ENLIL Model Run on Request


Key Word: test to replicate SWPC run swpc_wsaenlil_cme_20170523_1800

Model Type: Heliosphere
Model & Version: ENLIL 2.8
Boundary Condition Type: Time-Independent Single Daily Update Map (du)
Inner Boundary Condition: from_WSA_V2.2_model
Run Objective: cone_model
Observatory: NSO/GONG (Standard QuickReduce Magnetogram Synoptic Map - mrbqs)
Carrington Rotation Start: 2190   Carrington Longitude Start: 066°
Start computation date (rundate_cal): 2017-05-21T18
Coronal observations date (obsdate_cal): 2017-05-23T00
Time unit = 3600. seconds   Relaxation start time relative to rundate (tstart): -312. time units
Simulation stop time (tstop): 168 time units   Full 3D output cadence (tstep): 1 time units
Outer Boundary: 1.7 AU (Mars inclusive; radial span: 1.6 AU, region 2 AU)
Simulation Grid: 512x60x180 (0.1 to 1.7 AU radius; ±60° latitude, 30° to 150° co-latitude; 0° to 360° longitude)
Geometry: Spherical and Uniform   Coordinate System: HEEQ+180°
Resolution: med   Number of Simulation blocks (nblk): 1
Ambient wind conditions setting: a3b2   ratio of specific heats (gamma): 1.6666667   runpar=g53q0
   (vfast=675., vslow=225., vrfast=25., vrslow=25., bfast=300., bscl=1., dfast=200., tfast=0.8, xalpha=0., nbrad=3)
Rotation of the inner boundary: synodic

CME Input File: cme_param.txt   Number of CMEs: 1
Hydrodynamic cloud setting: d4t1x1
   (dcld=4., tcld=1., xcld=1., ncld=2)
   Cavity setting: radcav=0., dcav=1., tcav=4.

View estimate of the ENLIL-produced SW plasma parameters at L1