Runs on Request


Key Word: EEGGL-SWMF-2011-0913
Model Type: Solar/Heliosphere
Model: SWMF

Version: AWSoM_R 1.0

CME Eruption Time (at the solar surface)
Start Year: 2011
Start Mon: 09
Start Day: 13
Start Hour: 22
Start Min: 20

Poynting ratio: 1.0e6
Coronal Heating: 1.5e5

GL Flux Rope Parameters
Longitude: 125
Latitude: 24
FR_orientation: 4.43
FR_radius: 0.41
FR_bstrength: -1.25

Cone opening angle:
Longitude: 16.23
Latitude: 8.11

CME speed: 579
CME traveling time in corona: 36269

Smoothing factor: 5

ASCII files with timelines (plasma parameters) at planets/satellintes: