Loéve Expansion (KLE) used to improve temporal resolution.
There are many locations (generally high and low latitudes) and times that did not have sufficient data to generate an estimated occurrence rate with high confidence. These will be indicated by a zero or near zero occurrence rate with a zero or unreported uncertainty.
The model also assumes geomagnetic quiet conditions. These were defined as an AE index < 500nT and a Kp <= 4.
The model uses the 2020 World Magnetic Model to convert user input geographic latitudes into geomagnetic latitudes using the magnetic inclination (dip) as the geomagnetic latitude. User inputs outside the years 2010-2030 are likely to be much less reliable.
The model data is stored in two .mat files. These are read and output based on the user inputs described below.
Outputs the occurrence rate and uncertainty for the given user inputs. Also outputs a plot of the occurrence rates and uncertainties for the 12 hours before and after the requested time for the given user inputs.
- Global Ionosphere
Space Weather Impacts
- Ionosphere variability (navigation, communications)
- Variablility of Plasma Density
Code Languages: Python wrapper for data stored in .mat (MATLAB) file
Relevant Links
- Daniel Emmons, Air Force Institute of Technology (Model Developer)
- Eli Parsch, United States Air Force Academy (Model Developer)
- Jia Yue, NASA/GSFC (CCMC Model Host)
- Yuta Hozumi, NASA/GSFC (CCMC Model Host)
Publication Policy
In addition to any model-specific policy, please refer to the General Publication Policy.