ENLIL Model Run on Request


Title/Introduction: magnetospheric compression event of 29 June 2009

Key Word: density enhancement

Model Type: Heliosphere
Model: ENLIL
Run Objective: stationary_Solar_Wind
Initial State: analytic_prescription
Boundary Condition Type: Time-Independent
Inner Boundary Condition: from_MAS_model input
Outer Boundary: Mars
Simulation Grid: 1024x120x360
Carrington Rotation: 2058

  • View 3D Data
  • View control file with input parameters for the run.
  • View quick look graphics for the run
    Note: Quick look graphics has been designed by the model developer to enable quick evaluation of the results of the run. To find more information regarding this option please contact the CCMC staff.
ENLIL at Earth
ENLIL at Mars
ENLIL at Mercury
ENLIL at Messenger
ENLIL at Stereo_A
ENLIL at Stereo_B
ENLIL at Ulysses
ENLIL at Venus