Fok Radiation Belt Electron
Version: 1.0The Fok Radiation Belt Model (RBE) is a bounce-averaged kinetic model of the radiation belt electrons. This model calculates the temporal and spatial variation of the phase space density of radiation belt electrons(e-), in the energy range of 10 - 4000 keV. The model considers particle drift, charge exchange loss, in realistic, time-varying magnetic and electric fields. The simulation region is from the dayside magnetopause to the nightside boundary at 10 earth radii. The model is an initial-boundary-value problem, so initial distribution and boundary distribution as a function of time is required to run the model.

3D Magnetic Fields (from SWMF GM/BATSRUS model) 2D Ionospheric height-integrated Potentials (SWMF IE/Ridley model) Equatorial Plasma Density (SWMF GM/BATSRUS) Equatorial Plasma Temperature (SWMF GM/BATSRUS)
Equatorial e- fluxes as functions of time, energy and pitch angle. Fluxes at off-equator can be obtained by assuming constant flux along a field line.
Model is time-dependent.
- Geospace
- Magnetosphere / Inner Magnetosphere / RadiationBelt
Space Weather Impacts
- Near-earth radiation and plasma environment (aerospace assets functionality)
- Fok, M.-C., R. A. Wolf, R. W. Spiro, and T. E. Moore, Comprehensive computational model of the Earth's ring current, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 8417-8424, 2001.
- Fok, M.-C., and T. E. Moore, Ring current modeling in a realistic magnetic field configuration, Geophys. Res. Lett., 24, 1775-1778, 1997.
- Fok, M.-C., T. E. Moore, and D. C. Delcourt, Modeling of inner plasma sheet and ring current during substorms, J. Geophys. Res., 14557-14569, 1999.
Code Languages: Fortran, IDL (post processing)
- Mei-Ching H Fok, NASA GSFC (Model Developer)
- Lutz Rastaetter, NASA GSFC CCMC (CCMC Model Host)
Publication Policy
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