Maintenance Notice

On Monday, 09/16/2024, starting at 1 PM to 3 PM Eastern Time, a main CCMC storage system will be unavailable due to maintenance. CCMC services including viewing and download of all ROR runs output as well as online visualization services will be impacted.

ENLIL Model Run on Request


Key Word: 2014-11-15 to 2015-03-19 ambient + nine CMEs in March 2015. 15mar_8L_v10_sd6x2. ENLIL v2.8e. DREAM2.

Model Type: Heliosphere
Model & Version: ENLIL 2.8e
Boundary Condition Type: Time-Dependent Sequence of Daily Update Maps (dt)
Inner Boundary Condition: from_WSA_V2.2_model
Run Objective: cone_model
Observatory: GONGB (Standard QuickReduce Magnetogram Synoptic Map - mrbqs)
Carrington Rotation Start: 2157   Carrington Longitude Start: 313°
Start computation date (rundate_cal): 2014-11-15T00:00:00
Coronal observations date (obsdate_cal): null
Time unit = 3600. seconds   Relaxation start time relative to rundate (tstart): -268. time units
Simulation stop time (tstop): 2976 time units   Full 3D output cadence (tstep): 720 time units
Outer Boundary: 1.7 AU (Mars inclusive; radial span: 1.6 AU, region 2 AU)
Simulation Grid: 256x30x90 (0.1 to 1.7 AU radius; ±60° latitude, 30° to 150° co-latitude; 0° to 360° longitude)
Geometry: Spherical and Uniform   Coordinate System: HEEQ+180°
Resolution: low   Number of Simulation blocks (nblk): 2
Ambient wind conditions setting: a3b1   ratio of specific heats (gamma): 1.6666667   runpar=g53q5
   (vfast=700., vslow=200., vrfast=0., vrslow=75., bfast=350., bscl=4., dfast=125., tfast=1.5, xalpha=0.05, nbrad=1)
Rotation of the inner boundary: synodic

CME Input File: cmes-2015-mar_v10.dat   Number of CMEs: 9
Hydrodynamic cloud setting: sa1
   (dcld=4,4,4,4,6,4,4,4,4, tcld=1., xcld=1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1, ncld=2)
   Cavity setting: radcav=0., dcav=1., tcav=4.
