Maintenance Notice

On Thursday, 03/13/2025, starting at 9 AM to 3 PM Eastern Time, we will be performing scheduled maintenance, which may temporarily impact CCMC services including viewing and download of all ROR runs output as well as online visualization services. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time.

Runs on Request


Key Word: test
Model Type: Solar/Heliosphere
Model: SWMF

Version: AWSoM_R 1.0

CME Eruption Time (at the solar surface)
Start Year: 2012
Start Mon: 07
Start Day: 13
Start Hour: 04
Start Min: 55

Poynting ratio: 1.0e6
Coronal Heating: 1.5e5

GL Flux Rope Parameters
Longitude: 82
Latitude: -16
FR_orientation: 152.2
FR_radius: 0.53
FR_bstrength: 2.24

Cone opening angle:
Longitude: 21.14
Latitude: 10.57

CME speed: 496
CME traveling time in corona: 42339

Smoothing factor: 5

Synthetic coronagraph images (individual frames):