ENLIL Model Run on Request


Model Type: Heliosphere
Model & Version: ENLIL 2.8
Boundary Condition Type:
Inner Boundary Condition: from_WSA_V2.2_model
Run Objective: ambient_Solar_Wind
Observatory: GONGZ (Standard QuickReduce Zero Point Corrected Magnetogram Synoptic Map - mrzqs)
WSA Version: 5.4
Carrington Rotation Start: null
Start computation date (rundate_cal): 2022-12-23T00
Coronal observations date (obsdate_cal): 2022-12-23T00
Time unit = 3600. seconds   Relaxation start time relative to rundate (tstart): time units
Simulation stop time (tstop): 240 time units   Full 3D output cadence (tstep): 4 time units
Resolution: med   Number of Simulation blocks (nblk): 1
Ambient wind conditions setting r=g53q5
   (vmean=null, bmean=null, bscl=null, dmean=null, tmean=null,
Rotation of the inner boundary: null